Metabolism Reset - Eating at TDEE Support Thread



  • Marge321
    Marge321 Posts: 131 Member
    Hi here...Joined EMWL philosophy in May...thought I didn't need the reset..and as for today I have no loss, even a 4 pounds gain. Today I have come to the idea reset is what I may need so I'm going to give it a serious try.

    Started crossfit not long ago, I really like it and I feel I can get stronger with it. With my numbers on Scooby, I've come up to a 2500 calories a day. This is like 500 calories more than what I already eat and I find it hard most of the day. Anyway, I just hope this will work.

    Here's my number on November 7:

    SW: 204 pounds
    GW: 190 pounds (and more, let's just start with this)

    I'm gonna get some mesures tomorrow and post them
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    why am i so excited to go on my week long reset?

    i have been losing weight steadily since i joined EMTWL but now i have finally reached a plateau. Gonna try and eat 2400 calories for a week and see what that does.
  • Marge321
    Marge321 Posts: 131 Member
    Almost 3rd week on reset, 1 pound up for a 500 calories add each day. Find it pretty cool.

    Can't wait for cut though !
  • Okay so I started reading about this EM2WL only 2 days ago... the first day I ate 1600 and yesterday I ate 1700... but the more I read, the more I seem to think I should just START with the metabolism reset! Nervous though!

    5'8 24yo female, 156lbs

    BMR = 1533

    I am between light and moderate activity --> which should I put!!!? I'm in school so some weeks I get to workout more than others.
    Light TDEE --> 2108
    Moderate --> 2377

    What if I set my TDEE too high or low? What are your suggestions?! This is very new to me and anything will be helpful! I plan on doing it 4-6 weeks, then start my 15% cut

  • beautifulswan1
    beautifulswan1 Posts: 58 Member
    Good morning. I thought I was bulking, but realized that I am actually doing a metabolism reset. Just started December 1st. TDEE is 2040. I upped my calories to 2040. I plan on doing the reset until I feel it is time to cut. I have lost about 125-130 lbs over the last 2 years and am wanting to lose another 35 lbs. But most importantly, I want to lose fat and gain muscle and be healthier overall. My question is, how should I be working out during the reset. Should I be mostly lifting with little cardio or balance the cardio and lifting. I'm not a big fan of cardio, but will do it when necessary. I lift heavy and have been increasing my weights. I just want to make sure that I am doing this correctly so that get the maximum benefits. Thanks for your help
  • Hi I'm new to MFP and really need the support when resetting my metabolism. I'm an 18 year old female, 4' 10" (yes, I am very short), Asian, sedentary and weigh 90lbs/41kg. I have been on my weight loss journey since last June when I was at my heaviest at 70kg.

    I am finally ready to stop losing and changing to maintenance. The only problem is, I have constantly been told to eat less to lose weight. I didn't know anything about BMR or TDEE while on my weightless journey and just drastically cut my calories to lose weight. It was so easy for me. I never got hungry anymore so I thought my body was completely fine and I continued to lose more and more weight.

    Over the last 3 months I have been eating only 700-800 calories. I lost weight so quickly and everyone complimented me on my weight loss. But then i started noticing things in myself like fatigue, loss of concentration, constantly feeling cold, purple nails and hair loss! So even though i looked skinny, i felt so unhealthy. That's when I knew that I had to make some changes.

    After researching articles and MFP forums I know now that living off of 700 calories a day is terribly unhealthy and I really want to get to a healthy maintenance diet without losing or gaining any weight. I would like to remain around 41-44kg.

    I have no idea what to do... Do I have to eat my BMR calories (1234.5 calories) or my TDEE (1475 calories)? I'm so confused...

    I increased my calories by only 200 everyday for the past week because I want to increase to my BMR calories slowly. So I've been eating around 900-1000 calories a day. I plan to increase it slowly by 100-200 calories a week until I reach a daily net calorie intake of about 1300.

    I would like to get some feedback, tips or support from anyone who has experience with this issue. I would also like to know if there is any dramatic weight gain during the reset process. For someone who has been losing weight for more than a year, it's so hard to grasp the concept of weight gain even though I know it's better for me in the long run.

    Please help!
  • amanda_gent
    amanda_gent Posts: 174 Member
    Hi Alana :)

    I had an eating disorder when I was your age and I remember how easy it was to lose weight by slashing calories. I am so glad you realize this is terribly unhealthy and that you cannot sustain it.

    I would recommend that you continue your very slow increase all the way up to your true new TDEE (weight you want to stabilize at). You MUST eat up to your BMR calories every day. There may be some rebound weight gain but that is completely normal. It sounds like you've done your due diligence and know this, though.

    A good weight-lifting plan will help if you're not already doing some exercise, if only to ease your mind that the calories are being put to good use, building LBM.
  • Thank you so much; I really needed to hear this. :smile:
  • .
  • greenmeena
    greenmeena Posts: 118 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I am fairly new to MFP (about a month) and I want to say how grateful I am to you all for this information, this group. Especially you Kiki, for your videos and the time you've taken to educate people.
    After doing a lot of reading, listening, trolling people's experiences on the boards, I decided to go for a reset and begin to eat like a "normal person".
    I used to eat normally, and wasn't even truly overweight- I've here and there carried 10 to 20 extra pounds, that's all. However, 2 years ago I had a really bad breakup and was grieving so hard that I stopped eating very well. When I came out of the grief I was delighted to see I'd lost weight so I figured eating really little was the answer. Naturally, when I wasn't grieving anymore, I started to eat normally again, and bam! I put on 15 lbs easy! Maybe even 20! I thought, well, oh well- maybe it's because I'm nearly 40, I can't eat like a normal person anymore. So I didn't.
    Then when I joined MFP, it told me to eat 1200 cals per day; I thought, well, see? That's my problem! I've always eaten too much! But I wasn't losing weight, despite 5 miles of running per day and weight lifting machines.
    That's when I found the Road Map (Helloitsdan) and that led me to you.

    I have to say- MFP needs to fix it's site so that it has a real BMR calculator built in. I'm really worried that it tells *everyone* to eat 1200, which is below BMR for many; I'm 5'4" and my BMR is 1350! I'm not a big person either! I hope they aren't destroying people's metabolisms with this terrible advice!

    Anyway after the roadmap I wasn't totally sure where to eat but was gradually edging my cals up, which it turns out is what you advise anyway. I'm not all the way to TDEE, but getting there- in another week or so I'll be there. I didn't want to do it at once, it's hard enough eating 1800! I'm scrambling for what to eat by the end of the day, it's crazy!

    Thanks again. I'm happy to know I don't have to be an anorectic little birdie for the rest of my life just to fit into my jeans. I hated the thought of never eating a real meal again.


  • greenmeena
    greenmeena Posts: 118 Member
    Oh- and I am meeting with a personal trainer at my gym tonight to learn how to safely pick up heavy things and put them down again!!! So excited!
  • amanda_gent
    amanda_gent Posts: 174 Member
    Welcome Greenmeena and glad you found the group! Picking up heavy things is really fun; sometimes the putting them down part is even more fun. :)
  • Welcome Greenmeena and glad you found the group! Picking up heavy things is really fun; sometimes the putting them down part is even more fun. :)

    ^^^like that! Especially after the 3rd set and the last repetition. :laugh:
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Welcome Greenmeena and glad you found the group! Picking up heavy things is really fun; sometimes the putting them down part is even more fun. :)

    ^^^like that! Especially after the 3rd set and the last repetition. :laugh:

    You made it to the last rep! Good job.

    That's like the keys are always in the last place you look.

    Because who keeps looking!
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    Ok, I'm in:

    TDEE: 2308
    BMR: 1489
    Weight at beginning of reset: 159
    Goal reset length: 8 weeks

    Was going to start on Monday, but why wait, and why miss out on eating this weekend???

    Actually am going to hit my TDEE today if I eat my dinner and evening snack like I've logged. Two questions:

    1) Do I need to net my TDEE, or just make sure I eat at TDEE?
    2) Do I need to burn a certain amount of calories each day? One comment I read on this thread referred to burning off TDEE.

    Please friend me! This is a completely new way of thinking for me, but I'd love to maintain at 2300 rather than 1400. I've been on the 1200 for a year, then bumped to 1400 and then 1600 and can't get off a 9-month plateau, despite exercising 6-8 hours/week. So I think I'm broken and am going to jump into this. I am going to do measurements tonight but am going to put away my scale for a few weeks.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Ok, I'm in:

    TDEE: 2308
    BMR: 1489
    Weight at beginning of reset: 159
    Goal reset length: 8 weeks

    Was going to start on Monday, but why wait, and why miss out on eating this weekend???

    Actually am going to hit my TDEE today if I eat my dinner and evening snack like I've logged. Two questions:

    1) Do I need to net my TDEE, or just make sure I eat at TDEE?
    2) Do I need to burn a certain amount of calories each day? One comment I read on this thread referred to burning off TDEE.

    Please friend me! This is a completely new way of thinking for me, but I'd love to maintain at 2300 rather than 1400. I've been on the 1200 for a year, then bumped to 1400 and then 1600 and can't get off a 9-month plateau, despite exercising 6-8 hours/week. So I think I'm broken and am going to jump into this. I am going to do measurements tonight but am going to put away my scale for a few weeks.

    You better get down some measurements stats besides weight, good job.

    Because with all that exercise, you are just begging your body to make improvements - but you haven't been feeding it enough to do so.
    So get ready, because body improvements rarely have lost weight as part of what you'll see.

    1 - Think again about what TDEE means, might have misunderstood something, and you have to understand this clearly to be convinced. Exercise is already there, or at least the weekly routine on daily avg, is already there. So exercise is already counted and included.
    2 - You misread that.

    You do whatever routine you are going to keep doing after your reset. That way you are trying to figure out what is your TDEE with the routine you will keep doing.
    Then you take your deficit.

    If you figure out what your TDEE is with no exercise or totally different, then you didn't help yourself nearly as much to know what you take a deficit from, because the TDEE changes.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I am considering doing a reset from now until 1/1/13 when I start the Les Mills Combat training workout system in a group that I attend. According to calculations, even though I've recently upped my calories, I'm still at a TDEE -15%. Coming from a place of eating 1,500 cals a day and now eating 2,150 cals a day, I feel kind of iffy and getting scared that I'm not going to lose any more weight. Initially, I was up about 7 lbs. after raising my cals to the current level of 2,150. I have since dropped 4 lbs. of that increased scale weight. However, on a full TDEE reset, I would be 2,518 cals a day. That scares the living bejeezus out of me.

    So, I guess instead of being scared, I'll ask questions.

    A). If I was to do a TDEE reset, can I just do a short one versus 8 weeks?

    B). Once I start my new training dvd series, should I keep the reset going or do a cut while working out more intensely?

    C). When does this feeling of 'oh my god im going to be fat forever' go away?

    Please feel free to friend me for support and PM me to discuss!!!
  • Marge321
    Marge321 Posts: 131 Member
    I have to say...I can't wait for my cut........6th week this week, I'm up for some losing now !
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    Talk to me about your Week 6 experience.

    The first quarter of every year is very busy and stressful in my job, and I handle the stress by working out. This year is no different, but beginning the end of last week I'm not emotionally/mentally handling it. My family would tell you I'm losing it. This morning, I realized that I started not dealing on Thursday last week, which was the beginning of Week 6 of my metabolism reset. It seems like I've read that Week 6 is difficult for many people.

    I know I'm probably reaching here, but if some of this is due simply to Week 6 it would help me handle it better. Thoughts?
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    Hey there,

    I am new to this Eat More stuff Lol and get so frustrated with the scale going up and down. So it takes 6-8 wks of eating more calories to see any results ?

    Here's my numbers below according to scooby website
    BMR = 1723
    TDEE = 2671
    Cal to eat = 2136

    Any tips would be appreciated, thanks