What did you cut down on that helped you the most?



  • josephinabonetto
    josephinabonetto Posts: 253 Member
    Portion sizes - I weigh my food. It's the only way I can do it.
  • vallemic
    vallemic Posts: 278 Member
    Fast food restaurants.
  • cutting out white flour / most potatoes / sugar.
    I do have small!! portions of wholewheat pasta / wholegrain rice / stoneground seeded bread, but never more than 1 serving max and not more than a couple of times a day.

    It never fails to amaze me how much these changes affect my weight AND my mood too :noway:
  • Lilou18
    Lilou18 Posts: 5 Member
    Carbs and monster portions.
  • VMarkV
    VMarkV Posts: 522 Member
    Cardio...I was simply doing too much and it was over stimulating my appetite. I only do about half as much as I have done in the past
  • photocolorful
    photocolorful Posts: 19 Member
    For me it was the Blood Type Diet. I am a type O so I had to cut out wheat, dairy and sugar (there is a full list of foods on this website).. I use almond milk and am allowed butter. I tried for months to lose weight counting calories, but this is what made the difference for me. :) Wheat bloated me terribly. I can still have mozzarella and feta cheese. So I don't feel like I have cut a lot. I made a rice bread and you are allowed Essence bread or Ezekiel bread, but I don't really miss bread that much. Here is the website if anyone wants any info. My friend inspired me to try it. She has lost 20 pounds and her hubby over 30. I feel alot better physically! http://www.dadamo.com/
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    Calories and confusion! Almost every day there is some food advice in the media, I finally realized that losing weight and getting fit really comes down to math. But specifically, have really cut back on cheese, breads and crackers, and frequently weigh meats.
  • adrijordan
    adrijordan Posts: 27 Member
    fast food
    eating late at night then going to bed
    I now eat more than twice a day (believe it or not)
  • brandyanne0204
    brandyanne0204 Posts: 45 Member
    I have cut back on drinking sodas and a lot of bread. At one time I was drinking sodas like water I now maybe drink 1 or 2 sodas during the week which is a big difference from what I was doing. I drink my water and I have Crystal Light packets that I add to my water. As for the bread, I was eating so much one time that I felt like I was short of breath all the time. I only eat bread occasionally like when I want a sandwich, burger, or hot dog.
  • brandyanne0204
    brandyanne0204 Posts: 45 Member
    For me it was the Blood Type Diet. I am a type O so I had to cut out wheat, dairy and sugar (there is a full list of foods on this website).. I use almond milk and am allowed butter. I tried for months to lose weight counting calories, but this is what made the difference for me. :) Wheat bloated me terribly. I can still have mozzarella and feta cheese. So I don't feel like I have cut a lot. I made a rice bread and you are allowed Essence bread or Ezekiel bread, but I don't really miss bread that much. Here is the website if anyone wants any info. My friend inspired me to try it. She has lost 20 pounds and her hubby over 30. I feel alot better physically! http://www.dadamo.com/

    I read about this diet and I am still a little unsure about it. I just want to know how your blood type determine your diet?
  • skinnyl0l
    skinnyl0l Posts: 63
    fast food, soda, pasta, light chocolate, dairy products
  • Definitely sugar and fizzy drinks. I've stopped craving sugary things now I've stopped eating them.
  • T1Life
    T1Life Posts: 15
    I've cut down on the amount of take outs I get and reduced my carb in take
  • moe0303
    moe0303 Posts: 934 Member
    Was at a plateau even though I was staying under my calorie goal. I cut carbs and that sling shot my weightloss into anther dimension.
  • scottywor
    scottywor Posts: 140 Member
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    Gluten for me!! I realised how ill I felt on weeks when I ate a lot of bread so I swapped to free from breads! I do still eat some normal bread so I haven't totally cut it out but I have really cut down and I feel so much better!!
  • Moana41
    Moana41 Posts: 35
    Bread, potatoes and pasta! Feel better for it too.
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 201 Member
    All Gluten and wheat
    I got diagnosed intolerant and stopped all wheat and gluten, wow what a difference I stopped having tummy pains and actually had energy to burn :bigsmile:
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    white bread and cheese - only have a little bit of cheese these days
  • ball858
    ball858 Posts: 395 Member
    I gave up: Crisps, fizzy drinks, take aways and most of all Alcohol

    I could easily have drank a bottle of wine or a few beers a night, its amazing how the calories all add up

    Oh and found out I had celiacs last Nov so have started eating gluten / wheat free bread / pasta