Strength training but unable to do standard push up?



  • rheelizabeth
    rheelizabeth Posts: 160 Member
    Are you doing it like this? With your bum sort of tucked in rather than a 90 degree angle of your bum and thighs?

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Another alternative is to do standard but angle your body (i.e. hands on the counter, then hands on a bench/chair, then hands on a step) to practice the "plank" form but gradually increasing the body weight your arms support.
    This is what was recommended to me. Keep those legs straight and change the angle of you body 45 degrees 30 degrees, so on. You want your weight on your arms NOT your legs. Keep getting lower to the ground. Once you're on the ground, increase how many you can do. I started on the floor so now I moving my feet up into a decline position.
  • WandaWoman41
    WandaWoman41 Posts: 153 Member
    I'm no expert but it looks like everyone is on point: the core is a good focal point.Start with planks. I started with girlie push ups until the instructor said "everyone in my class does full body push ups." It could be mind over matter or you are putting in so much strength training that you have no energy left for full body push ups. Good luck.
  • litnerd4life
    litnerd4life Posts: 19 Member
    This was me also. I would just do them anyways, even if I only went one inch down. I did probably about 10 every day, and eventually you see you can start going further down. Also, I have found that if you spread your legs out farther instead of having your feet right next to each other, it is a little easier. And I agree with the core comments! If you are engaging your core, then your booty will be ever so slightly up when you do them. Many people tend to drop their hips when doing push ups, which makes them super hard. Engage that core fully, and it will be loads easier.....From my experience at least ;)
  • Try To Do Them On A Bar It Seems Really Helpfull To Me I Could Bearly Do 2 On The Floor