Guys that are in the weight room getting your workout in...



  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    They always bother me.

    hitting on me and picking on me and telling me how I should do things when I'm not asking for help.

    maybe it is just my gym, but most of the guys in there are very pretentious and think they know it all
  • BigDaddyRonnie
    BigDaddyRonnie Posts: 506 Member
    At times I have actually wondered the opposite - are we (guys) intimidating to her? None of us guys want to scare anyone away.

    The reverse question lifters have sometimes - "Wow, she/he is using very bad form. Would she/he be upset from someone trying to correct which would help prevent injury, and boost muscle response?" Unfortunately, I choose not to help because of not wanting to make the wrong impression.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    No more annoying than any other chump using the equipment I want. :tongue: What you're putting on it and whether not you have a love-tunnel are irrelevant factors.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Guys don't intimidate me. When I first learned the right way to lift it was with guys and I rather workout with them then girls. No offense. :) Don't worry about them; don't be afraid of the weight room. Only a true douche bag will raise a fit or look down on a girl being in there. I get in, get my crap done and get out. Most of the time they're in my way! :)
  • GeneveSparkles
    GeneveSparkles Posts: 283 Member
    I'm always the only gal in the free weights section. I work out at a very small military gym so all the men are generally pretty respectful toward me and each other. I've never had a problem and I find it pretty motivational to be around them too. I feel like they keep me from slacking off and I push myslef just a little harder. I even had one dude show me a new exercise that burned my tris like no other!! But I love when I see my ladies in there too giving it all, it's a very rare occasion when that happens though but I always smile at them :)
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    At times I have actually wondered the opposite - are we (guys) intimidating to her? None of us guys want to scare anyone away.

    The reverse question lifters have sometimes - "Wow, she/he is using very bad form. Would she/he be upset from someone trying to correct which would help prevent injury, and boost muscle response?" Unfortunately, I choose not to help because of not wanting to make the wrong impression.

    Do know that there are some of us that would appreciate the input. Don't be afraid. :)
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    Not at all, Girls are more than welcome in the weight room. I'm learned a lot form some of the girls I've met in the weight room. things like proper lifting technique instead of just throwing as much up as you can. and girls that lift are defiantly in a class of their own :)

    I am the type of guy that will talk to and lift with the girls in the weight room. and in a non creepy not looking for a relationship way, for the most part it's appreciated. when it's not I back off and wish them luck, in a nice way
  • susieq101178
    susieq101178 Posts: 305 Member
    At times I have actually wondered the opposite - are we (guys) intimidating to her? None of us guys want to scare anyone away.

    The reverse question lifters have sometimes - "Wow, she/he is using very bad form. Would she/he be upset from someone trying to correct which would help prevent injury, and boost muscle response?" Unfortunately, I choose not to help because of not wanting to make the wrong impression.

    Do know that there are some of us that would appreciate the input. Don't be afraid. :)

  • nikkiprickett
    nikkiprickett Posts: 412 Member
    I'm glad you posted this! I have been doing the new rules of lifting workout plan and I go into the "ladies only" room and it's tiny and has barely anything in there, I usually don't care what people think or if they're watching but something like this is a little different for me. I'm not so much worried about being a burden because I pay the same that they do and deserve to use anything I want, I'm more worried about looking like an idiot because I'm just starting to lift and I don't want to look stupid...I know that i don't usually pay attention to anyone else but it's weird when there are never any other women in there and it's weird...just don't want to be judged I guess.
  • nikkiprickett
    nikkiprickett Posts: 412 Member

    Guys... When you see a girl that can't lift very well in the weight room trying to lift, are we a bother to you?



    Ahahahahahahah!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I. CANT. LOOK. AWAY. lol
  • Audddua
    Audddua Posts: 176 Member
    I prefer using the weight room when I'm doing sets with my husband. I don't lift that heavy but I do need a spotter. I feel uncomfortable when I lift by myself. One reason is that I rest between sets. Maybe 30 seconds to a minute. I feel that when the guys see me resting, they assume that I'm dilly dallying around and taking up the machine space. Some even come up and ask how many more sets I have left and they keep eyeing the machine. It's like telling me to hurry up. When I'm lifting with my husband, we're able to rest between sets while the other lifts. No one comes up to us and ask how many more sets we have.
    Why don't you offer to rotate in? On my currently lifting plan I'm supposed to rest 60 seconds after each set so I do a lot of awkward standing around (which I kind of hate). There is always someone waiting to use the lat-pulldown machine so I just ask if I can rotate in. I was scared to death the first time and now I'm a pro. Every single guy has been more than happy to oblige. The biggest meanest looking guys are surprisingly kind and accommodating.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I am a confident female that has been using the weights room for about 4 months now. When I first started I was aware of guys staring at me working out and it made me very self conscious and a bit snappy. I have stuck with it, become more confident with the equipment, and am now a fixture in the weights room.

    You have the right to use the equipment, and how you work out is your business. If anyone tries to bully you off of the equipment you are using, stand up for yourself and complain to a member of staff if necessary. You will probably find that most guys are friendly, and once they are used to you and you to them, all this anxiety will just fade away. I think all women go through something like this when they start out in the weights room, so just stick with it.
  • dane11235813
    dane11235813 Posts: 682 Member
    I always feel like I am a bother to them in the weight room... :ohwell:
    I can't lift much because I have shoulder problems that limit me from lifting heavy, but I try to go in there and lift some to strenghten my arms... There are always so many guys in there and I feel like a burden because puney little me is over here lifting just the bar to tone up while these guys are racking the weights on to lift.
    (Also I know they are probably laughing because I am just lifiting the bar, but I prefer not to hurt myself)

    Guys... When you see a girl that can't lift very well in the weight room trying to lift, are we a bother to you?

    honestly i have never thought once to laugh at a woman in the weight room. i think most guys appreciate seeing a women or two in that part of the gym.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I always feel like I am a bother to them in the weight room... :ohwell:
    I can't lift much because I have shoulder problems that limit me from lifting heavy, but I try to go in there and lift some to strenghten my arms... There are always so many guys in there and I feel like a burden because puney little me is over here lifting just the bar to tone up while these guys are racking the weights on to lift.
    (Also I know they are probably laughing because I am just lifiting the bar, but I prefer not to hurt myself)

    Guys... When you see a girl that can't lift very well in the weight room trying to lift, are we a bother to you?

    honestly i have never thought once to laugh at a woman in the weight room. i think most guys appreciate seeing a women or two in that part of the gym.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Guys at my gym don't seem to care that I am in there... and if they did, well then they can go **** themselves.

    Although today some dude was cracking me up because in between his sets in the smith machine he'd jump around, clap his hands and scream YEA.. all I could do was sit there and laugh in between my sets.. Some people are real goofs when others are around :)
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    I think the only bother with me is that I am hogging up the 45's....roar!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    If anyone minds that I'm 'just lifting the bar" they can go *kitten* themselves. True story.

    I recommend this attitude.

    I totally agree with this attitude. You should walk in there like you own the place and lift what you can lift. Everyone is in a different place with their fitness and it shouldn't matter what other people think - men or women.

    Whoa...Wait a minute...I actually do my best to ignore this...but I think anyone who walks in the gym like the own the place is a dbag...Men or Women...Chest popped out as if they can lift the gym...maybe there is a such thing is too cocky...i dunno

    I may have misread you guys post..or misinterpret

    Misread or not, I agree - there can be such a thing as too cocky. But, being confident and getting in there with the attitude that you know exactly what you are doing is EXTREMELY liberating. I think this kicked in for me when I bought lifting gloves. Hee hee. I told my husband they make me look like more of a bada$$. :laugh: have to be confident and focus to lift weights...otherwise you never progress...I use to lift with a buddy back when I was in the Air Force...and he was always too scared to add more weight..even faked shoulder injuries so I wouldnt push him....

    But on that over cocky's ridiculous in Gold's gym....and it's worse from guys who can barely lift the bar...

    Yeah, I wasn't talking about being cocky or arrogant. I was talking about having confidence and not being intimidated by the guys in the weight room.
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    I'm glad to see there are others that are doing just the bar besides me. Gotta start somewhere!

    It's good to see that so many fellas don't mind. Sometimes I feel out of place too when others are lifting heavy but I do my best to stay out of their way. One day I'll be doing pull ups just like they are :)
  • joebiebrich
    joebiebrich Posts: 10 Member
    If anyone minds that I'm 'just lifting the bar" they can go *kitten* themselves. True story.

    I recommend this attitude.

    Agreed. You're in the gym to get stronger. Anyone who minds is most likely one of the guys lifting way too much weight with a horrible range of motion and crappy form. Oh, but look how many plates are on the bar!
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    Doesn't matter what people think, and as long as you use the equipment for its intended purpose as well as put stuff back you're no bother at all. And like a few have said, it would be fun to see more women lifting weights - there's only one more woman I see there whose not a trainer when I lift.

    As far as lifting the bar goes, it depends on the type of bar used. My gym has Olympic bars which weigh around 45lbs so when I'm adding on 20lbs when benching to make it 85lbs, I sometimes find myself wanting to lift heavier but try to get that off my mind as quickly as possible and just get on with my workout