Guys that are in the weight room getting your workout in...



  • shelbynicole32
    shelbynicole32 Posts: 179 Member
    I'm glad to see there are others that are doing just the bar besides me. Gotta start somewhere!

    It's good to see that so many fellas don't mind. Sometimes I feel out of place too when others are lifting heavy but I do my best to stay out of their way. One day I'll be doing pull ups just like they are :)

    Exactly how I feel. I just have to make myself get in there and do it I guess. The other problem is the room is so small so when 7 people are in it it feels tiny so it seems like everyone is watching stalkerishly for you to get off so they can jump on :embarassed:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    My trainer showed me the squat racks and told me to do push ups and rows using the bar on the rack. That's how I use it. And I'm one of those women who feel a little intimidated in the free weight area, trying not to be a bother.

    Uh oh! I hope you don't share a gym with any of the posters from the "What Annoys You At The Gym" topic, because anybody using the squat rack for anything other than Her Majesty's True Squats really seemed to bug them over there. But don't worry about them, because as soon as you're done doing pushups and rows in the rack I'm going to do my deadlifts and then I'm going to do heavy curls. I dare them to say anything to either one of us! :tongue:
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I started with the bar too, everyone in the weight room (all guys) has been fine around me, never said anything about me being in their way :smile: Just get on with your stuff, don't worry about anyone else and what they think. I'm sure most don't even notice, and if they do, it's because it's a girl in the weight room (not something you see very often I must admit!)

    More and more of those guys now talk to me regularly, I get them to spot me etc, and I'm just as much a part of the gym as they are. I pay to be there, so do they. We all have our place there. I'm sure they do wait to use stuff while your on it, but don't let that stop you doing what your doing! If you take long breaks between sets, let them jump in in between your sets, if you take short breaks, they can wait.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Absolutely not! For starters, don't worry about anyone else in there and make sure you are doing the best you can do, no matter how heavy or light the weights are. The only person you need to impress is yourself.

    Also, other people, ESPECIALLY the stronger guys at the gym, are happy to HELP you. Even if you are using just the bar, if you feel like it's heavy, ask anybody around you for a a spot. I've been working out almost 20 years now and only once in my life have I had a person say no, and he was worried his bad back wouldn't let him safely handle the heavy weight I was trying to bench. That's a valid excuse in my book.

    And nobody in the gym gets to look down on what someone else is lifting. A guy lifting 135 can't look down on you with the bar because there is a guy lifting 225 that is waiting for his bench. And when the 225 guy is lifting, a guy is waiting to bench 315. And so on. There's always someone stronger. But we're not in competition, we're all just trying to get better.

    Last thing. I'm one of the stronger guys in the gym now, but it wasn't always the case. True story, I quit a gym when I first started working out because I couldn't put more than 25 pounds on the bar to bench, and even then I would get stuck with the weight on my chest, and I was embarrassed to ask the big guys to help me out. DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU. I returned to the gym almost a year later, and asked for help. I was amazed that even the biggest, hulk-like steroid freak would gladly drop everything to spot me on the other side of the gym. Not only did they not laugh in my face, they were happy to do it and said motivating things during and after the set.

    Sorry for the long response. I just feel really strongly about this. GET YO WORKOUT ON.

    I hate when people just post "^this"...(or if you're a little more old school, "ditto")...but... ^THIS...absolutely ^THIS.

    Well-said and very insightful.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    My trainer showed me the squat racks and told me to do push ups and rows using the bar on the rack. That's how I use it. And I'm one of those women who feel a little intimidated in the free weight area, trying not to be a bother.

    Uh oh! I hope you don't share a gym with any of the posters from the "What Annoys You At The Gym" topic, because anybody using the squat rack for anything other than Her Majesty's True Squats really seemed to bug them over there. But don't worry about them, because as soon as you're done doing pushups and rows in the rack I'm going to do my deadlifts and then I'm going to do heavy curls. I dare them to say anything to either one of us! :tongue:

    Whoa. Hey now...wait just a minute.

    All that good stuff I just said about you? I take it all back.

    *mumble* *curlinginthesquatrack* *thenerveofsomepeople* *mumble*
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    No one bothers me as long as they are reasonably quiet, and they use the station properly. (IE: If you are in the squat rack, you should be squatting.)

    My trainer showed me the squat racks and told me to do push ups and rows using the bar on the rack. That's how I use it. And I'm one of those women who feel a little intimidated in the free weight area, trying not to be a bother.

    Oh, I use it for let-me-ups and such too, if there aren't any adjustable stands nearby. It can also be used to spot you in a bench press, or to help you get a shoulder press situated right.