How to not have to poop while running



  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Believe it or not - I found this to be a common issue with relatively new runners. My questions to you are:

    1. Are you regular? You should be going around the same time everyday.
    2. Do you live a sedentary lifestyle or job that requires sitting most of the day? Walking and running activate muscles in your body that help move waste along and out.
    3. How much water are you drinking? Being hydrated also helps move waste along and out. Your urine should be clear/mostly clear a majority of the time you go.
    4. What are you eating daily? Take a close look at your food intake to see if there is anything that is causing this to occur.

    If you are still experiening the need to go while running, try a laxative one or two days before the 5k to ensure your system is empty/mostly empty. You may want to try this several times before the 5k so you know how your body will react. For instance, the laxative may only last an entire day or a day and half. This depends on how much you take and time of day of course. Either way, if your system is empty you won't be able to go even if you get the sensation to go.

    In the event your do go on yourself while running the 5k, hold your head high and act like you meant to do it cause you were kicking *kitten* running the 5k and didn't have time to stop. You can clean up after you accomplish the goal of completing the 5k. It sure won't be the first time, and sure *kitten* hell won't be the last.

    Best wishes and keep truckin'!

    Yes, I usually go in the evenings.

    I do sit all day at work, but when I am done with work, I am at the gym or outside.

    I drink a lot of water, but before I run I don't because I didn't want to have to pee.

    Some days I eat a lot of junk. The week before the run, I will eat much better if that will help!

    I like your suggestions! But I really don't want to poop my pants!
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    If its only a 5k and happens after 2 miles..... just go theres only 1.1 to go... maybe you can shave some time off from less weight..

    I saw this at a half marathon I volunteered at- initially thought the lady had fallen until I noticed 1) where the "muddy" area was and 2) she skipped the beverages, medals, etc and went STRAIGHT to the potties. Felt bad for her, but even worse for those behind her!
  • sbernardy
    sbernardy Posts: 188
    I was in your boat once to... I started trying to run through the urges.. because I felt if I gave in them then my body would always want to go.. so when I started running races that were longer10K or 13.1... I'm sure I'm going to get grief for this but I tried everything else nothing work except the day before the race I would take a stool softener.. then I would be cleaned out and I could concentrate on the race!!
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Unfortunately this happens to me. But if i'm running regularly, every day, I have less trouble. If I eat steel cut oats I usually go soon after :). If I don't run regularly, I have more trouble with the run because of it, and also I back up in general for a week. Nice topic, huh? But It's pretty relevant! I also have to pee. Good to know, right? So my solution is to be very happy I have a treadmill right by my bathroom. Higher fiber and "better" food, in general, also helps. It's worse on weeks where I've eaten badly.
  • This happens to me sometimes...I try to go before I leave, and i try not to eat anything fiber-y before I go....otherwise, that's just more motivation to run faster! lol But seriously, i wish i knew. =\
  • swedishwillow
    swedishwillow Posts: 88 Member
    hydration!!! you need to be drinking more water --- -at the moment your body is taking its reserves from your colon (sucking out hydration from there) ......... even if you think you are drinking enough water you probably are not :D
  • stewarta
    stewarta Posts: 5 Member
    Yes, I agree. Coffee a couple of hours prior and don't sit.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I often have this problem. I used to plan my runs around a bathroom (my house or public), but I have found that I can actually run trough it. It's uncomfortable for about 5-10 minutes, but then it goes away.

    Does it go away after you have pooped your pants?? LOL

    Fortunately has never happened. But I must admit, I found some very interesting places to go to the bathroom.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Bump. Cause it's funny...and it's real, unfortunately. And a bigger problem when the weather gets nicer and we move from the treadmill (and bathrooms only steps away) to the great outdoors.