
  • two minutes and i'm literally dying on the floor.
  • blackmagic10
    blackmagic10 Posts: 335 Member
    i'm doing insanity what did you put when it ask you for what you do for exercising?
  • lolo406
    lolo406 Posts: 71
    Im in week 5, the recovery week seems to be taking for ever lol. From what I hear I should enjoy this week though because week 6, which is said to be even more intense is only a few days away! I am actually doing a hybrid with p90x. I started off only doing insanity and in week 2 i converted to the hybrid to keep it more mixed plus I wanted the weights. Either way, I love them both and will be happy and sad when they're over. I feel so much better after only the first half that Id be stupid to stop now!
  • I just started it today. so where do you log it in for the exercise?
  • rinky48
    rinky48 Posts: 2
  • Hi. I have tried insanity a few times but couldn't do more than 2 weeks. I'm gonna start it again on Monday or at least try to. I need motivation to keep going so any words of encouragement will be greatly appreciated :)
  • cbravo1
    cbravo1 Posts: 1
    Hi! Im on week 3 of insanity & evetyday feels like the first day, im definately gonna stick to it & hopefully get the body trsnsformation im working for!
  • Hvnt tried it just yet but i do...what am i in for? And if u need any support feel free to add me
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I just started Monday with the Fit Test and did Plyometric Cardio yesterday. Today I'm dropping my girls off at Bible School and going to get in the next workout earlier in the day than usual because I have plans this afternoon. So far I am LOVING it! It's tough for sure but it's really fun and it goes by so quickly! I've also cleaned up my diet and have been trying to stick to the first two tiers of Michi's ladder. As of this morning I'm already down 4 pounds from Monday and I feel great!

    For those that asked about how to log it ... I wear a HRM and enter the name of the exercise and the calories burned that session. I'm not eating back my exercise calories though. Instead I calculated using the Insanity guide and changed my calories on here to that number (1836). So far because I'm eating a lot cleaner I haven't been able to get up much over 1350 in a day but I am eating big, filling meals and having some healthy snacks so I haven't been hungry.

    I also am only doing this 5 days a week. I don't like to exercise when my husband is watching me (too embarrassed) so I don't do it Saturday or Sunday. And weekends I'm allowing myself a little more leeway with my diet and a glass of wine or beer here and there too. I've got about 14 pounds to go to my ultimate goal weight of 150 (I'm 5'11") and am hoping to get a lot firmer from this as well.

    If anyone else is starting out I'd love some company so feel free to friend me!
  • Meraai82
    Meraai82 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm also in my recovery week. It's a nice break from the complete craziness of INSANITY but still challenging enough! How's your results looking? I haven't dropped any weight, but did lose some cm's/inches and I can definately feel an improvement in my fitness. Apparently all the "magic" happens in the 2nd month!
  • tracymnx
    tracymnx Posts: 105
    I just finished day 1 of month 2, its so much harder than month 1 so be warned!

    As for logging, I wear a HRM and log each workout separately as you can go into mfp and add new exercises. If you dont wear a HRM I would strongly suggest you invest in one as the calz in the mfp database are really high, plus its good to be as accurate as possible then you can better plan your food choices.

    I only lost a couple of lbs in month 1 but the inches are literally melting away and for the first time in my life im starting to see some definition in my abs, woop woop!
  • Beckii330
    Beckii330 Posts: 28
    Hi everyone, can I join? In my second week of Insanity, Day 12. I absolutely love it. I haven't lost any weight yet but have lost inches. My fitness has improved and my general attitude to fitness too. I like the fact that the people in the dvd can' complete it either and that spurs you on to dig deeper - a bit of competition! And of course Shaun T is lovely :D
    Not looking forward to tomorrow though, Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs, ouch.
  • Eadema06
    Eadema06 Posts: 1
    I just started the first workout of insanity and it was very hard. I loved it and I can't wait to keep pushing myself.
  • amc119
    amc119 Posts: 71 Member
    I've been really obsessed with the idea of starting insanity lately. Were all of you working out before you started it? I'm not very athletic, although I am able to pass a Navy PFT test (the run isn't pretty but it's gets done). Should I do something else first, or just jump into it. I want to be vacation ready and I leave in 89 days!
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    I'm doing insanity throught his website: and am absolutely loving it! It seriously gets you sweating!
  • chark38
    chark38 Posts: 1
    I just finished my first week. Today is my rest day. So far so good, challenging but loving it!!!
  • mo135
    mo135 Posts: 26 Member
    Week 3 starts tomorrow. Prior to this I wasn't working out so this is a butt kicker. I take a lot of breaks, but I don't let that bother me. As long as I'm out there sweating I'm not on the couch!
  • YES!!! I graduate INSANITY in 2 weeks. And moving on to the Turbo Fire 5 month workout. With An INSANITY/ TF hybrid in the last 2 weeks.

    You can find me on BB: Fit2beARMY68D
    and FB:
    IAMDDAY Posts: 771
    I love insanity it is an awesome workout that is very addictive. O fcourse you are catching me on Sunday when you have the day off LOL.
  • siliisobel
    siliisobel Posts: 49
    On my third week and loving it so far although it is tough and some days I would rather poke my own eyes out that do it lol! I am noticing a differnce though, im getting some nice guns! :happy:

    Good luck with it, im here for support!