A healthy diet that will drop some weight???Help!! >.<



  • spotofdirt
    spotofdirt Posts: 9 Member
    Prepare all your food yourself. I suggest adding sodium levels to your diary so you can keep track of that. I looked through your diary and im pretty sure you are exceeding sodium levels each day. Most things you get from places like Rubios and Which Which are going to be packed with salt. I try to only eat out once a week and prepare all my foods from scratch at home so you can control everything that goes into your food. Seems to be working well so far for me. Good luck!!
  • robichek
    robichek Posts: 2
    I'm 100% in agreement with CallmeBAM. And do NOT listen to anyone who tells you to eat fewer calories and exercise more. That is ridiculous and a recipe for failure. Really.

    Raise your fat intake to above 70 grams a day (GOOD fat only, avocados, olive oil, coconut milk, some nuts). Raise your protein intake (EAT MEAT, eggs, seafood) - this will also help raise your fat intake level. Lower your carbs to under 100 grams per day. Eat as many calories as you can without going over 100grams of carbs a day (you'll notice that it's nearly impossible to overeat if you keep your carbs limited.) You'll be forcing yourself to eat mostly meats and vegetables. And honestly, stop exercising so much.

    Eliminate all processed sugars and grains. ALL of them. Just get sugar from fruit (again, you'll find yourself limited by the 100 carb rule). You will find yourself more satisfied if you get rid of the carb cravings and I have found that it is ONLY possible if you raise your fat intake, because it satisfied your body like nothing else. And you will NOT gain weight by raising your fat intake.

    Good luck.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I eat as many vegetables as I can. I like them cooked better, so most are cooked, usually in olive oil. I eat some fruit, but much less than vegetables. I eat a lot of beans (hummus, beans and rice, bean soup, bean burritos, etc.) and a lot of fish, mostly grilled or seared. I eat meat, but much less than fish and bens, and try to keep it lean. I eat whole grains, mostly in the form of brown rice, quinoa, granola bars or wraps. I drink mostly tea, water and wine.

    I occasionally have really high calorie days, though I still strive to eat healthy. But, I do occasionally have unhealthy foods that I love.

    And, most importantly, I exercise nearly everyday. Some days intensely, others not so much, but I try not to be sendentary all day very often.

    This ^^ keeps me healthy and fit and allows me to eat foods that I like without being hungry or gaining the weight back.

    ETA: I also eat almonds almost every day, and peanut butter or other nuts occasionally.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Honestly, I don't limit carbs, I just try to hit over 100g protein (optimally 150, but usually fall a bit short) a day. It's a lot more liberating to think "Let me make sure I hit my protein macros today" instead of "I can't have _____ because I'll go over my carbs" and it all works itself out in the wash. It really doesn't have to be that extreme, promise...
  • cheesy_blasters
    cheesy_blasters Posts: 283 Member
    Honestly, I don't limit carbs, I just try to hit over 100g protein (optimally 150, but usually fall a bit short) a day. It's a lot more liberating to think "Let me make sure I hit my protein macros today" instead of "I can't have _____ because I'll go over my carbs" and it all works itself out in the wash. It really doesn't have to be that extreme, promise...

    I have been using that approach and it's worked so well for me. Thinking positively!
  • cheesy_blasters
    cheesy_blasters Posts: 283 Member
    Eat less?

    I don't think she should be eating less, but eating more.

    Her calorie goal is at 1250. Tuesday she burnt 434 calories and ate only 1385 calories. Which would come out in the end as only 951 calories.

    Monday, she burnt 667 calories and ate only 1403 calories. Which again, comes to 736.

    I know people would moan about starvation mode and such, but I'm not going to start going on about that. I'm just going to point out that this is definitely not enough calories for your body to function at 100%. You should find out your BMR, log all of your exercise and eat 250 to 500 calories less to lose 0.5 to 1lb a week. Eat back at least 1/2 of your exercise calories back.

    Thanks for this. It's a really simple way to explain it and it makes so much sense.
  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member
    Eat less?

    I don't think she should be eating less, but eating more.

    Her calorie goal is at 1250. Tuesday she burnt 434 calories and ate only 1385 calories. Which would come out in the end as only 951 calories.

    Monday, she burnt 667 calories and ate only 1403 calories. Which again, comes to 736.

    I know people would moan about starvation mode and such, but I'm not going to start going on about that. I'm just going to point out that this is definitely not enough calories for your body to function at 100%. You should find out your BMR, log all of your exercise and eat 250 to 500 calories less to lose 0.5 to 1lb a week. Eat back at least 1/2 of your exercise calories back.

    Thanks for this. It's a really simple way to explain it and it makes so much sense.

    Yes, I think this is spot on -- and very well explained. If you consistently eat well below the number of calories your body needs just to simply operate (your BMR), you're going to run into problems.

    I'll also underscore auroranflash's suggestion about using the BMR tool here: