Gun for conceal / carry



  • milthom
    milthom Posts: 6
    I am a HUGE fan of the Taurus Judge. You can load .410 buck shot and .45 slugs in the same gun. This gives you very serious self defense options.

    Seriously consider this one.
  • mrshoneybee
    mrshoneybee Posts: 9 Member
    Kel Tec p3at or p32
    Glock 19

    The Kel Tec p3at is what I've started carrying when I run.
  • mrshoneybee
    mrshoneybee Posts: 9 Member
    Totally agree, Kel Tec is what I always carry because of the smaller size....BUT, Glock is only getting higher in value, and they are superior for sure!!
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    Very interested in this topic. Hoping Illinois passes a conceal carry law soon as that is where I am from.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Hubby carries a Glock 27, I have the 4th Gen 26. We both carry in a Galco KingTuk IWB holster very comfortably (ok, it's more comfy for him than it is for me, just because I'm built different. :tongue:). He also bought a 9mm barrel that he can change out on his so we can shoot the same ammo.
  • Not sure if anyone's suggested this, but this is what I have: Taurus PT 738 380

    Good Luck with Your Search...

    : ))
  • nbkpjud
    nbkpjud Posts: 33 Member
    bump for later
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Okay, ignoring all of the idiots who don't know the first thing about guns but just want to say "guns are bad" - go start your own thread - geesh.

    I'm in Massachusetts which despite the fact that Smith & Wesson is located here has some of the worst gun laws in the country. All guns sold here have to meet certain requirements (safety, # of rounds, etc) so many companies don't sell here. You're lucky you're in a better state.

    I have a S&W 38 special airweight snub nose revolver that I love. I went with the exposed hammer because I like giving the jerk the option of running as I **** it ;)

    First carry gun was a Walther P22 with a 3.4" barrel. Love that gun, but wanted something bigger.
    I honestly adore my S&W 908 which was a cheap, metal 9mm semi-auto. I don't know if they still sell it but the thing is a tank and definitely a favorite of mine.

    DH typically carries an M&P 9mm Compact, easier to conceal if you're not tall. One of my friends had the P99 in 45 and it kicked like a mule and he hated it. He traded it for a Sig and is much happier.

    We inherited a PPK and DH loved the feel and the size of it, but we got rid of it for legal reasons. We may end up getting another at some point.

    Everyone who said you have to try them first to figure out what you like is good for you. DH HAD to have the M&P and the trigger on it sucks and it's tempermental about what types of ammo it likes.

    Happy shopping :)
  • obeserat
    obeserat Posts: 218 Member
    Here is the "debate" I'd expected this thread to deteriorate to long ago.

    I just don't understand why otherwise civil topics have to be destroyed by those who are not involved at all. Happens all the time on various topics.

    Discussing weapons to kill people with is not civil . After all what do you want to carry the gun for, to kill someone if the situation arises where you consider it necessary , not very civil is it ? As I've said time and time again this is not something to be discussed here , go to a gun shop for advice
  • obeserat
    obeserat Posts: 218 Member
    You 'mericans are lucky to even have the choice to CC. Up here in ultra-liberal hell called Canada, I practically have to beg to simply own a gun, and having to transport it to a gun range is another bend-over session.

    I recently got a S&W M&P9 and love it. Also have an older .22 revolver, but that's more of a nostalgia piece.

    Yup, and our rates of gun deaths in Canada are less than 1/2 per 100,000 than our American friends, and our homicide rate is 1/5th of the US. I'll take the nanny state regulation of firearms over the debate on conceal or not conceal any day. You are always free to move south.
    Speaking of ultra-liberals; are you ignorant enough to think that has ANYTHING to do with the tight gun control? When's the last time you heard a law abiding gun owner killed someone innocent, even in the US? Get an education.

    I have read about it a few times when I lived in South Africa , people forgetting about the one in the chamber or a gun with the safety off under their pillow, children seeing where their father has put the key for the gun safe and killing their friends , people seeing using "a law abiding gun owners weapon to end their lives" etc
  • keegannati
    keegannati Posts: 114
    I've just discovered that you can click "ignore" in that little drop down menu next to someone's username and their posts disappear. This thread is way more pleasant now.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    I've just discovered that you can click "ignore" in that little drop down menu next to someone's username and their posts disappear. This thread is way more pleasant now.

    Dude... you are my HERO.
    I would kiss you except the beard might tickle me.
  • Liasings
    Liasings Posts: 150 Member
    I just got my Conceal Carry. I have a Judge right by my bed. If I wake up at 3 a.m. and there is a stranger standing in my doorway, I'm going to make the assumption that his intentions are far from civil and I shall respond likewise.

    As far as my fave gun, it would have to be DH's Ruger GP100 (which he keeps on his side of the bed). It is, however, too big to conceal easily. I believe that this Saturday will be the perfect time to tote all of our collection (revolvers and semi-automatics) to the shooting range so I can decide which one works best for which application.

    For the record, we live in a fairly low crime neighborhood. But we are less than a mile away from less savory areas that do a rollicking trade in bath salts.
  • spoonful
    spoonful Posts: 200 Member
    I like a Walther PP 380 caliber. 380 is a short 9. The gun is small and light. It does not have a ton of recoil so you can stay on target as you fire. It takes a laser sight nicely which is useful for bang-free practice with snap-shooting.
  • spoonful
    spoonful Posts: 200 Member
    I've just discovered that you can click "ignore" in that little drop down menu next to someone's username and their posts disappear. This thread is way more pleasant now.

    Thank you for that.

    Back to topic... I favor a Mossberg riot shotgun for beside the bed and in the house. The projectiles will not pass through your walls.
  • Slimithy
    Slimithy Posts: 348 Member
    You 'mericans are lucky to even have the choice to CC. Up here in ultra-liberal hell called Canada, I practically have to beg to simply own a gun, and having to transport it to a gun range is another bend-over session.

    I recently got a S&W M&P9 and love it. Also have an older .22 revolver, but that's more of a nostalgia piece.

    Yup, and our rates of gun deaths in Canada are less than 1/2 per 100,000 than our American friends, and our homicide rate is 1/5th of the US. I'll take the nanny state regulation of firearms over the debate on conceal or not conceal any day. You are always free to move south.
    Speaking of ultra-liberals; are you ignorant enough to think that has ANYTHING to do with the tight gun control? When's the last time you heard a law abiding gun owner killed someone innocent, even in the US? Get an education.

    I have read about it a few times when I lived in South Africa , people forgetting about the one in the chamber or a gun with the safety off under their pillow, children seeing where their father has put the key for the gun safe and killing their friends , people seeing using "a law abiding gun owners weapon to end their lives" etc

    Nobody on here carries a gun for the purpose of taking life. I carry for the purpose of preserving the lives of myself and my children if faced with danger. You do not shoot to kill, you shoot to stop a threat.
  • spoonful
    spoonful Posts: 200 Member
    To all these anti gun folks. Please remember... your lifestyle might not require that you have a gun. Mine does. A gun is a tool. No different than a screw driver.

    I have no neighbors. A 911 call means a 20 minute wait.

    There are all kinds of dangerous animals around here. The most dangerous of which is man.

    Eighty seven or so teens were killed by a madman in Europe not long ago. If just one person had been armed he could have saved dozens of lives. If you have a teen, think about that.
  • shadow3829
    shadow3829 Posts: 103 Member
    I have a S&W .38 Airweight revolver that I carry. It hurts the **** out of my hand to shoot it though. I do practice with it on occasion at the range so I stay proficient with it. I'm female so it's easier for me to conceal, smaller & lighter but I feel sure it will get the job done. I did get a laser for it as well, just to assist. I also have the Sig 9mm. Love love love that gun, but it is much heavier to carry. It's the one I shoot most when I go to the range but it's heavier and bulkier to carry. I'm an ED nurse and have seen quite a few people come in shot with .22. They usually come in a private vehicle with not a lot of damage. I love shooting a .22, but I don't trust them to STOP someone coming at me. That's why I chose the .38 ( plus it was recommended by PD). DH carries a .380, but it's a lot like the .38 - hurts to shoot d/t the light weight of the gun. Would recommend going to a range that rents guns to experience different ones (or if you are lucky and have a friend with a variety spring for ammo and talk them into taking you to a range).
    Quote End

    No kidding. The .38 was my second gun. It hurt my hand to shoot it so bad that I dreaded going to the range. It was also a bit bulky to conceal. I traded it in on my Sig P238. I love it, so accurate and just the right size to conceal. This is my third gun, but I finally found my "little friend". :)
  • Ploxhoi
    Ploxhoi Posts: 2
    For carry, if you want a compact, H&K P2000 SK in 40 cal. would be my suggestion. The LEM trigger system gives you a double strike advantage over a Glock. Lifetime warranty for the original owner and superb customer service.
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    I've just discovered that you can click "ignore" in that little drop down menu next to someone's username and their posts disappear. This thread is way more pleasant now.

    Thank you!!
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