


  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 420 Member
    My kids take it when they can't sleep. Here in Canada you can buy it on the shelf at Costco. A lot of my friends with autistic/ADHD kids do give it to them. I have taken it as well but it leaves me groggy in the morning. My one son had severe sleep anxiety so he started taking melatonin around age 9 or 10 just a smaller dose.

    The only caution I've heard is to not leave them on it for a long time or the body will stop producing its own melatonin. As my kids take it on a rare occasion I haven't researched this but it does sound reasonable.
  • wantstolooseweight
    wantstolooseweight Posts: 166 Member
    Pop into holland and barratt... have a word with the staff there, I managed to get similar stuff to melatonin there once but they also have another product called *goes upstairs to get the pot* hydroxy tryptophan.... It really helps me :-)
  • Keep mind that everything works differently for everyone. Melatonin doesn't work worth a ...well you know, for myself or several people that I know. Definitely try herbal/natural routes before having to turn to something heavier (like the seroquel I'm stuck with lol.)
  • wantstolooseweight
    wantstolooseweight Posts: 166 Member
    Might also be worth trying a few options like lavendar oil and herbal tablets for sleep first :)