White House Announcement



  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I'm shocked with all the conservatives on this bored. I am glad for this announcement. It's not the kids' fault their parents brought them here illegally.

    And it they work and become citizens, then they pay taxes. What's not good about that? The government needs the money, and we need the spending these citizens will do with their pay checks.

    Hey if they start paying taxes.... then BIENVENIDOS! I'm all for them paying up!
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    ****, Obama is a damn illegal immigrant so why not take up for his own..Here I sit un-employed and looking for work and he's willing to just give them work..He needs to be thrown out of office and right in prison for crimes against America.

    there are many pages of openings in your area:
    http://jobsearch.local-jobs.monster.com/jobs/?wt.mc_n=hjnpsearch&ch=dea&q=&where=Slocomb, AL&re=130&cy=us&brd=1&rad=5
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    As a non-american, I have a question.

    What exactly is wrong with giving young people the opportunity to live in a society they were brought into without choice and to make something of themselves, rather than continue to be a sinkhole for government money?

    None at all, as long as they pay taxes and dues like every other u.s. citizen!
  • Sascha
    Sascha Posts: 204
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