Morbidly Obese & Exercise



  • I started out at a weight higher than yours three months ago. I started with the recumbent bike and a recumbent cross trainer (kind of similar to an elliptical, but you're sitting). At first I could only do five or ten minutes on a low setting. I'm to the point now where I can do 30-40 minutes at one of the higher settings. You'll be surprised how quickly you can increase your stamina. I've lost 17 pounds over the past three months. It may not sound like much, but I'm doing this slowly on purpose, so that I can go at my own pace and not give up.

    So just start at your own pace and go from there. You can definitely do this!
  • Hello;
    My name is (Nat)alie, and I am 38.
    I am obese and need a lot of support..need motivated people as friends.
    I was just diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, and am very over-whelmed by the daunting life-style changes around me. I have a lot of family, friends, and people I know with Type 1 or 2 diabetes, however unfortunately none of them are good examples of how to look after yourself.
    They all don't take the diagnoses seriously and still eat what they want, and don't look after themselves, and for me this is a wake up call. Almost like I was waiting for something this extreme to kick me ***** to get healthy, be a better me, and really take this seriously....but WOW no idea where to start, how to feel and still feeling worried that I wont figure it out or navigate through how to start...
    Anyways looking for friends that can be supportive, motivating, share info (diaries to look at), and just share in this journey together. Thank you so much for reading!
    cheers~ Nat :)