Anyone still doing TAM



  • smp4463
    smp4463 Posts: 59 Member
    I do!!!=)))Omnicentric. restarting today..made it to day 71 than life got in the way. I plan to add the cardio this time in the PM
  • smp4463
    smp4463 Posts: 59 Member
    day is good..feeling strong!
  • Yes! I have a TON of her DVD's. I had resisted doing the dance cardio and then got them on sale recently and turns out I LOVE dance cardio! Hahahahaha. Now, just have to be consistent because I LOVE the way I feel in my body when I am consistent.

    Here is one thing that works for me. I NEVER set out to do 30 minutes of dance aerobics. I just tell myself that when I feel myself start to actually sweat if I am NOT having fun dancing on the floor, jumping on the mini trampoline or doing the dance cardio routines I will stop RIGHT then and go to the muscle work. That has worked wonders for me. Lots of times I go ahead and do 30 minutes but just as many times I get right into and complete the MS work.

    I heard her say in a few interviews now that the MS work is what really does it, what changes you. That if you can only do 30 min then to ALWAYS choose the MS, if that helps- some days it helps me! :D
  • fdholmes
    fdholmes Posts: 3 Member
    I am glad I found this group :)

    Hi My name is Fee and I am a TAM fan, I am finishing up meta next week and then will start continuity. By far this program has been challenging but has yielded better results than anything else I have tried. I still have a ways to go with my weight loss but I believe TAM will get me there.