Did dating standards go up when you lose weight?



  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    I felt more confident in myself and I think that helped me to attract myself to the guys I had always had my "mental crush" on.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I think I get more dates than I would have when I was +50 lbs, but I don't know that I turn as many heads as I had hoped I would. I know my confidence has gone up significantly and with that I am getting a little pickier. I think, "C'mon, I'm hot... where are all the hot guys?" Of course, I'm still single.... so maybe I'm not as hot as I think I am :indifferent:
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    My standards and tastes didn't change a bit. I am extremely picky when it comes to dating and always have been. I rarely met men I was interested in anyway.

    I simply didn't date much when I was obese as I didn't have the confidence and self esteem. Losing 50 pounds made it easier for me to attract potential suitors, partly from my looks, sure, but more in that I became more attractive as a healthier person. I gained confidence. I made a lot of improvements in my life around that time.

    I've still got a ways to go but I caught my bf a few years ago. I had lost some weight and I'm losing more now.

    Edit to add - I've always been the kind of girl who'd rather be alone than with someone for the sake of having someone. I'm perfectly happy single. That means I could always keep my standards.

  • No, it didn't change anything. I think I got more attention from guys when I was heavier, ironically.

    Same here....I don't get it...

    maybe they are just intimidated by your awesome new body? :wink:
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I would say that I have raised my dating standards not necessarily because I have lost weight, but because I believe in myself now so will not settle on someone who is not as self-aware and stable as I am. I used to go for the controlling and abusive types because I didn't think I was good enough for something better. I now know that I am deserving of someone who will give as much into the relationship as I do.

    ^^ This, it doesn't have anything to do with losing weight. As I got older and dated a more variety of men, I found what I like and don't like personality wise - it doesn't always come in the package of rock hard abs - or the really nice guy that would do anything for you. It's a matter of can we have fun together, can I depend on you when I absolutely need something done or something goes wrong, are you able to make your own decisions or are you a follower, can you pay your own bills, can you be faithful, and most importantly, how you display your anger. the lean and muscled body is definitely the stuff of dreams - but not always the best reality... in my experience...

    This ^^^^^^^ On both accounts. The only other thing I notice now is that I am more apt to be attracted to someone who also leads a healthy lifestyle whereas before I would have avoided that due to a lack of confidence/level of embarrassment.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    guys stare and hit on me more with my newfound confidence, and flattering as it is, my husband has been the only one for me since i was barely a teen. not jumping ship just cause i look better. he had my back at my worst, and he derseves to see me at my best.
  • It never had any effect on the types of men I found attractive. I have the same taste today as I did when I was 100+ pounds heavier.

    The only thing that changed was that I was a lot less pateint with potential partners. The fact my confidence level had raised so much made me a lot more comfortable to express the way I felt about certain things. I was a push-over and would let things slide because I didn't think I could do any better. Now I don't accept anything less than what I personally need out of a relationship.
  • NYChick84
    NYChick84 Posts: 331 Member
    No...my standards still apply. It's not necessarily what's on the outside that's important, it's what's on the inside. Good morals and values, stable, has a job, have things in common....I never thought of my standards "going up" as a result to losing weight. I was never attracted to model-looking men. A good-hearted man comes in many different forms. That's what I search for.