I am new and need support



  • Feel free to add me to your friends. I find ways of burning calories - evening walks, washing car, cleaning, dancing...any physical activity you do burns calories, and allows you to eat more calories.

    Eat a lot of protein (it sticks with you longer), and get as many of your carbs as possible from fruit and veggies.

    Stick with it...I was discouraged a couple of weeks ago because I had not lost anything in over 3 weeks, and then, bam...five lbs lost the next week. Just keep at it, and you will lose weight!!!
  • trulov6976
    trulov6976 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. Im new as well but have been working on recipes focussed on food allergies now for about a year due to my children and my mother all having different issues. If you want some help finding yummy, healthy, safe, and even kid approved let me know and I can share some of my recipes.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    Welcome and feel free to add me. I've been needing to lose this 100 pounds since junior high I think and decided back in February enough is enough.
    Sounds like you're making a great start. I started with little things like swearing off elevators (I don't even see them anymore) and eating an apple a day. It's the little things done for a long time that will add up :)
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    Add me if you like. I've been on here for 6 months and I've been living a healthy lifestyle since August. I don't know everything, but I do know about eating healthy for me.

    The key to success is to understand your goals. Set your menu plans and follow them. Eat 5-6 times a day to keep your metabolism going. Have fun. This is not punishment or a diet. This is a lifestyle change. You need to train your body to respond well to good healthy foods.

    Good luck! You can do this!
  • ddrex
    ddrex Posts: 1
    I'm also new and we can support each other pass along some healthy tips. I just signed up today my doctor gave me the website almost 2 months ago so I would be able to count calories since I have no idea what calories are in fruit and some meats. I would google the food and add the calories to me chart. My doctor put me on 1300 calories a day. 250 breakfast, 350 lunch, 400 dinner and 3 snaks between meals totaling 300 more. In my first month I was over my total only 1 day and not by much, and lost 7 lbs. Which I was completely surprised because I don't own a scale nor do I want to own a scale. I go on my treadmill usually 6 days a week not always at the same speed but I honestly know it truely helps. I was isick for a few days and didn't use the treadmill and I was abel to feel the difference. I never had a weight problem until I started going through menapause. I was always able to eat anything I wanted whenever I wanted and never had a problem. not that we eat bad foods, but I was always hungry and craving food so I would eat more than I actaully needed.
  • So a question I would like to ask is, what is the one thing that you think helped you loose weight? I know there are many things but what would you put as the top most important?
  • Welcome to MFP & good luck to you! Support is wonderful to have so add me if you would like.