Anyone have a Fitbit?



  • Katanthus
    Katanthus Posts: 346 Member
    Where did you get you fitbit and what was the price?

    They are around $99 at Best Buy and Target, or you can order one online. It is the Fitbit Ultra.
  • Meadows18
    Meadows18 Posts: 206 Member
    I just ordered mine today and cannot wait to receive it.
  • rintin88
    rintin88 Posts: 30 Member
    I originally bought my Fitbit Ultra in December to track my sleep patterns since I have insomnia often. I work at Best Buy so I was able to buy it with my discount. I don't think the sleep tracker is very accurate but it's still interesting to see just how often it says I wake up in the middle of the night. I also own a bodybugg and I love my fitbit waaaaay more than the bodybugg. I absolutely loathed wearing the bodybugg, even in the winter time when I could hide it under a sweater at work and I definitely did not wear it in warm weather! The fitbit is user friendly and also motivated me to start moving more.
  • atisa01
    atisa01 Posts: 2 Member
    Love, Love, Love my fitbit ultra!!!! It really motivates me to get up and move more. It's sort of like a game for to try to reach my "steps taken" goals.
  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    I would like to get one just to figure out a good TDEE estimate for me.. but I find it too expensive.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Had mine a few days and am undecided yet as to whether to log my exercise seperately, from my hrm reading, as the fitbit seems to come up short when I go cycling. But then I don't know whether i remove the fitbit exercise makeup and add my own or what ?

    Also not sure the best place to wear it. I currently wear mine on my sweatshirt collar.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i wear mine on my bra too!
  • konalove3
    konalove3 Posts: 79
    I just ordered a fitbit last night! i was looking into the aria scale also but there were a lot of negative reviews compared to the withings scale.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I really want one now!!
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Wear it anywhere on your torso. Waist and bra are most popular.

    It doesn't track cycling. Log that through the activity database, or a smart phone app like Endomondo that synchs with it.

    Withings scale synchs with it, too.
  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    I'm trying to decide between the bodymedia fit, bodybugg, and fit bit. Anyone know how the accuracy compares among the three?

    Do a search in the boards - somebody did an extensive comparison between fitbit and (I think) the BFM. I last looked at it in April before I got my fitbit.

    Thanks I did do a search before. Either I was not using the right key words or what I found wasn't what I was looking for. However, I did another search on google. and got some good info. I am not 100% sure on the difference in accuracy, but have decided to go with a fit bit. It is cheaper in the long run. If the estimate is off, it's not by much or it is underestimated. Plus I already have a HRM so I can verify calorie burn from exercise. Plus it syncs with myfitness pal.

    BTW: Amazon has it for $89 right now.
  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    Here is a great review of Fitbit vs bodybugg
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    How do you synch your fitbit with MFP? Is there a way to enter your calories burned according to fitbit into MFP?

    there is a button here on MFP under the tools tab that says "add a fitbit"...then when your fitbit syncs ( when you get near the base station), it sends your step info to MFP. If you do something it cannot accurately track, you add it to MFP under cardio and it will over write that time period with the calorie burn you say you had (ie when I do strength, it only recognizes the steps, not the effort, so in my exercise log I manually add X minutes of strength training for like 100 calories).

    IDK exactly how it works, but MFP knows how many calories you have burned from MFP
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Had mine a few days and am undecided yet as to whether to log my exercise seperately, from my hrm reading, as the fitbit seems to come up short when I go cycling. But then I don't know whether i remove the fitbit exercise makeup and add my own or what ?

    Also not sure the best place to wear it. I currently wear mine on my sweatshirt collar.

    When you cycle, take note of your start and finish time. Then go to MFP and under cardio look for cycling...put in your start time and duration, then overwrite the number of calories MFP says you burned with the calories burned from your HRM. Your cardio log will look something like this :

    start time 10am
    45 minutes
    you burned X calories ( this is where you put in your HRM calories instead)

    ETA: wear it on the center part of your bra. That's where all the cool girls wear it :D
  • I've been using Fitbit for about 3 months now. It's an amazing tool to raise your awareness of your level of activity. As a stay at home mom, I've come to realize that without a focused effort to exercise, I might only move 3,000 steps a day. Now though I am determined to move 15,000 steps a day minimum. I've recently crossed the million step mark.

    In addition, you might like to sync your Fitbit with to earn rewards for your level of activity. If you don't want the free rewards that are available, you can donate your points to charities around the world.
  • missredk8
    missredk8 Posts: 9
    Just got my fitbit yesterday but its not zeroed overnight - its been sat in the dock and everything has zeroed except the calories which says I have managed to burn 743 calories - help!! how do I reset it?
  • nhga47
    nhga47 Posts: 118
    Yep, I have had mine for about 3 months now. I LOVE IT! Ticks me off when I forget it at home! So far my best log is 26000 steps. It keeps me honest and tells me if I have been sitting on my *kitten* too much for the day. LOL. I have also started insanity. OMG! It does live up to its name. So hopefully between the fit bit, MFT and Insanity I can get rid of this beer gut! :)
  • skbarton
    skbarton Posts: 141 Member
    Just got my fitbit yesterday but its not zeroed overnight - its been sat in the dock and everything has zeroed except the calories which says I have managed to burn 743 calories - help!! how do I reset it?

    When you set it up at the fitbit site, you input your time zone. The unit resets at midnight and zeros everything out. When you get up in the morning there will be calories burned because you burn calories while sleeping. I typically have about 300 or so calories on it when I get up. It won't matter if you are wearing it for the sleep mode or if it is in the dock - it will give midnight to the time you get up credit for calories burned.
  • daliaxh
    daliaxh Posts: 8 Member
    I just started using my fitbit yesterday and am really excited about how it keeps me constantly conscious of calories in and out.

    Question: Since it functions as a pedometer anyhow, should I not bother logging in a 3-mile walk when I do that as one of the workouts for the day? Or should I log that in because I need to keep track of specific, dedicated workouts?
  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    I am a gadget geek, and I LOVE my FitBit! I'm so glad I purchased it. It comes pretty close to what all those TDEE and Daily Calorie Needs calculators tell you. You'll be surprised at how much you really burn in a day. You'll find you can lose weight eating so much more than MFP's default 1200 when you learn how much your energy needs really are. You can eat according to your FitBit.

    Some cons though:

    1. If you do some kind of strength training, aerobic, circuit training, a regular HRM is better at measuring calorie burn.
    2. If you swim, forget about it. The FitBit is not waterproof.
    3. If you run, a Garmin or some other GPS tool works much better. The FitBit is not accurate with mileage and pace. I rely on my Garmin instead.