symptoms of anemia as you get stronger/leaner???



  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    Not sure if there are any underlying medical conditions here but it definitely sounds like orthostatic hypotension. Sit up for a few seconds before standing up and let you body adjust. Even though you're drinking tons of water, your body may still need more depending on the intensity of your workouts and the weather so I wouldn't quite discount water entirely. I also wouldn't rule out hypoglycemia. I'm diabetic and always have a snack with me. Just something like a breakfast bar will be good enough. If it is hypoglycemia, you really don't want to let it drop too low. As soon as you start feeling tingly, weak, dizzy, sweaty, etc., eat something small or have a glass of juice. If you still have symptoms after making these changes, you should defintely see a doctor. Best of luck to you.
  • ashlielinn
    ashlielinn Posts: 920
    I take a B Vitamin every day to try to help with this, but I do notice some symptoms, too - tired all the time, very dark circles under my eyes, bruising really easily. Be sure to track your iron and B Vitamin intake!!!
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    Since you can't go to the doctor soon, maybe try taking iron supplements and see if increased iron helps? Just make sure you eat a solid meal before taking iron supplements because they can upset your stomach. I'm anemic and even when I eat tons of red meat and spinach my iron levels are still too low (I always get rejected for donating blood).

    Do NOT just start taking supplements without seeing a doctor first, especially since you said you eat lost of iron rich foods already. Too much iron can be pretty damaging. A mulit vitamin with iron, ok. An iron supplement, not a great idea.

    What you described sounds like low blood pressure. I have severe anema, and low blood pressure. The BP causes me to get dizzy and do the quick blackout when I stand up, and I lose my balance quite easily.