How you did this week



  • I wanted to achieve running a 5K without walking before I added in hills. Well, I guess that I did that. I added in hills 1 week later! LOL I'm starting to do some real light training on hills (i.e., anytime that I come across a hill, I run up it!) I need to scope out a new place to run that has some good hills to practice on. I'm loving running on the rail trail. There is 2.5 miles that is paved, followed by 3.1 miles in the woods. The next 2 sections are 1 mile and 2 mile and one of them has a crazy steep hill. I'll have to check out the last section(s) of the trail and see if they might have some nicer hills. Otherwise, I'll have to scope out some streets, I guess. We have a lot of really steep hills here. I also thought about going to a local hiking mountain and running some sections of that.

    I'm thinking that my new schedule will be:

    Monday - 5K improver (total distance 3.1 miles)
    Tuesday - walk (3-4 miles) and Bob Harper Kettlebell workout
    Wednesday - yoga (1 hr) and cross-country summer series run
    Thursday - rest and/or yoga
    Friday - 5K improver
    Saturday - long run (3-5 miles)
    Sunday - Kettlebells

    What do you think?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,334 Member
    That sounds like an ambitious schedule to me, but I'm sure you can do it. You aren't running consecutive days most of the time, so that will give your running muscles time to heal. I really do need to add some strength training to my routine, but right now 3 days a week of running feels right for me. I like having those days in between when I don't have to worry about exercising and can get other stuff done early in the day. I admire those of you who can work out 5 or 6 days a week. I say give it a try and if it's too much, you can always modify it. The exercise police won't show up at your door if you don't stick to the plan. :laugh:

    I did really good this week. I met my goal of running 30 minutes outside without stopping to walk. In fact, on Monday I ran 35:30 and then on Wed I ran 40 minutes. And, these runs were on a very, very hilly course. So, my pace was slow, but I did it. Then, today I ran a 5K and had my personal best time. I'm waiting for the official time, because I didn't get it this morning. I think it was 33:15, which is about a 10:40 pace. My previous 5K was 35:15 and the temp was about 20 degrees cooler. Of course, it was a hillier course than the one I just ran. I'm pleased.

    I am going to work this month on improving my time for the 5K that is on Aug 18th. I hope for another personal best.
  • I am finding that exercising is really helping me deal with stress and God knows I have enough stress in my life! I think that Sunday will be the hardest day to get in a workout because I tend to work out in the morning and I don't think that I will manage to get a workout and shower in before Church! I'll try to get it in during the afternoon but with everyone home, it is tough. Yesterday, all that I managed was to drag my son on a walk with me, bribing him to the park. I'm doing the yoga on T and Th because I find that my muscles get really tight, so it is more of an intense stretching session than anything else.

    I am so amazed at all of the races that you do, Quilteryoyo. That is wonderful! Congrats on your very successful 5K this past weekend!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,334 Member
    I really would like for us to continue this thread, so I hope some of you read this and join in.

    This past week, April 14 - 21, was not a good one for me. I didn't log my food any day and didn't exercise any either...not even tennis. Yikes. I just realized that last part! Anyway, some of you may remember that I was doing a challenge for myself to raise money for Relay For Life in the month of March. I managed to run the 50 miles and raise close to $700, not got it all in yet. But, in the process, I injured my right calf muscle twice. So, the first week of this month, I didn't do much exercise on purpose, in order to let it heal. Then, the next week, things happened, and again all I did was play tennis twice. Then, the trees here in E. TN started blooming and my allergies kicked in. I have been coughing for 3 weeks...finally went to the doctor this past Tuesday and got lots of meds. I'm still coughing, but not quite as much. I feel pretty good, so my plan is to try to run/walk some next week and see how it goes. I'm not going to worry about time or distance, just get out and do something.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,334 Member
    I didn't do very well this past week....ate too much and the only exercise I got was tennis and mowing the lawn. I am going to try to run more next week and log my calories....haven't been doing that either.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,334 Member
    I'm going to keep adding to this thread and hope someone else joins in. :happy:

    I am not doing very well with my goal right now. Not logging food and not getting the exercise I need to. I have all of the usual excuses, but I know I can make time for the things I really want to do....most of the time. I just need to get motivated again. I am going to give myself a break until next week, since my nephew is getting married on Saturday. Then, I am really going to do my best to get back into running. I may start over with the program I did to get to running 30 minutes without stopping before. I just won't start at the beginning. Having a schedule I know I can do helps motivate me.

    Hope to see some other comments on here. Good luck to all!
  • vonnyliz
    vonnyliz Posts: 9 Member
    hi quilteryoyo :smile: I know what you mean about the motivation thing. I do well with the exercise but don't always log my food. However this week has been good and I feel back on track. I usually run in the gym but ventured out this morning (hilly where I live) and ran 5k in 29 mins so happy with that. I'm looking to increase my distance.
  • I did the 10K training program through a local gym (and it was FREE!) at the beginning of the year. It yielded me a running partner! We do very well together. Our pace is very much the same (she did a 5K this weekend without me at a 10:19 pace and my last 3 mile run without her was at a 10:20 pace so even when we aren't together, we are about the same). Her schedule is flexible so she has no problem changing times/days when my children interfere with our regular schedule. I think that it really helps having someone to be accountable to. We meet 4 days a week at 8:45. I know that I have to get my rear out the door or I will leave her waiting for me. We don't talk much once we get running but we do chat during our walking warmups and cooldowns and while stretching (and then some). We have done a few races together and she just signed up to do the half marathon that I am doing in October! I am doing it with some out-of-state friends but one is way faster than I and the other walks so we will not be together during the actual race. I am so happy to have someone to be by my side for at least 12 miles if not the entire race. I don't know if you have anyone around you that you can recruit to join you but it might help motivate you. If you re-start the training program, you might even be able to recruit a new person to the sport of running. I know that you haven't done any races lately, but maybe you could find someone at a local race who is around your pace and is friendly or alone or whatever.
  • I also find it helpful posting here on MFP. How many times have you seen me confess that I thought about you guys while running and decided that I couldn't fail because then I'd have to admit it to you. Yes, you would never really know if I'm telling the truth or not but it keeps me going.

    Perhaps signing up for a race would also give you a goal to attain.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,334 Member
    Thanks Deb,

    I wish there was someone near me who would like to start running, but I can't think of anyone...and, I really don't want to have to drive 30 minutes into town to find someone. That's one reason why I run, so I don't have to "waste" the driving time. I was running every once in a while with a friend, but we haven't run together at all this year....we live about 15 minutes apart. That's one of the downfalls of living out in the country.

    I do have a couple of races coming up in August...both 5Ks. I'm hoping to be built back up by then. My run today was certainly a wake up call as to how quickly you can lose your fitness level.
  • gina145
    gina145 Posts: 148 Member
    Not a big fan of humidity here in FL...just started indoor exercise again...but want to move into jogging soon. Looking at a few 5K's to motivate me:)
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,334 Member

    FL summers are brutal. I lived there for 4 years and could never really get into exercising. I did have a walking partner, but running was tough. What are you doing as "indoor exercise?" I really do like jogging....seems to be the only thing I have found that helps me keep the pounds off. Good luck.