Now they are going to ban free refills on drinks?



  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    personal responsibility implies that the public is aware of the responsibilities they have.
  • How is this different then them telling us what kinds of drugs we can take? I'm an adult if I want to drink soda and smoke weed I should be able to but if the law says no I can't, then I can't.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    Good point. Just for clarification, if a merchant WANTS to offer free refills to induce customers to come purchase food and drink from his business, he should be allowed to continue to offer this enticement. its the REGULATION of this that bothers me.

    If a merchant does not want to offer it, he certainly does not have to do so...its THEIR business! They have that CHOICE.

    I agree with a merchant charging for refills, too! If it is THEIR choice to do so.

    One more thing before I have to go (I know this wasn't addressed to me but you make a good point so I have to stick my oar in ;)

    Who do you think picks up the tab for the negative externality of increased social / health costs which accrue as a result of the merchant's production and inducements to buy? Is it the merchant? No. It is the tax payer.

    Yes, it is the tax payer, but that would not be the case if personal responsibility were also applied to insurance. You should have a CHOICE as to whether you buy health insurance, where you buy it and how much of it you get.

    Again, if insurance were not REGULATED by the government, then it would not be a tax payer issue.
  • dreamshadows
    dreamshadows Posts: 734 Member
    Cool just make sure its fair, and ban the free refills on COFFEE as well.
  • ajball90
    ajball90 Posts: 211 Member
    Where I live most restaurants don't allow free refills. They don't sell drinks any bigger than the American sized Medium either. You are more than welcome to purchase another drink though.

    I don't see anything wrong with banning free refills. If you want more than pay for it? They're not telling you that you can't have more.

    agree with this
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    How is this different then them telling us what kinds of drugs we can take? I'm an adult if I want to drink soda and smoke weed I should be able to but if the law says no I can't, then I can't.

    No one ever drank too much soda and ran into another vehicle killing everyone in it, or got into a bar brawl or a mall massacre.

    (For that matter, it can hardly be associated with pot smoking, either. But this is getting off topic, perhaps.)
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    :grumble: Hmmm this ban has Michelle Obama written all over it

    It's a proposal in it's infancy stage from the mayor of Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is not a ban nor has anything to do with Michelle Obama of all people O.O There can be legitimate criticisms of initiatives like these but come on now, that's reaching pretty far.

    That's not reaching pretty far to think of her. I did too until I read it. She has already banned McDonald's from giving out caramel for the apples. Heaven forbid kids should have caramel to dip their apples in!

    Uhhh, how did Michelle Obama ban McDonalds from giving out caramel for apples? She doesn't have the authority to do that.

    OF COURSE SHE HAS THE POWER. she's practically the witch queen of new orleans. she practices hoodooo in the basement of the white house. SHE IS AN EVIL WOMAN who wants america to MOVE. it's the same goal as EVERYONE ON THIS SITE but vote agin her and her husband cos she's married to a muslim devil who won't rest until the very fabric of 'merica is shredded in the dirt. STOP THEM NOW.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    In the UK I have never known anywhere that gives free refills.

    If I went to a restaurant that refused to even let me PURCHASE a refill, I would never go back there lol.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    Where I live most restaurants don't allow free refills. They don't sell drinks any bigger than the American sized Medium either. You are more than welcome to purchase another drink though.

    I don't see anything wrong with banning free refills. If you want more than pay for it? They're not telling you that you can't have more.

    agree with this

    It should certainly be the merchant's choice if they want to sell refills or not. If you were a merchant, and the government said you could no longer offer one of your items for sale or reduced cost, would you be alright with that?
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    Cool just make sure its fair, and ban the free refills on COFFEE as well.

    Now THATS just crazy talk, sir!

  • nsmith6325
    nsmith6325 Posts: 41
    Play this out to the end...first free refills are banned in the name of "public health" and next it is plate portion sizes. Then let's say they decide that red meat or apple pie is not healthy and ban that. Where is the line? I think that anyone who drinks a softdrink of any kind is making a bad diet choice but that is what used to be beautiful about this country is that it was a CHOICE.

    Another scenerio drawn out to it's are now forced to buy healthcare under the Obama Care plan or you will be fined (as of 2014). Fast foward to the next step. Because so many people are on the governent health care plan and it is costing the country too much money we are now going to step in and control your diet, your excercise minimums and your other activity like sun exposure in the name of the economy....could happen and most probably will. It will start with something small like setting a precidence with banning free refills and escalate. Give an inch take a mile concept.

    It is a slippery slope when they start infringing upon personal freedom in the name of "the good of the public."
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    Ok. I have to go to work now, everyone.

    If I don't respond to your post, please don't feel that I don't agree with you. :tongue: I just had to go to work.

    Have a great day, everyone!

    God bless America!


  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    Play this out to the end...first free refills are banned in the name of "public health" and next it is plate portion sizes. Then let's say they decide that red meat or apple pie is not healthy and ban that. Where is the line? I think that anyone who drinks a softdrink of any kind is making a bad diet choice but the what used to be beautiful about this country is that it was a CHOICE.

    Another scenerio drawn out to it's are now forced to buy healthcare under the Obama Care plan or you will be fined (as of 2014). Fast foward to the next step. Because so many people are on the governent health care plan and it is costing the country too much money we are now going to step in and control your diet, your excercise minimums and your other activity like sun exposure in the name of the economy....could happen and most probably will. It will start with something small like setting a precidence with banning free refills and escalate. Give an inch take a mile concept.

    It is a slippery slope when they start infringing upon personal freedom in the name of "the good of the public."

  • nsmith6325
    nsmith6325 Posts: 41
    and as bad as the economy is in the US as compared to the EU we can see how we should model ourselves after you right? Get real.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I think this is going way too far. I understand why they want too but seriously? Now the government wants to control how many refills we can drink?

    The horror!

    How many sodas does any one person need exactly? Some people just don't need more fizzy pop - they need an intervention.

    Considering obesity and related illnesses cost the US approximately $200 billion you would think taking any kind of active steps to reduce it and therefore the amount of tax dollars US citizens have to pay would at least be given a shot. That's probably a bit too much like Communism though...
    $200 Billion sounds like a huge number, but then again, that's less than the US pays in interest payments. Heck, the US spends over $600 billion just on discretionary spending. Then 700 billion on defense, 700 billion for social security, etc. If you want to talk overall spending, honestly, obesity is a tiny drop in the bucket. The federal budget is over $3.6 TRILLION. That would put obesity at around 5% of the total cost to the United States. If we are going to lay down regulations to save money for taxpayers, there are hundreds of other areas to look at before you get to that.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    Play this out to the end...first free refills are banned in the name of "public health" and next it is plate portion sizes. Then let's say they decide that red meat or apple pie is not healthy and ban that. Where is the line? I think that anyone who drinks a softdrink of any kind is making a bad diet choice but the what used to be beautiful about this country is that it was a CHOICE.

    Another scenerio drawn out to it's are now forced to buy healthcare under the Obama Care plan or you will be fined (as of 2014). Fast foward to the next step. Because so many people are on the governent health care plan and it is costing the country too much money we are now going to step in and control your diet, your excercise minimums and your other activity like sun exposure in the name of the economy....could happen and most probably will. It will start with something small like setting a precidence with banning free refills and escalate. Give an inch take a mile concept.

    It is a slippery slope when they start infringing upon personal freedom in the name of "the good of the public."


    another example of not quite THE HOME OF THE BRAVE> you're living in fear...
  • srpm
    srpm Posts: 275 Member
    This is up there next to the sugar tax that considers luna bars candy but kit-kats ok and the potato tax that didn't count pringles but counted all other chips. Not the governments place to tell fast food restaurants what they can and can not sell me.
  • buzzcogs
    buzzcogs Posts: 296 Member
    Yes Big Brother strikes again. "He" "thinks" you drink too much soda. Don't worry someday the revolution will come! ;-)
  • wally1uk
    wally1uk Posts: 120
    Never had free refills in the UK. You drink in, you pay for it. Period.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    my mother-in-law is going to LOOOOOVE this...she already hates the things the government has decided for us..its ok..if i have to drink water, i will