Should I really be at 1200 calories?



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I'd rather use lean body mass x 12 or 13 rather than body weight and figure out their BMR. Using the body weight x 10 formula, a 350 lb person would be given an estimated 3500 calories...

    I get what you're saying :)

    Although seeing as how studies show that muscle doesn't actually require that many more cals than fat (10 & 4 I "think" it was) the BMR & TDEE are still going to be well up there fore someone that heavy.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    this was posted a couple of days ago explaining about why you eat back your workout calories


    Dont forget to Friend Request if you are using the info.

    OP, 1200+eating back burned cals=closer to where you should be netting.
    Net it every day and eat below TDEE.
    It's less stressful!
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    yess 1200 calories aint jack! lol.. you can check your "BMR" basic metaloc rate on here.. go to the top under tools and under bmr.. and put in your info.. fast.. tells you how many calories you burn if you did literally nothing all day.. like laid in bed... so the calories you need to stay alive.. breath... mine is 1,745 and im only on a 1200 calorie day also.. (i exercise though and earn back).. but yes.. this plan does work but NOT a crash "diet" either.. where you loose fast.. its real life/real eating..and decisions/portion control big time... its my 9th day now on MFP.. and i like that im not deprived.. and i cant imagein not having at least this 1200 calories.. I already get light headed at times as is! :bigsmile:
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    Based on your age, height and weight (assuming your ticker is current) your BMR is in the neighbourhood of 1,526 and you're targeting a net of 1,200. That's 300 below BMR, using Harris Benedict on sedentary (ad based on your post you're not sedentary) your current maintenance would be around 1,830.

    I'd suggest that you need to eat back your exercise calories just to make sure you're adequately fueled for your workouts.