Feeling extreme weakness & nausea this morning- HELP!!



  • Starvation diets are unhealthy.
    Follow MFP recommendations, or you'll suffer some serious consequences at some point.
    Maybe you've heard this before? I suspect so.
    Good luck:flowerforyou:

    I have only been on MFP for 3 days but I would like to point out that I have been eating this way for months. I agree that starvation diets are unhealthy.. good thing that's not what I'm doing :)
    That's YOUR diary I was looking at, so yes, you are which others here have noticed as well.
    You asked for feedback, so here it is. Eat more:smokin:
    Follow the MFP recommendations, but if you have some better way, do whatever.
    I sincerely hope you succeed.

    I think some people will just have to agree to disagree! So, I am just going to say thank you for your advice & leave it at that :)

    Why did you even ask if you were only going to listen to the people saying what you want to hear?

    What a waste of the rest of our time.

    I am listening to everyone. If you would take the time to read my previous responses you would see that I am going to add in some healthy snacks to up my calorie intake. You would also notice that the individual above, insinuated that I was on a starvation diet... which I am not. That was the reason I said we will have to agree to disagree. If you feel that you are wasting your time, then please stop commenting. You have provided me with more smart*** remarks than you have actual advice anyhow. I hope you have a wonderful day :)
  • [/quote][/quote]
    Whoa! That was way too many uneducated assumptions in one post for me to handle. I think you should read the previous post & my food/exercise stats before spouting off such things. but thank you for the concern.

    Just to clear things up :)
    I'm not pregnant. (Sadly, that is no longer an option for me)
    I would hope that if I was crash dieting... as some as you say I am, that I would lose more than 9.6 lbs in 6 weeks. (1-2 lbs a week)
    My recommended weight (according to my doctor) is 97-132 lbs- for my height & age.
    I do own a blood pressure cuff (had high BP during pregnancies) & it is currently, 125/67
    I realize that my calorie intake may be a slightly low for what I need & I do not drink enough water- I am working on that today.

    Thank you everyone for your responses. Hopefully just drinking more water & increasing my calorie intake will help with my problem. Someone also suggested a multivitamin. Does anyone know of a good one to take?

    I am going to repost this one more time. & once again REPEAT myself & say that I am going to INCREASE my calorie intake today & see if that help with the dizziness. Thank you everyone & I sincerely appreciate all of your advice & comments. But if all you have to offer is eat more, your starving, your crash dieting, you have an eating disorder, then PLEASE refrain from commenting.

    ** Not saying that eating more was not good advice (especially since that is the advice I have chosen to go with along with a multivitamin) but there is no need for the redundant post about it... especially for the ones making rude assumptions.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member

    Whoa! That was way too many uneducated assumptions in one post for me to handle. I think you should read the previous post & my food/exercise stats before spouting off such things. but thank you for the concern.

    Just to clear things up :)
    I'm not pregnant. (Sadly, that is no longer an option for me)
    I would hope that if I was crash dieting... as some as you say I am, that I would lose more than 9.6 lbs in 6 weeks. (1-2 lbs a week)
    My recommended weight (according to my doctor) is 97-132 lbs- for my height & age.
    I do own a blood pressure cuff (had high BP during pregnancies) & it is currently, 125/67
    I realize that my calorie intake may be a slightly low for what I need & I do not drink enough water- I am working on that today.

    Thank you everyone for your responses. Hopefully just drinking more water & increasing my calorie intake will help with my problem. Someone also suggested a multivitamin. Does anyone know of a good one to take?


    I am going to repost this one more time. & once again REPEAT myself & say that I am going to INCREASE my calorie intake today & see if that help with the dizziness. Thank you everyone & I sincerely appreciate all of your advice & comments. But if all you have to offer is eat more, your starving, your crash dieting, you have an eating disorder, then PLEASE refrain from commenting.

    ** Not saying that eating more was not good advice (especially since that is the advice I have chosen to go with along with a multivitamin) but there is no need for the redundant post about it... especially for the ones making rude assumptions.

    I think you've received some really good advice and have a good plan of action proposed. As a woman, even though you are not and not planning on being pregnant, I've always heard that a prenatal vitamin is preferrable. Mine are GNC.
  • tbolashana
    tbolashana Posts: 2,707 Member
    First of all congrats on joining and taking control of ur life. :smile:

    I am fairly new too and learning, so much.

    * REDUNDANT ALERT * :tongue:

    I have read your diary and i am going to say what others had already said. EAT MORE. :laugh: I know it could be hard at first because I had to train myself to eat more. I was losing weight when I was eating less, but then stalled and joined MFP. I then used the 1200 cal as my baseline. I then joined MFP GROUP "EAT MORE TO WEIGH LESS" and have been trying to eat more for weeks now. Finally I am able to eat more. So it just takes time to relearn how to eat more.

    * REDUNDANT ALERT * :tongue:

    I would also say for you to go off Xyngular. I know it is helping with losing weight and suppressing your appetite, but you will not be able to eat more probably if you are on Xyngular. Just try to not take it for a day at least. Just to see.

    And about your exercising....you are doing great! :flowerforyou: Keep it up and don't under count your calories burned. You probably are pushing that hard and actually worked that off. I used to think that my HRM was lying to me until I did a walk to the park and compared it to what MFP thought I would burn and it was spot on.

    I went to the Scooby Calorie Calculator and inputted my stats and was shocked at the fact I was not eating enough.

    Since you are new to MFP, I would research some groups and see what fits to get support. I recommend 'EAT MORE TO WEIGH LESS". There is some good reading on there that I found interesting.

    I hope you feel better.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Whoa! That was way too many uneducated assumptions in one post for me to handle. I think you should read the previous post & my food/exercise stats before spouting off such things. but thank you for the concern.

    Just to clear things up :)
    I'm not pregnant. (Sadly, that is no longer an option for me)
    I would hope that if I was crash dieting... as some as you say I am, that I would lose more than 9.6 lbs in 6 weeks. (1-2 lbs a week)
    My recommended weight (according to my doctor) is 97-132 lbs- for my height & age.
    I do own a blood pressure cuff (had high BP during pregnancies) & it is currently, 125/67
    I realize that my calorie intake may be a slightly low for what I need & I do not drink enough water- I am working on that today.

    Thank you everyone for your responses. Hopefully just drinking more water & increasing my calorie intake will help with my problem. Someone also suggested a multivitamin. Does anyone know of a good one to take?

    I am going to repost this one more time. & once again REPEAT myself & say that I am going to INCREASE my calorie intake today & see if that help with the dizziness. Thank you everyone & I sincerely appreciate all of your advice & comments. But if all you have to offer is eat more, your starving, your crash dieting, you have an eating disorder, then PLEASE refrain from commenting.

    ** Not saying that eating more was not good advice (especially since that is the advice I have chosen to go with along with a multivitamin) but there is no need for the redundant post about it... especially for the ones making rude assumptions.

    I also wanted to point out one more thing . . . when you're asking for advice you're going to get some of the same or similar suggestions as people are working with the same basic data. You've been on here for 3 days and were under eating. You regularly find people on here who are new and trying to wrap their minds around the net calorie intake, proper balances, and why less isn't always more. Looking at someone's diary that looks like yours and looking for different advice from each poster is like taking a random population asking them what color the sky is and expecting different answers from each person, it's just not going to happen. Now, if you were to post and ask about great ways to increase your calories or macro suggestions and why you'll get slightly different answers and some more awesome suggestions.
  • Prilla04
    Prilla04 Posts: 174 Member
    I woke up this morning & the moment I stood up I knew something wasn't right. My entire body feels weak (not sore) but like I can't stand. At the same time I am dizzy & also feeling nausea's this morning. I ate something light thinking that might have been the problem, but so far it hasn't helped. All of my food & exercise stats are viewable on my profile (only 3 days-new to this).

    ** Also, my calorie intake is low most days (due to exercise it keeps giving me extra calories... but I feel full every day & eat when I am hungry.

    Step away from the computer and go to your doctor.
  • tishad58
    tishad58 Posts: 110 Member
    Okay- I'll throw my two cents in here also.

    Classic hypoglycemia symptoms are: weakness, dizziness, nausea, sweating, palpitations, blurry vision, headache, and on and on. Not everybody gets all of the symptoms and we are all different. I looked at your food diary and you are way low on sugars. We need those as part of the body's requirements, just from the correct sources. Typically you want to use fruits and vegetables, some grains. Easy on the fruit juice- it is straight sugar- EXCEPT as noted below. Glycogen (sugar) stores in the liver are typically pretty small, so it is easy to run yourself out of it if you are not replenishing. Glycogen fuels the muscles, but also the brain, hence the dizzyness and so forth. Sure you want to burn fat, but you need the glycogen to get the process going.

    http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001423/ This tells a lot about it.

    Hypoglycemia is pretty common in dieters- we tend to get a little carried away!! It's especially common in the morning. I'm not saying that's what you've got for sure- I am not a doc and I am not there with you. First Aid for this is to have a small amount of any kind of fruit juice (it really doesn't HAVE to be OJ- most Docs recommend OJ because it is the most common juice in American homes). If that works within 15 minutes, that's most likely what is going on- it gets into the blood stream very quickly. You can do this WHILE you are waiting to get through to the doctor, if need be. :bigsmile:

    Some people use hard candy for the sugars- most medical people advise juice because it is so fast and so readily available.

    Some of the other advice here was good, too- more water, more calories- and sounds like you have taken it. Good for you! Feel free to friend me if you want- I just got here too. :flowerforyou:
  • tishad58
    tishad58 Posts: 110 Member
    * Small amount of juice is 4 oz.

    The NIH website recommends a small carbo type snack after the juice- and this is also the standard advice for hypoglycemia- otherwise the sugar (juice) is quickly used up and you are back in the same boat.
  • greeneyedaries
    greeneyedaries Posts: 45 Member
    What concerns me is the fact that you are taking some kind of, Xyngular Accelerate.. I have know idea what this might be, but it just might be what is causing all your problems...try not taking this and see if your symtoms clear up... JMO