INSANITY fit test... should I choose another program?



  • ealinn
    ealinn Posts: 38
    I do the same thing... broke my wrist a few years back & just don't have the strength yet to do many pushups. When I can't I do a plank - still a great core strengthener. I added pushups as I could manage and am now up to about 10. Keep at it, do what you can & you will get results!
  • loristeck
    loristeck Posts: 6 Member
    I completely agree! I wouldn't attempt it but in reality I think I'm beyond that type of fitness but still very focused on being the best that I can be... in the office we all work out together, walk at lunch, sign up for races and do other things for strength and overall encourage and support each other. You have to get real with yourself first to be successful. We have a friend that is completely sedentary, doesn't even walk, is in her 50's, has about 50 pounds to lose, eats wrong and is on "trying" Insanity for the second time cause her foot hurt last time. Well Yeah! I don't get it... don't set yourself up for failure. Start small, ask for support (it's really okay!), get your diet in check and just get moving. :wink:
  • loristeck
    loristeck Posts: 6 Member
    Dang! Sounds good to me!! Good luck with it... you're body will tell you how you're doing. :-)
  • ealinn
    ealinn Posts: 38
    My fit test was pretty much the same. But I stuck with it,and after the first week I already feel stronger & can do more than when I started. Was a tough week, no doubt, lots of muscle soreness, but so worth it. I lost 4.5 lbs and about 3 inches already. I do as much as I can, and any exercise I can't do (old wrist injury & hip issue), I modify. I just do one of the ones I can, or if nothing else, jog hard in place. I'll often do stabilizers while they are doing push-ups, because I can only do so many. Great core workout and not so hard on the wrists. Keep at it and I think you will love it. I am excited to take the fit test for the second time to really measure my progress.
  • I didn't track my first insanity fit test results but my first fit test wasn't any better. I struggled through the video getting lousy results. didn't think I was able to do insanity but I kept on pressinig play for 2 months having to sit out real often. But I kept on doing my best. After 2 months I am now able to do:

    switch kicks: 115
    power jacks: 53
    power knees: 97
    power jumps: 45
    globe jumps 40 or 10 rotations
    sucide jumps: 19
    pushup Jacks: 20, started with about 5
    low plank oblique: 36

    Just give it your best you will be glad you did. The more insanity you do the better you will do each time. Tanya in the workouts still puts me to shame.