You know you drank too much when....



  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    You wake up in Berlin.
  • ichigo007
    ichigo007 Posts: 97
    When I ran out of alcohol. I am one of those few that can drink like a fish still walk home and wake up remembering everything and have no hang over. Some one told me I have a over active liver and a poor digestive system absorbtion rate. But when I drink I drink to have fun not get drunk for the most part and not that often.
  • You walk out of the bar bathroom into a busy bar with your jeans down around your knees calling out to your husband to help pull up your pants. He was standing by the pool tables with my girlfriend's shoes in his hand and two bouncers telling him he had to make her put her shoes back on and stop taking posters off the wall. The benefit of having a large intimidating looking husband is that the bouncers are always super nice. Other bar patrons are always asking him for drugs though. He doesn't understand why so I told him that its a secret local gay pick-up line and he just doesn't know the response. Lol.
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 821 Member
    You're at a co-worker's Halloween party and decide you've had enough, so you go out to crash in the tent you pitched in their yard earlier. However, you can't find it due to rain and end up a quarter mile down the road being barked at by their neighbor's dog falling down in their yard trying to knock on the door of the barn to let you in. Luckily they know you from work also and stick you on their couch to crash... ...only to be told that you were up in the night pee'ing all over their living room carpet...
    yeah... that was too much..
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member fell and don't remember it, but DEF have a bruise of proof.

    Anyone else willing to share?

    Oof. I've been there before.

    When my husband tells me all the funny things that I did the night before and I don't remember a thing. Until hours later as the bits and pieces start ever so slowly filtering through.

    Or when I wake up in the spare bedroom and have no idea how the hell I got there.

    Or I curl up in a ball on the floor and go to sleep.

    Or I start flashing people in very public (and sometimes very nice) establishments. :smile: <--- this one is a quick gauge as to how drunk I am getting. If I say to my husband that I wasn't that drunk the night before he'll say "Jennie, your boobs came out. You were drunk." LOL.
  • kzivic
    kzivic Posts: 326 Member
    ...after a night out, you see your friend on crutches the next day and ask what happened. You find out she tripped on the curb leaving the bar, sprained her ankle and you're the one who helped carry her home. No clue that happened at all...
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    you need a bloody mary the next morning just to get out of bed! :flowerforyou:
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Tiger in the bathroom the next morning, followed by a visit from Mike Tyson in the afternoon.
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    When you wake up reeking of cigar smoke and shame.

    And then you see that your husband is passed out on the toilet, and it's his cigar smoke and his shame you're tokin' on.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    Last year in Jamaica there was this incident in the pool. I walked away from it and on my way to the bar this dude tapped me on the @ss, (which hurt REALLY badly from said incident)
    I don't have an indoor voice. I had drama all 4 years of high school and my mom is hearing impaired, so I know how to talk loudly.
    People were coming over from the beach to see wtf was going on.
    he was with some friends in a raised part of the pool that overlooked the rest of the pool, it's a horse-shoe shaped and seats about 16 ppl. I'm walking around the edge of this screaming at him for several minutes finished up, and then fell in the pool. HAH!
    No one said a damned word about this! I didn't find out til this June!! Someone who knows the guy said he felt really bad, he didn't realize I had a baseball sized bruise on my butt which occurred just a few minutes prior. I asked her to extend an apology for me. he was out of line, but jesus I humiliated him badly!

    It hurt to sit for several days. :( and the bruise didn't go away for about 2 weeks. :(
  • Um, what about waking up naked in your inlaws kitchen? Would that count?

    Yes, that was me. The night of my 30th birthday. Which I don't remember.
  • martin1306
    martin1306 Posts: 21 Member
    When there's an empty KFC box in the kitchen and you don't where it came from!
  • arielian
    arielian Posts: 200
    water taste like liquor
  • arielian
    arielian Posts: 200
    when you wake up with a sore *kitten* and there's no stairs where you are lol
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    When you pass out so hard that you don't hear your anti-alcohol parents yelling "ARE YOU DRUNK??" at the edge of your bed.
  • Jess207
    Jess207 Posts: 90
    When you scream at your best friend's husband to "Just leave me here!! The bathroom floor is so cold and feels so good!!!"
  • beach_please
    beach_please Posts: 533 Member
    When you throw up out the passenger side window while getting food from the drive-thru at McDonalds (my husband was driving) :ohwell: Don't judge me... NOTHING tastes better than McDonald's fries when you're drunk.
  • You wake up in your own car surrounded by three cop cars, two fire engines and an ambulance. They think you're dead, because someone said you were. Then the cop who gives you a ride home says he's only doing it because you're a soldier and you root for Duke. Thank god those days are behind me. I think.
  • Katahna
    Katahna Posts: 326 Member
    When you're drunk...