Let the bloodbath begin....



  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Let's take the emotion of being a homebody vs. a career vs. younger vs. older out of this whole discussion.

    Let's get scientific for a moment. The tab clearly says exercise and is broken down into cardio & strength training.

    Exercise is defined as planned, structured, and progressive process by which a significant exertion is applied to stimulate a specific desired and positive bodily change.

    Given that, I don't see how work around the house can be considered exercise. Walking the dog can qualify if there is significant exertion applied, obviously based upon your physical conditioning.

    Work around the house can burn a great deal more calories and bring up your heart rate a lot higher than walking the dog. One poster mentioned their HRM showed an 1100 calorie burn for mowing her lawn. Another poster said 700 calories for giving the house a scrub down. So the physical exertion is there. I don't do a scrub down of my house daily, but when I do I sweat much more than I do from a half hour on the elliptical. Exercise has a very broad definition and does not have to be just want you do in the gym. Chores are included in the MFP database as well as other sites like Fitday. BTW Fitday also includes sex for exercise and you can log it based on length and intensity. Personally, I think MFP should follow suit.

    The average person's definition of exercise is vague. But I don't see where mowing the lawn or scrubbing a house is progressive. I'm sure there are people that will argue that it's structured and planned.

    If you sweat more doing house work than on an elliptical, then my observation would be that the intensity should be picked up on the elliptical.

    I would argue that, if you're not working up a sweat and getting your HR up by doing deep house cleaning (for several hours, not a few minutes) and/or mowing your lawn (with a push mower), you're not doing THAT properly. As I said before, you've apparently never deep cleaned a house from top to bottom, nor have you ever seen what I look like after thirty minutes on the elliptical. I'm doing BOTH the way they should be done, and I'm here to tell you, I burn WAY more calories and get my HR MUCH higher doing three hours of deep cleaning than I do in thirty minutes to an hour on the elliptical.
    I'm sorry but house work is not exercise. So it doesn't matter at what intensity you do it. Enjoy you're lil jog on the elliptical. If you want to be rude, then expect rude back.

    I wasn't aware I was being rude. I simply pointed out that you're not present when I do my gym workouts, so your argument that I'm (or anyone) not doing it right is invalid. I was simply saying that I AM doing my elliptical workouts the way they should be done (I'm pouring sweat, my HR gets over 130bpm within the first 2-3minutes, and usually peaks around 170bpm), but I also get a good workout doing deep cleaning one day a week. My point has been all along that, no, I don't think it really benefits anyone to be logging 10-15 minutes of LIGHT housework at a time. However, there are some exceptions to logging chores.

    FYI, this is my elliptical routine (I'm not sure if it uses rpms to measure speed or some other unit of measurement, but when it's at 85-100 it feels about equal to a 2-2.5mph pace on the treadmill...just to give you an idea):

    2 minutes @ Level 12, Backward motion, speed 110-120
    2 minutes @ Level 10, Forward motion, speed 120-130
    2 minutes @ Level 3, Forward motion, sprint @ speed 150-160 (by the end of this first sprinting segment, my HR is typically well over 150bpm)
    2 minutes @ Level 10, Forward motion, speed 120-130
    2 minutes @ Level 12, Backward motion, speed 110-120
    2 minutes @ Level 3, Forward motion, sprint @ speed 150-160
    Repeat these steps for a total of 30 minutes (does not include 5 min warm up and 5 min cool down).
  • milf_n_cookies
    milf_n_cookies Posts: 2,244 Member
    Can you get a gold medal in Toilet Bowl scrubbing?

    I would get the gold in that, 4 toilets and six boys in the house, I never go into one of our bathrooms without having to clean up before I can even sit to pee LOL
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Can you get a gold medal in Toilet Bowl scrubbing?

    I would get the gold in that, 4 toilets and six boys in the house, I never go into one of our bathrooms without having to clean up before I can even sit to pee LOL

    I don't think they do give medals for that, but perhaps they should in your case. More power to ya! :flowerforyou:
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    I say let everyone decide for themselves. Who am I to say you can or can't log something as exercise. If I don't agree with it I move on. End of story. People need not worry so much about what others are doing.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I say let everyone decide for themselves. Who am I to say you can or can't log something as exercise. If I don't agree with it I move on. End of story. People need not worry so much about what others are doing.

    Thank you! :flowerforyou: That's the ONLY reason I get so heated about this issue. If you don't think it's beneficial to log chores as exercise, fine, don't log it. However, that's no reason to verbally bully someone else and treat them like they're an idiot for doing so. Everyone has their own reasons for doing what they do. Whether you agree with them or not, it's working for them, so who are you to criticize?
  • bethmac_va
    bethmac_va Posts: 65
    Moving is moving. Getting off the couch and staying busy.

    Maybe people take for granted some things others find difficult. I know a person who weighed almost 400 pounds and to walk to the street to get the mail was a workout. Then it became walking to the next mailbox (no, not to steal mail lol) and then back. She added another mailbox and kept it going . She is now under 200 pounds and if she didn't start her "mailbox" workout, she may have never seen the onederlands.....

    She is my aunt and I'm proud of her!

    This is exactly why logging activity is so individualized! Great story! :bigsmile:
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    I say let everyone decide for themselves. Who am I to say you can or can't log something as exercise. If I don't agree with it I move on. End of story. People need not worry so much about what others are doing.

    Thank you! :flowerforyou: That's the ONLY reason I get so heated about this issue. If you don't think it's beneficial to log chores as exercise, fine, don't log it. However, that's no reason to verbally bully someone else and treat them like they're an idiot for doing so. Everyone has their own reasons for doing what they do. Whether you agree with them or not, it's working for them, so who are you to criticize?

    Exactly. To each their own really. I think there are a lot of people who act superior to others when they are sitting behind their computer. Again - it doesn't affect me so I move on if I don't agree. Why get bent out of shape about it. Their life....move on.
  • jmcdaniel0
    jmcdaniel0 Posts: 130 Member
    Because chores are a part of your daily routine. You don't account for them because it's a normal part of your day. You might as well log your trips to the bathroom as Walking, 2 mph, slow pace (2 minutes). It's basically the same thing. I think anything you have to go out of the way to do that requires strenuous effort can be logged. Everything else is null.

    Why is it taking you two minutes to walk to the bathroom at 2mph? That's like 105 metres. If your house is really that big, you gotta get yourself a second toilet.

    I just LOL'd at this... Just thought i would point that out!

    Thanks for the chuckle.
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    Because chores are a part of your daily routine. You don't account for them because it's a normal part of your day. You might as well log your trips to the bathroom as Walking, 2 mph, slow pace (2 minutes). It's basically the same thing. I think anything you have to go out of the way to do that requires strenuous effort can be logged. Everything else is null.

    But perhaps chores aren't a part of someone's regular daily routine - it's such an individual thing, I can't make any blanket statement about what your day includes, just as you don't know what is "regular activity" for me. And perhaps those chores are pretty strenuous. Again, it's personal difference and personal choice on how people choose to set up and log things.

    Amen! I won't log loading dishes into the dishwasher, but if I vacuum the house for 2 hours you better believe I'm going to log it! If you'd ever been to my house, you would know that's not part of the daily routine. :blushing: Now, if I stayed at home every day and spent most of my day cleaning house... I would definitely have a much cleaner house and would probably have my activity level set higher.

    I say to each his own :flowerforyou:
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    I say let everyone decide for themselves. Who am I to say you can or can't log something as exercise. If I don't agree with it I move on. End of story. People need not worry so much about what others are doing.

    You're totally missing the point.

    If someone went on the forum and said "I have just 500 calories a day, and it works for me" the debate wouldn't be whether or not they are 'allowed' to do that, or whether or not it was anybody elses business! The debate would be whether or not it would be beneficial to do that, and whether or not others should also do that

    I see no problem with anybody discussing the rights and wrongs of logging every single movement, none at all
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I say let everyone decide for themselves. Who am I to say you can or can't log something as exercise. If I don't agree with it I move on. End of story. People need not worry so much about what others are doing.

    You're totally missing the point.

    If someone went on the forum and said "I have just 500 calories a day, and it works for me" the debate wouldn't be whether or not they are 'allowed' to do that, or whether or not it was anybody elses business! The debate would be whether or not it would be beneficial to do that, and whether or not others should also do that

    I see no problem with anybody discussing the rights and wrongs of logging every single movement, none at all

    This is what is wrong with this site and have me second guessing using it. There are way too many people who think it is their job and responsibility to correct others behavior. This is the internet. People are going to do what they are going to do. Voicing your opinion is not going to stop someone who is hell bent on doing something you wouldn't. I have used fitday and sparkpeople and I must say MFP is the most judgmental bunch. Of course this doesn't apply to all, but there are more than a few members who think they know everything and must correct everyone else. There are countless articles and studies that encourage people to do household chores as exercise to stay fit and lose weight. This is not a debatable issue in the fitness community. Think link even points out which muscle groups you work when you do specific chores, http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/workout/tips/expert-advice/how-many-calories-do-you-burn-with-household-chores/

    If you don't want to log chores, don't log chores, but don't knock someone for doing something that works for them. Telling them they are wrong is not in the spirit of support which is suppose to be the focus of this site.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    I say let everyone decide for themselves. Who am I to say you can or can't log something as exercise. If I don't agree with it I move on. End of story. People need not worry so much about what others are doing.

    You're totally missing the point.

    If someone went on the forum and said "I have just 500 calories a day, and it works for me" the debate wouldn't be whether or not they are 'allowed' to do that, or whether or not it was anybody elses business! The debate would be whether or not it would be beneficial to do that, and whether or not others should also do that

    I see no problem with anybody discussing the rights and wrongs of logging every single movement, none at all

    This is what is wrong with this site and have me second guessing using it. There are way too many people who think it is their job and responsibility to correct others behavior. This is the internet. People are going to do what they are going to do. Voicing your opinion is not going to stop someone who is hell bent on doing something you wouldn't. I have used fitday and sparkpeople and I must say MFP is the most judgmental bunch. Of course this doesn't apply to all, but there are more than a few members who think they know everything and must correct everyone else. There are countless articles and studies that encourage people to do household chores as exercise to stay fit and lose weight. This is not a debatable issue in the fitness community. Think link even points out which muscle groups you work when you do specific chores, http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/workout/tips/expert-advice/how-many-calories-do-you-burn-with-household-chores/

    If you don't want to log chores, don't log chores, but don't knock someone for doing something that works for them. Telling them they are wrong is not in the spirit of support which is suppose to be the focus of this site.


    I'm not missing the point at all. The point is we all see things differently and if "mary" logs her house chores as exercise that is her business. She can state it has helped her lose weight and you can state that you don't think that's right but that doesn't mean it isn't right for her. What is beneficial to her and her weight loss might not be so for you. You have to do what works for you.

    Personally I wouldn't log chores as exercise unless it's mowing the lawn because that isn't something I always do. But just because I wouldn't log it doesn't mean I'm going to come on here and tell someone else not to log it. And just because I don't think walking to the bathroom or loading the dishwasher is beneficial to me and my weight loss doesn't mean it isn't so someone else. People reading a post like that have to take into consideration an persons age, height, weight, gender, etc.

    If you don't agree with it you have the right to say it but then move on. I don't see why people get bent out of shape over it. If you have your own mind/thoughts/and you've educated yourself then you need not worry about what "mary" is doing.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    I say let everyone decide for themselves. Who am I to say you can or can't log something as exercise. If I don't agree with it I move on. End of story. People need not worry so much about what others are doing.

    You're totally missing the point.

    If someone went on the forum and said "I have just 500 calories a day, and it works for me" the debate wouldn't be whether or not they are 'allowed' to do that, or whether or not it was anybody elses business! The debate would be whether or not it would be beneficial to do that, and whether or not others should also do that

    I see no problem with anybody discussing the rights and wrongs of logging every single movement, none at all

    This is what is wrong with this site and have me second guessing using it. There are way too many people who think it is their job and responsibility to correct others behavior. This is the internet. People are going to do what they are going to do. Voicing your opinion is not going to stop someone who is hell bent on doing something you wouldn't. I have used fitday and sparkpeople and I must say MFP is the most judgmental bunch. Of course this doesn't apply to all, but there are more than a few members who think they know everything and must correct everyone else. There are countless articles and studies that encourage people to do household chores as exercise to stay fit and lose weight. This is not a debatable issue in the fitness community. Think link even points out which muscle groups you work when you do specific chores, http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/workout/tips/expert-advice/how-many-calories-do-you-burn-with-household-chores/

    If you don't want to log chores, don't log chores, but don't knock someone for doing something that works for them. Telling them they are wrong is not in the spirit of support which is suppose to be the focus of this site.

    Again you're missing the point

    People can log what they want. It could be good for some, not so good for others. I've never said it is wrong, Ive never said you shouldnt do it

    All I'm saying is that we, on a public forum should be able to debate the merits or otherwise

    In fact, you're doing just that, you're giving a firm opinion that chores as an exercise are good for you, based on what you have seen in articles. You could say that you're 'correcting' those that don't agree with this!

    You put that side of the argument forward - excellent. Exactly what you should do
    And others put their side of the argument forward - you seem to be classifying this lot as 'know-it-alls who want to correct everybody else'!
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I say let everyone decide for themselves. Who am I to say you can or can't log something as exercise. If I don't agree with it I move on. End of story. People need not worry so much about what others are doing.

    You're totally missing the point.

    If someone went on the forum and said "I have just 500 calories a day, and it works for me" the debate wouldn't be whether or not they are 'allowed' to do that, or whether or not it was anybody elses business! The debate would be whether or not it would be beneficial to do that, and whether or not others should also do that

    I see no problem with anybody discussing the rights and wrongs of logging every single movement, none at all

    This is what is wrong with this site and have me second guessing using it. There are way too many people who think it is their job and responsibility to correct others behavior. This is the internet. People are going to do what they are going to do. Voicing your opinion is not going to stop someone who is hell bent on doing something you wouldn't. I have used fitday and sparkpeople and I must say MFP is the most judgmental bunch. Of course this doesn't apply to all, but there are more than a few members who think they know everything and must correct everyone else. There are countless articles and studies that encourage people to do household chores as exercise to stay fit and lose weight. This is not a debatable issue in the fitness community. Think link even points out which muscle groups you work when you do specific chores, http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/workout/tips/expert-advice/how-many-calories-do-you-burn-with-household-chores/

    If you don't want to log chores, don't log chores, but don't knock someone for doing something that works for them. Telling them they are wrong is not in the spirit of support which is suppose to be the focus of this site.

    Again you're missing the point

    People can log what they want. It could be good for some, not so good for others. I've never said it is wrong, Ive never said you shouldnt do it

    All I'm saying is that we, on a public forum should be able to debate the merits or otherwise

    In fact, you're doing just that, you're giving a firm opinion that chores as an exercise are good for you, based on what you have seen in articles. You could say that you're 'correcting' those that don't agree with this!

    You put that side of the argument forward - excellent. Exactly what you should do
    And others put their side of the argument forward - you seem to be classifying this lot as 'know-it-alls who want to correct everybody else'!

    Personally, as I've said repeatedly, I couldn't care less if someone has a differing opinion on the issue. If you don't think it's beneficial, fine, don't do it, but don't treat me as though I'm an idiot because I do log chores (one day a week) which require a SIGNIFICANT amount of activity as exercise. It's the condescending attitudes that most of us are having a problem with. Not everyone who logs chores is logging EVERY little chore they do. In fact, from what I'm reading, most of us are only logging it one day a week when we do deep cleaning. If I do the dishes (by hand) for fifteen minutes on Monday evening, I'm not gonna log that because it's not worth my time to do so. However, on Saturday morning when I get up at 7:30-8am and spend the better part of the morning doing chores that require continuous, vigorous effort, sure I'm gonna log that. I understand why someone would question logging EVERY SINGLE "activity" that requires even minimal movement. I just don't get why it's "sooooo foolish" in the minds of some people to log housework or yard chores that require significant effort for long periods of time.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Personally, as I've said repeatedly, I couldn't care less if someone has a differing opinion on the issue. If you don't think it's beneficial, fine, don't do it, but don't treat me as though I'm an idiot because I do log chores (one day a week) which require a SIGNIFICANT amount of activity as exercise. It's the condescending attitudes that most of us are having a problem with. Not everyone who logs chores is logging EVERY little chore they do. In fact, from what I'm reading, most of us are only logging it one day a week when we do deep cleaning. If I do the dishes (by hand) for fifteen minutes on Monday evening, I'm not gonna log that because it's not worth my time to do so. However, on Saturday morning when I get up at 7:30-8am and spend the better part of the morning doing chores that require continuous, vigorous effort, sure I'm gonna log that. I understand why someone would question logging EVERY SINGLE "activity" that requires even minimal movement. I just don't get why it's "sooooo foolish" in the minds of some people to log housework or yard chores that require significant effort for long periods of time.

    But I honestly haven't seen anyone saying it's foolish to log the chores, or anyone calling someone else an idiot

    Ive seen people say they don't understand why people do it, but that's different

    I like the debates about whether you should or not - I don't like people getting irate about it all though; and insults are always wrong
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    People should be allowed to log what they want as exercise. The purpose of this site is to help us keep track of our meals and exercise to aid in our fitness management. Why does anyone care how other people manage their own fitness?

    The problem isn't logging, it's asking others whether they should log an activity that most people would consider routine activity, not exercise. The fact that people ask makes me think that they on some level know they're kidding themselves.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I have myself set to sedentary. I log cycling and workouts. I let my fitbit calculate anything else I do, even if it doesn't pick up on me vacuuming and doing the laundry. I, personally, would not even think to log cleaning and housework extra, as to me, those are just part of basic daily activity. I have even seen people logging a calorie burn for sitting typing at their keyboard and it struck me as a bit silly really.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    I have myself set to sedentary. I log cycling and workouts. I let my fitbit calculate anything else I do, even if it doesn't pick up on me vacuuming and doing the laundry. I, personally, would not even think to log cleaning and housework extra, as to me, those are just part of basic daily activity. I have even seen people logging a calorie burn for sitting typing at their keyboard and it struck me as a bit silly really.

    I like this

    I wear my FitBit and let it do its thing, I very rarely override it with an activity.If I do a hard intense walk - I might take my HRM and use that. My strength workouts - I don't think significant enough.

    I'm mostly sedentary at a computer, today I spent 2 hours walking around shopping, 1 hour doing a non-stop walk,1 hour walking around cooking,1.5 hours gardening and digging new plants, maybe another 1.5 just wandering around the house. I got 939 calories so far.

    I think its better to spend the time running up and down the stairs rather than logging every little thing.
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    I say ...........
    You're totally missing the point.
    This is what is wrong with this site .............
    Again you're missing the point...........

    PMSL. Is this STILL going on??? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: