October Bride!



  • AtlantaBlueMoon
    AtlantaBlueMoon Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone. I have 15 pounds I'd like to lose for my wedding in 58 days. What's the best way to do this at 1200 calories a day.....I figure if I exercise 500 calories a day, I'll lose 2 lbs. a week....
  • Netterz0087
    Netterz0087 Posts: 91 Member
    Hey ladies! My wedding's set for October 13th! I'm trying to loose 10 more pounds by then :/ Here's to hoping! I do enjoy working out, but I live in South Carolina and it's way too hot for me to be running down here! I just bough Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred so I had Day 1 of that today which was nice, but I had already had some Japanese -- which wasn't bad -- until I had the white sauce *sheepish grin* so I'm in the negatives lol but here's to a new day tomorrow! Feel free to add me! I LOVE talking about working out and weddings!!
  • Hello

    I just wanted to introduce mysel as an October 2012 bride! We are getting married in the Dominican Republic on 29 October :)
    My fiance has lost an amazing 46 pounds in the last 7 months with MFP and P90X, but it's been slower for me

    I'm 5' 1" and at 156 lbs now and hope to loose 5-7 or at least be in the 140's by the wedding in 4.5 weeks!
    I'm concentrating on arms and back which show in the wedding dress.

    Any other destination wedding brides out there??