Lost weight and now I NEVER get hit on?!?



  • chocoholicdiva
    chocoholicdiva Posts: 345 Member
    Girl, you don't know how lucky you are to be in such great shape as you are. I would kill to have a body like yours, I really would. Your current weight? I was in elementary school when I last weighed that much, I really was. I would do anything to be that much again as an adult. Men? They don't want me. Not where I am. And the ones that do are all rejects. But you see, I'M a reject because I have epilepsy. Who else is gonna want to be friends with me in my hometown, let alone date me? I can't make friends. I can't because I can't go out on my own without seizuring. I have to go shopping in a wheelchair of all things. I'm coming down in my weight, but slowly. You don't know how easy you have it. I'd practically have to pay one of those guys to flirt with me. Because where I come from, no one wants damaged goods.
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    Girl, you don't know how lucky you are to be in such great shape as you are. I would kill to have a body like yours, I really would. Your current weight? I was in elementary school when I last weighed that much, I really was. I would do anything to be that much again as an adult. Men? They don't want me. Not where I am. And the ones that do are all rejects. But you see, I'M a reject because I have epilepsy. Who else is gonna want to be friends with me in my hometown, let alone date me? I can't make friends. I can't because I can't go out on my own without seizuring. I have to go shopping in a wheelchair of all things. I'm coming down in my weight, but slowly. You don't know how easy you have it. I'd practically have to pay one of those guys to flirt with me. Because where I come from, no one wants damaged goods.

    that's not true... guys always want damaged goods, especially if they are crazy in the sack. :)
  • joe7880
    joe7880 Posts: 92 Member
    Ok, so far I've lost almost 15lbs (i lost weight before joining mfp). When I weighed.131lbs, I would go out and would be approached several times, now, I go out and NOTHING! I don't understand! I think I look better and have more confidence, but maybe losing a little bit of weight made me less attractive?! Ugh, I don't know, it's a little discouraging. just needed to vent. Has anyone else had this sort of thing occur?!

    First thought that comes to mind is if you want more male attention, put bacon in your purse :smile:

    But seriously, congrats on your accomplishment and in this department I would think the quality of men hitting on you would be much more important than the quantity.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    Now, I'm sure that this is not the case, because your pictures look very good, but some men prefer women to be just a tad heavier, tends to add a bit of padding in the right areas.

    It's just a personal preference of mine, but I'm much more likely to approach a slightly overweight or chunky girl than a very skinny one. It's just a personal taste thing, and maybe you're just hanging out in places where the men are preferring that. Think about where you are going and see if maybe other places might lend themselves better to your current size and fitness level for turning heads.
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    the only time not getting hit on would have anything to deal with looking worse is when you are Cameron Diaz from The Mask to now... sure she lost weight .. but I just don't think she looks nearly as good.



  • babesintow
    babesintow Posts: 59
    Ok, so far I've lost almost 15lbs (i lost weight before joining mfp). When I weighed.131lbs, I would go out and would be approached several times, now, I go out and NOTHING! I don't understand! I think I look better and have more confidence, but maybe losing a little bit of weight made me less attractive?! Ugh, I don't know, it's a little discouraging. just needed to vent. Has anyone else had this sort of thing occur?!

    I think it might be they are afraid they can't keep up. If you look like you hit the gym and take care of yourself why would you waste your time with someone who won't? I am assuming this is there take...if you look at most men that are active and in great shape they expect the women they are with to do the same.

    So sorry to hear you have put all of this effort to look and feel great and your not getting the results you thought you would...but look on the bright side think of how many men it has helped you weed through that wouldn't have worked anyway!
  • mr18actor
    mr18actor Posts: 480
    Looks like you can have your pick. Maybe you should try giving a guy an opening by giving him a chance to respond to something you are doing. Could be as simple as dropping a napkin when you pick up a drink from the bar or even just saying 'hello' to a guy and see what he comes up with. Good luck! :happy:
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    the only time not getting hit on would have anything to deal with looking worse is when you are Cameron Diaz from The Mask to now... sure she lost weight .. but I just don't think she looks nearly as good.




    Yeah, just from those pics my take is that she lost the curves that were in the right places, and her face was a bit plumper before, and now looks a bit more gaunt and older (granted she is older...but you know what I mean)
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    the only time not getting hit on would have anything to deal with looking worse is when you are Cameron Diaz from The Mask to now... sure she lost weight .. but I just don't think she looks nearly as good.




    Yeah, just from those pics my take is that she lost the curves that were in the right places, and her face was a bit plumper before, and now looks a bit more gaunt and older (granted she is older...but you know what I mean)

    Although with that said .. it really wouldn't stop anyone from asking her out or hitting on her, I am sure. :)
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,275 Member

    Look at her. I would hit on her!
    alright, fair enough.......but i don't think she's setting out to see how many compliments she can get....if this is something out of the ordinary, I don't see a problem in pointing it out.......:flowerforyou: \m/
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    3 pages of compliments. Is that enough? Did it satisfy your ego? I am pretty sure your original post was just to get compliments. I don't believe that you don't get hit on.

    I completely agree... obviously just fishing for compliments, and it appears plenty have been given.

    Gain the weight back if this is bothering you so much.

    Are you people kidding me? Even if she WAS fishing for compliments , last I checked this was a website and even more, a THREAD for MOTIVATION AND SUPPORT. If you don't have anything positive to say, then why say anything? Surely it doesn't make YOU feel better about YOURSELF to bring someone else down.

    Where did I say anything that put her down? I said it appears that she is fishing for compliments and many have been given - just sharing my opinion. I didn't put her down at all.

    Personally, I think one should be more concerned with the way they feel about themselves, their health, etc, rather than whether or not the same amount of people are hitting on them. To me, this sounds like a deeper personal issue, that all the motivation in the world (or on a message board) isn't going to resolve.
  • Briko3
    Briko3 Posts: 266 Member

    Where did I say anything that put her down? I said it appears that she is fishing for compliments and many have been given - just sharing my opinion. I didn't put her down at all.

    Seriously? Your opinion was putting her down. Saying that someone is fishing for compliments IS putting someone down and there was no reason to say it but to be mean.
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    Keep in mind that forums are a place to share thoughts and ideas. The second you post anything or even in response to someone, you are going to get both positive and negative feedback. There are no RIGHT or WRONG answers, just opinions. Sure you can try to support your argument with science or physcology, but really the facts of anything be arranged in a way to either prove or disprove a theory. If I were to post something as outlandish as "ALL BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE ARE MEAN". Then I would expect to get a lot of negative responses as well as a few positive ones.

    Both opinons are just that .. OPINIONS. You cannot state someone's intent only how it was interrpeted by you. The OPs intent MAY have been serious, or MAY have been fishing for compliments. Just as the responders intent MAY have been to offer an opinion and not to put down. :)

    Its all dust and air, in reality.
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    Ok, so far I've lost almost 15lbs (i lost weight before joining mfp). When I weighed.131lbs, I would go out and would be approached several times, now, I go out and NOTHING! I don't understand! I think I look better and have more confidence, but maybe losing a little bit of weight made me less attractive?! Ugh, I don't know, it's a little discouraging. just needed to vent. Has anyone else had this sort of thing occur?!

    Hey that's terrible. If you like, we can discuss this in more detail over dinner?

  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    Sums up thread:

  • no, I think your abdominal muscle is excellent
  • gse313
    gse313 Posts: 252 Member
    Something to consider, not sure if it has been touched on or not as I haven't read the whole thread, becides the "out of my league" mind set, often a guy will see a stunning beauty and assume she is taken... I agree with others who have posted, be the agressor and make the first move. I know I'd say yes if I were not married!! ;-)
  • Strong_as_Oak
    Strong_as_Oak Posts: 584 Member
    As many have already said.... There are many factors as to why your not getting the attention. More confidence and a more appealing body shape to the men in your area may make them think your out of their league. Or perhaps your still very shy and retiring and not putting ourself out there.

    Whatever it is, don't despair . Your a great looking woman, with confidence growing as you change for the better of your own well-being , guys are interested, just sometimes need a cattle prod to make the first move..
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    umm seriously?!!!! :noway: what crap is this?!

    see her post from yesterday


    girl, you need help. you cant be this desperate for attention and compliments. :huh:
  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
    WHAT? sorrythe other day you posted this:

    'Ok, so I've noticed that since I've lost weight, I can't go out without anyone trying to take me home. Now, I have mixed feelings about this and it's not limited to guys. My.girlfriends also try (I'm not offended and actually flattered). My ordeal is that I don't truly believe that it's because I'm attractive. I've met beautiful girls who are overweight who get attention and, have friends worth awesome bodiesv and terrible faces and bad attitudes. All of whom get hit on. I want to be the total package so I would greatly appreciate any critism to ground me and give me something to work toward. I'm being conscious about who I am and trying not to become a *kitten* while I lose weight like I've seen do many times before. I want to ground myself and start humble. '

    So which one is it...confused.com