Protein shakes around 8 pm?

Here's the deal. For the last few night I've been 'sleep eating'. I wake up around 2 hOurs after going to bed and snack on junk. I've recently started weight training with a routine that my trainer set up for me so I'm not sure if my body is craving more food to make up for this or what. So, I'm thinking of trying a protein shake a hour or so before bed to see if that will keep me full and hopefully avoid the late night snacking. Any advice or does anyone do this?


  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Weight training will make you more hungry for sure. I think the shake is a great idea.
  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    Casein is what a lot of people take pre-bed to curb hunger. It's a slow digesting protein.

    HOWEVER, you can accomplish the same thing, cheaper, but just eating some cottage cheese before bed.