UK: Weight Watcher's

Has any one heard about this about the partnership WW has formed with NHS. My friend told me about it today. I have check on line and found this.....

"The Weight Watchers Referral Scheme was launched in 2005 and since then we have been supporting the NHS to offer weight management services across the UK.

The scheme offers an opportunity for overweight people to attend Weight Watchers for a 12 week course paid for by their Primary Care Trust, Local Health Board or Health Board.

The scheme has been a real success and we are now working with almost two third of England’s PCTs.
NHS Logo
Weight Watchers In Partnership With The NHS
It is dependant on whether your local NHS service has bought into the scheme as to whether you would be able to access the service.

Each trust sets their own criteria for eligibility the most common being those patients that have a BMI greater that 30 or BMI 28 with a weight related health condition, such as heart disease or diabetes.
NHS Referral Scheme
Your GP practice will be able to advise you if they are participating in the scheme and if they are, then they will be able to clarify whether you are eligible under their criteria".

Is anyone on it.......let us know more please... and best of luck