special k diet, does it work?



  • courtney3988
    courtney3988 Posts: 999 Member
    I have tried it but i had the cereal or the meal bar in the morning i was good till lunch sometimes. instead of having special k i would have a salad for lunch. I wanted to make sure i was still getting enough calorie intake. I find it better to just watch what i am eating rather than having special k or any of those type of supplements.
  • Peaches160
    Peaches160 Posts: 78 Member
    I use the cereals on mornings however...I find its a bit too sweet. Personally a diet like that would cause me to binge eventually plus it doesnot meet my dietary requirements But you need to examining whether it would work for you!
  • cryshelle247
    cryshelle247 Posts: 78 Member
    i tried it and it worked i lost like 8 lbs in a week.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Check the box carefully, you'll see the serving size is miniscule. I don't know about you, but trying to last for hours on a couple of spoonfuls of milk and a sprinkle of cereal isn't going to work for me.

    1 Cup of cereal with fruit on top & something on the side holds me over great, thanks.

    How nice for you.

    Damn, too late to edit for reading failure. You said something on the side? Haha, yeah, something on the side would help. Like a steak! Sorry, didn't mean to be snippy.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I have tried it in the past, lured in by their promise of losing a dress size...

    It's cardboard. It's bland and unsatisfying. Not to mention loaded with sugars and without much protein.

    I no longer eat it.
  • It "works" like any meal replacement diet - by creating a calorie deficit without you really having to think about what you can/should/want to eat. You can create a calorie deficit on your own, eating whatever foods you like. Chances are if you are replacing two meals with two bowls of Special K, you won't be getting enough calories overall - unless you make up for it with other meals. The deficit might be bigger than ideal. Also, you may not be getting a very good balance of macro-nutrients. Finally, I'm not a big fan of these kinds of diets because they don't really teach you anything about making better food choices. You don't have to make any decisions for those two meals a day - just have the bowl of cereal. So, you're not really getting into good habits.

    It's not the worst diet you could go on, but I don't see it as something that's very healthy long-term, or sustainable. It's also a marketing gimmick to make you buy more Special K. :smile:

    I agree with this 110%. Pretty much EVERYTHING works...but is it ideal/healthy/manageable for a lifetime....I don't think so. The degree to which it works is all dependant on way too many factors as well. If you weight 400 lbs and replace 2 meals with a tiny bowl of cereal you will have different results than if you weight more like 150. It's all math and science. Follow your calorie reccomendations, exercise and create balance in your life :)
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    It works at getting people to buy lots of their products.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Nope. Not filling or satisfying, and not the best tasting. Not to mention the lack of many nutrients and the fact that it's cereal. I'd rather eat real food.
  • Thank u all 4 ur feed back. I was going to try it, but i will stick to what im doing. After all, its workin for me. Ive lost 18 pounds since april.:smile: