Where Im goin wrong? Advice from ppl who know their stuff!



  • toshie333
    toshie333 Posts: 295 Member
    Reduce calories in. 1700 is too high for a 5'3" 123lb person to lose on.

    Also, but of less a priority than getting the cals right this:
    My diet consists of : porridge / whole grain cereal
    With skimmed milk. Berries.
    S:low fat yog x apple
    L: tin tuna x salad, low fat yoghurt
    S:100cal choc bar eg rocky
    S:cereal bar before gym at 7pm
    D: chicken veg brown rice or chicken salad post gym
    This does all equate to 1700 cals.

    doesn't look like it will give you the 120g of protein and sub 170g of carbs. It looks like less protein and more carbs but the actual values wold depend on the relative amounts.

    The green tea is doing 9/10ths of very little so stick with it if you like it, if not ditch it.

    Stick with the 5x5 routine with a bit of cardio that you enjoy, don't worry about the scales (other than for calculating TDEE), take measurements to monitor progress.

    Best wishes

    Like you said depends on relative amounts so yep protein and carbs as stated above... Anyway...
    1700 is 300cals less than my tdee so in theory should allow 0.5 lb loss a week with room for a little error 250 cal being 0.5lb a week. Being 123 lb I realistically will only lose 0.5 lb a week. Anyone in their last 5-10 lb will struggle.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Personally, I would eat TDEE for several weeks and lift heavy and cardio. Make the next month about maintenance rather than weight loss. This will probably let you figure out whether you need to have more or less cals to get the result you want. I would say that for your height you are probably about the right weight and need to build some muscle for the look you want. My daughter is your height and weighs about 145 and looks really good. She is really muscular.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    I have totally changed the way I exercise x eat over the past 4 months, kept it going with controlled cheat days. I'm
    Gettin deflated as just not seeing the results I want. I want to be decreasing body fat and building muscle so here's what I'm doing please tell me where I am going wrong....
    22 female 5.3" 123lb
    Not lost any weight since started but lost inches very slow but only 2. Want to know what I can
    Do to continue as loss has stopped.
    My tdee according to my body media fit I burn 2000 avg a day so I'm eating 1700 a day so it's -15% of tdee and also -300cal roughly half pound a week.
    I eat 120-130 g protein
    Under 170g carbs
    Under 1500 mg sodium
    Drink water
    Take green tea extract
    I eat every 2-3 hours
    My diet consists of : porridge / whole grain cereal
    With skimmed milk. Berries.
    S:low fat yog x apple
    L: tin tuna x salad, low fat yoghurt
    S:100cal choc bar eg rocky
    S:cereal bar before gym at 7pm
    D: chicken veg brown rice or chicken salad post gym
    This does all equate to 1700 cals.
    (I don't have choc every day but worse case scenario example)
    Can you give me a few pointers as my progress has halted.
    One post says increase cals another drop cals another low carb etc. just confused and would like advice from people who know what they are talking about.
    Thank you!
    how do you measure/record your food?
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    I honestly don't think your metabolism has slowed down, you have to be eating way less than this to cause that. Is that *exactly* what you eat every day or approximately? I find people who eat the same thing every day loose less than people who vary their diet, maybe try some new healthy meals? And I'd also try and cut your cals a teeny bit, or at least make more of your intake different fruits and veggies and see if that gives results.
    I've dropped weight below what your bmi is so I know what I'm talking about. Don't try and eat under 1200 cals because you will lose but then your hair falls out, you're hungry all the time until you stop recognizing hunger, and then you gain it all back slowly even if you go up to just 1200. 1200+ is fine.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I think what you are doing is fine. It just takes time and effort drop the last few pounds. Make sure you are getting enough protein, lifting heavy, getting enough recovery time. Be patient and look for results not seen on the scale.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    No advice really, as it seems like you are doing everything right. I am just thinking that at your height and weight, there's just not a whole lot to lose both weight and inches wise. I am 5'3" and about 110lbs. Since I started constantly exercising 6 months ago, I had lose maybe an inch or two total. I have more definitions. I guess I am saying that it's really hard to track your progress with numbers. Anyways, just keep going.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I have no idea what's going on in here. Damn smart people...
  • toshie333
    toshie333 Posts: 295 Member
    I think it's just hard to
    At what the next move is cause some people say increase by 100 cals. Others drop to 1200. So confusing. I record food on mfp in answer to a qu above. I record my tdee with body media for armband which is meant to be 95% accurate so I'm not going to get a better indication than that.... Even when I eat 500 cals below my tdee from body media I don't seem to budge or feel slimmer.... Don't understand it.
  • you are little! I am 5'10 145 and eat about 1500 calories a day, try cutting a few more calories out of your diet.

    when you hit a plateau it helps to change up your workout routine just to shock your body a bit. If you do elliptical or run every day, do a week of circuit training instead and then go back to the elliptical or running. Make sure you are getting at least two different types of cardio each week, the more the better. If you are just running, or just doing the bike or elliptical, your body will adjust and the workout will not be as affective so change it up.

    Most importantly, lift weights. I don't mean lift weights like a girl, lift weights like a man. do the bench press, do squats, train HARD. If you really want to burn calories and lose weight, building muscle is the key. Lift arms, legs, shoulders, back, and abs. set up a good routine that you can follow. I like to google fitness model routines and use the one that I like best as a basis for my own weight training. The more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns doing every day activities and the stronger and healthier you will be. Especially as a woman, lifting weights will give you that toned sexy look rather than just being skinny.