Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week #1



  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    hi all,i love cook your self thin, yesterday i made a big pot of chicken veg soup,yum, lots of veg, no fat ,how do you all figure the calorie count for homemeade food, when i did wwatchers you could build a recipe, then figure portion calories, does this site have anything like that? i can't seem to find it.

    kelly, thanks for friending me, am i understanding correctly that each week we have a different motivational goal? ah so THATS why everyone was talking about h2o!!!!! lol

    today my sisiter is comming to sit with mom, she lives with us post stroke, her balance is unsteady& can't be left alone. so dh & i are out for lunch & shopping, i plan to do alot of walking lol.
    I always use They have a recipe calculator on their site.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Karen ~ hi there....our current challenge is try to get in 8 glasses or more of water a day, and tomorrow we will start a new challenge. we will probably all take turns picking something. have fun shopping!

    crystal ~ the fruit challenge is great. I am just the opposite. I am good with my fruits, but veggies are a struggle for me. I usually only eat 2 fruits a day and at least double that for veggies ( when I am doing good :tongue: ). yes, this whole journey will lead us to improved health. I always tell myself, there are many things in life we have no control over, but when it comes to food/exercise/thoughts we have all the power in the world. it is our choice what we choose to eat, how to move and what to think. and it is also one of the things we CAN change! it really is up to us if we desire to be healthier. Thanks for your wise comments! :heart:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I treated myself yesterday to the Cook Yourself Thin cookbook, I LOVE it. If you haven't seen the show it is really great. They take ordinary recipes and revamp them with fewer calories and fat, lots of great ideas. I've probably made at least 10 of their recipes since I started watching the show (had been downloading them from the internet) so decided it was time I got the book. I recommend it if you are looking for some new ideas.

    Thanks for the review. I've been debating on getting the cookbook since the show was on. I think I probably will at some point.

    I debated it for a long time too, especially since I could find all of the recipes online, but it is really nice to have them all in one place. And it has a cute cover :wink:

    I've always had a hard time getting the website to load. This is going to be a treat at some point. Everything on the show has always looked so good!!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Good Morning Ladies:

    Hope all is well with everyone ....

    Kelly my other group has been doing 3 challenges .... 1 is water (which i know we are doing here) 2 is no fast food for 30 days and the other is how many workouts we can do in 1 month ...hope that helps

    As for me things are going well workout routine i like very much i hope to keep it up ...okay i am off to go walk with Leslie Sansone.... have a good day ladies

    oh and Karen welcome aboard :wink:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: Morning!
    Megan- The 3 challenges sounds fun! we should totally do something like taht (Like a goal set for exercises in a month, like when they did the 150 pound thing on BL this week:)
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I have a million cook books, and I :heart: to cook, but for me the more veggies in a meal, the better:)
    Karen welcome!
    Kelly- gotta find my books and then will send you some flavoring tips;)
    The roller rink KICKED MY BUTT!:grumble: :grumble: :noway: :noway: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I FELL so hard!
    It happened like this:
    I go to the rink thinking that i was a GREAT skater 20 years ago when I last went:bigsmile: so Im just gonna pick up from there right.....NOT right!!! It is hard to relearn to skate and to try to teach my 5 years old and my 6 year old to skate (Good thing that they wanted to go off by themselfs and do it most of the time) LOL:bigsmile: :laugh: :laugh:
    This was a hard fact for me to face being so bad at this that i once was so good at, and especialy taht in a year puls from now when we move I planned to start training to do some roller derby (Something for me to do aways from the kids and be healthy doing it) A great goal, but I stink at it so lastnight I made my pact with myself! WHATEVER IT TAKES!!!!!! and I mean WHATEVER!!! I am gonna get in shape for it, I am gonna practice, and I am gonna make myself pround when I make this goal a reality!
    I have not excuses, my hubby, is gona for a while, and the kids are at school, ( For most of the day except my little one half-day) Im gonna kick this crap in gear hard!
    Get ready to see some change from my side gals!:) :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    ok enough with the story from me!:) I hope you all have a great day !
    :heart: the pepperzzzzzzz
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Well my walk today went very well. I walked 2 miles in 40 mins. :bigsmile: the leg cramp was not as bad today, had to stop a couple of times to stretch it out. :grumble: Next week my speed should be faster.
    That maybe my problem, I am not walking as fast as I was. Once the cramp goes away (while walking), I can pick up my speed. In the mean time I will just have to do extra exercise to burn the amount of calories I need.

    Hope everyone's day is going well. Still thinking about challenges, I like the fruit one, 3 different color fruits a day or maybe 5 servings of fruits/veggies a day. I will be continuing the water challenge, because that is always a challenge for me :laugh:

    Check back in later.
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    The roller rink KICKED MY BUTT!:grumble: :grumble: :noway: :noway: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I FELL so hard!
    It happened like this:
    I go to the rink thinking that i was a GREAT skater 20 years ago when I last went:bigsmile: so Im just gonna pick up from there right.....NOT right!!! It is hard to relearn to skate and to try to teach my 5 years old and my 6 year old to skate (Good thing that they wanted to go off by themselfs and do it most of the time) LOL:bigsmile: :laugh: :laugh:
    This was a hard fact for me to face being so bad at this that i once was so good at, and especialy taht in a year puls from now when we move I planned to start training to do some roller derby (Something for me to do aways from the kids and be healthy doing it) A great goal, but I stink at it so lastnight I made my pact with myself! WHATEVER IT TAKES!!!!!! and I mean WHATEVER!!! I am gonna get in shape for it, I am gonna practice, and I am gonna make myself pround when I make this goal a reality!
    I have not excuses, my hubby, is gona for a while, and the kids are at school, ( For most of the day except my little one half-day) Im gonna kick this crap in gear hard!
    Get ready to see some change from my side gals!:) :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    ok enough with the story from me!:) I hope you all have a great day !
    :heart: the pepperzzzzzzz

    Sorry you fell!! Hope you didn't hurt yourself.

    Good luck getting in shape!! I know you can do it!!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    My friend has requested I make her a couple of pies while she is visitng. I love to bake, so of course I agreed. Why couldn't I just let it be at that? I just HAD to go to figure out the nutritional value. :mad: I knew it would be bad, but the one I checked is 453 calories a slice. :noway: Now that I know, I don't want to eat it. I told myself I wasn't even going to worry about logging calories while she's here because this is such a rare occasion and I want to enjoy myself. I expect to gain weight while she's here (shameful, I know:embarassed: ). Why can't I just let it go?? :explode:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    takin a lil break here from laundry, supper prep, my doggies....

    megan ~ i like your challenge ideas. i am ok with doing multiple's...and as always, team, you can do the challenges if you like or not. sometimes too many changes is a lil much for some of steps vs. leaps! i'd like to get one thing mastered before i move on to something else. water is going good here and so is the fruit.....need to work on my veggies and exercise!:grumble:

    MissV ~ love, LOVE the new avatar pic! lol, i bet you are just a blast to be around! hope you're not too sore today.... your post was so e-x-c-t-i-n-g to read! i love your attitude MVVC!! you rock! i am thrilled to have our very own SHGP become a derby queen and share the process with us! if anyone can do it, YOU can!! woot woot! keep us posted on all your doings, rink or not! :tongue:

    sindy ~ i will keep with the water challenge and am fine if we add another or more.

    OK TEAM~~any other ideas to add to the new challenge for tomorrow? looks like many of us are going to continue with the water, and as of right now, looks like we will have a food challenge ~


    does anyone want to add an exercise challenge? post your ideas plz!!

    ALSO *** late tonite *** I will post a new link for SHGP Week 2. GO PEPPERS!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member

    i think part of your feelings is just total awareness of your changing lifestyle. becoming comfortable with the *new you* is a struggle on it's own. are you making 2 diff pies...could one be the regular and the other healthier? i know there are recipes out there for converting.....but, i say have some pie, how bout 1/2 of a 1/2? and just be careful with everything else you eat this weekend. you already know your likely going to be dining out. eat 1/2 of the entree and box the rest if possible....and drink water, lots and lots, more than usual. take a deep breath and relax...don't obsess about the food, and enjoy the special time you are going to have w/ your friend! i am getting so excited for you!! :flowerforyou:
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Learned hubby has the flu. Great.......
    Luckily the kids are with my ex this week - they won't return to me until late Sunday afternoon.
    This gives hubby some days of quiet & rest before they return back.

    sorry about him having the flu...hope he gets better soon!
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Welcome to Karen - A cruise is a great motivation. You will lose the pounds you want to and will be healthy and ready to enjoy - I will warn you - this site is addictive!!

    I treated myself yesterday to the Cook Yourself Thin cookbook, I LOVE it. If you haven't seen the show it is really great. They take ordinary recipes and revamp them with fewer calories and fat, lots of great ideas. I've probably made at least 10 of their recipes since I started watching the show (had been downloading them from the internet) so decided it was time I got the book. I recommend it if you are looking for some new ideas.

    Also really happy with my scale this morning, down 1.5 lb, I'd been stuck for a few weeks, however I've come to expect that as it seems to be the way my body works. I'll drop, then stay at that weight for about 3 weeks, then drop again. so I'm becoming comfortable with it. Hoping it shows the same tomorrow morning, or drops even more for our weigh in.

    Really looking forward to the end of the day as I have a massage scheduled. :happy:

    Hope everyone has a GREAT day!!!

    never heard of the cookbook but will have to check it out....sounds really awesome. Congrats on the weight loss jenn...that is great. Hoping you see results tomorrow as well.
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Ladies....good afternoon!!!
    I am hoping to get to the gym tonight. Couldnt get there yesterday unless I wanted to go at 9pm and if I did that...I would have never gotten to sleep. If I cant make it to the gym I might try and walk the neighborhood across the street from me with my daughter and/or just do some stair climbing at home and/or free weights that my husband and boys have. We'll see...
    I hope everyone has been having a great day so far....think thin ladies for tomorrow...and I hope everyone of you get to see results on the scale or least in inches.
    I dont know that I will see anything; loss or gain, but thats okay. Just keep pushing harder and harder everyday and hope that one day it will just *click* and the light bulb comes on and it all becomes second nature to me and I dont struggle anymore!
    Something we all wish for daily, I know.
    Trying to collect items for donation here at work for all the flood many people have lost everything and there were many lives that were taken b/c of it. lots of roads are still closed and so traffic is crazier now than ever!!!!
    Just hoping for the recovery to kick in soon but waiting on the president to announce this as a disaster so people can start getting the low interest rate loans to rebuild. We are taking up donations of items here so Im going home today and gathering items we dont need. Jackets and clothing that doesnt fit, buying some toiletry items as well, getting blankets and sheets too and hoping to see our community really come together for those in need. :bigsmile: Going to see if MIL needs help at her church assisting those that they are trying to help this weekend.....needing to do something to make others feel good and see that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
    Well, I wish you all a great day....and we will talk again tomorrow morning!!!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Glad we are keeping the water challenge, I am game for any challenges the more the better for me, keeps me motivated.

    I have to say I have had a few group that I have joined, but this one is really motivating and everyone comes on at least once a day. In others I might see a post every couple of days. I love the Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's :heart: :heart: I need daily interaction.

    You ladies are the best :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Crystal you can always have half a slice, that is what I did with the cake, had just a taste with half the calories. :drinker:

    Ok this sight is very addicting :laugh: will check back later
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    oh and challenging ideas....kell I liked the fruit servings and veggie servings, getting in some sort of picked/desired exercise in everyday....(squats, situps, pushups) but do 5 more everyday then the day before, (or something ike that) ummmm.....maybe have everyday every person logs in and tells one things they did that day that helped them whether eating great at a meal or doing some sort of exercise throughout that day.....just ideas...let me know.
  • Hey all!! wow busy day for the peppers:happy:
    V- love the glasses!!:laugh: I use to rollar skate all the time and loved it, so I know how u feel about that
    Crystal-Ok, this trick helps me on the holidays to not gain weight and it helps on the weekends too at get togethers. I don't denied myself anything, I just do what sindy said cut it in half. At thanksgiving I ate everything I just gave myself 1 serving spoon only and try not to have it heaping.
    Peppers- This is what been going on in my head, on the last BL they talked about 3 oz of meat and weighting it. I know this is one of my major issue. I always want more meat! So I went shopping and I divied the meat up in serving sizees and froze them. So the last 2 nights I only put out the serving size for each person and it went ok. My mine still wanted more meat but there was no more made so I couldn't eat more. My son even went back for seconds and when he saw none he said well that ok I'm full anyway. So this is a new challage for me and kiddo.
    I also decided to go back to the old lunch I had growing up as a kid. You know sanwhich, apple, chips and a cookie, but make it a little healtier. I have no idea where the idea of having a meal for lunch came from, so any ideas welcome
    Well that ran long hahahaha:laugh:
  • oh yeah doing good on water,
    Like kit idea on the exercise!!
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: Morning!
    Megan- The 3 challenges sounds fun! we should totally do something like taht (Like a goal set for exercises in a month, like when they did the 150 pound thing on BL this week:)
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I have a million cook books, and I :heart: to cook, but for me the more veggies in a meal, the better:)
    Karen welcome!
    Kelly- gotta find my books and then will send you some flavoring tips;)
    The roller rink KICKED MY BUTT!:grumble: :grumble: :noway: :noway: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I FELL so hard!
    It happened like this:
    I go to the rink thinking that i was a GREAT skater 20 years ago when I last went:bigsmile: so Im just gonna pick up from there right.....NOT right!!! It is hard to relearn to skate and to try to teach my 5 years old and my 6 year old to skate (Good thing that they wanted to go off by themselfs and do it most of the time) LOL:bigsmile: :laugh: :laugh:
    This was a hard fact for me to face being so bad at this that i once was so good at, and especialy taht in a year puls from now when we move I planned to start training to do some roller derby (Something for me to do aways from the kids and be healthy doing it) A great goal, but I stink at it so lastnight I made my pact with myself! WHATEVER IT TAKES!!!!!! and I mean WHATEVER!!! I am gonna get in shape for it, I am gonna practice, and I am gonna make myself pround when I make this goal a reality!
    I have not excuses, my hubby, is gona for a while, and the kids are at school, ( For most of the day except my little one half-day) Im gonna kick this crap in gear hard!
    Get ready to see some change from my side gals!:) :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    ok enough with the story from me!:) I hope you all have a great day !
    :heart: the pepperzzzzzzz

    sorry about the fall...I would do the same though. Doing things now that you could do as a kid or even young teen just take a toll on your body. I tried to get on roller blades 6 months ago and busted my a** in front of my step son and he couldnt stop laughing long enough to even help me up. I want to get back into skating b/c it was so much fun but would like to practice where there arent so many kids whipping my me....need to find a day that is not quite so busy or something. But good look on kicking this into gear and getting out there and showing them other kids how it should be done. LOL
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member

    i think part of your feelings is just total awareness of your changing lifestyle. becoming comfortable with the *new you* is a struggle on it's own. are you making 2 diff pies...could one be the regular and the other healthier? i know there are recipes out there for converting.....but, i say have some pie, how bout 1/2 of a 1/2? and just be careful with everything else you eat this weekend. you already know your likely going to be dining out. eat 1/2 of the entree and box the rest if possible....and drink water, lots and lots, more than usual. take a deep breath and relax...don't obsess about the food, and enjoy the special time you are going to have w/ your friend! i am getting so excited for you!! :flowerforyou:

    I know and usually I'm happy to obsess over food. If that's what it takes, I'm willing to do it. I just wish I could listen to myself when I say not to worry about it. Neither pie is healthy, just two different kinds. She wants a butterscotch pecan and a chocolate truffle. I just looked at the calories for the other pie and it is 519!! I'll just keep telling myself that it's a special occasion. I'm sure I'll probably stop worrying about it once she's here. I'm just bored at work right now. Nothing better to do. :yawn:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Crystal-Ok, this trick helps me on the holidays to not gain weight and it helps on the weekends too at get togethers. I don't denied myself anything, I just do what sindy said cut it in half. At thanksgiving I ate everything I just gave myself 1 serving spoon only and try not to have it heaping.
    Thanks for the tip!! :flowerforyou:
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