Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week #1



  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :heart: :bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart:
    Ok let me start off here:) Kelly I think we should a group exercise GOAL for the month (In minutes or houres or whatnot) and see if we can log it and or go over it! as a group that should be awesome, like they did with the weight challenge on the BL (the 150 pounds to loose as a group) I would love to do something like that
    Kit- I totally hated the feeling of all the youngsters laughing at me, when I was so good years ago:) I think you should get back on those skates too:) :bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile:
    Crystal-I know I took a vacation to california, and I swear that all my husband wanted to do was eat at the places that we didn't have here!LOL:laugh: I think we ate more then we visited people:) LOL.
    Just limit yourself, so that you don't feel basd about it, maybe ask your friend to share a piece of pie with you and then give the rest away! Good luck sweets!
    Jacque- Love the meat thing that you did! What a huge step in the right direction not only for yourself, but for the whole family:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile: Very proud of ya peper friend!
    Did good on the water today unlike all the other days, can't wait until payday so taht I can buy good food:laugh: :bigsmile:
    have a great night! all! I will be with McDreamy!!!:) Woooooot:bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile: :heart: :tongue: :tongue:
  • hey all, how's your Wed going? thinkin of ya all and gettin excited for our weigh in day!!

    kitn sweety..i'll try to give you some ideas here....before i go on my bus route i don't have much time to prep anything. it has to be quick and finger food. so, I usually have a banana and some walnuts or almonds. when i do have a little more time, i will have an orange, gotta peel it, but i know ppl who peel them the nite before and it's already to eat when the time comes. these are my other bkfst choices, Kashi Go Lean Cinnamon Harvest ( if in a hurry, i eat it dry, like a snack too!) dh says they are like bales of hay:laugh: , similar to shredded wheat. do you like hard boiled eggs? plan and peel ahead of time. cleaning and cutting up fresh veggies on Sunday helps so I can grab quickly out of my frig. I also like the Laughing Cow Light Original Swiss Wedges which are single serving size...those I pack for all my days I run errands. I also like the Kraft Deli Selects 2% Swiss Slices., already cut, just grab and go. What about whole wheat toast and peanut butter? can you cook a whole bunch of chicken breasts or fish at one time and then keep in the fridge or freezer? and i always make 2-3 cans of my tuna salad and just measure out a serving size when I make a sandwhich. I think salads take the most prep for me. Lately, I have been grilling onions, peppers, broccoli or cauliflower w/spices in tinfoil, and that would be a good left over too. i understand your frustration and how easily this can lessen your desire to move ahead, give up and not care about yourself. if you have any other ques, plz ask. we care about you and love you!! losing wt is not takes hard work and planning on our part....and i think once the new lifestyle becomes more of a routine, it will be less of a hassle and just a way of life. i have faith in you, and know you can do this!! believe in you kitn! :heart:

    oh, and something else i have been eating a lot of lately is dark red small kidney beans. i cooked an entire pkg and have to eat it every day or it'll go to waste. i warm it a little in the micro, add some fresh salsa for taste and wrap it in a whole wheat tortilla. if any of you are looking for some ways to get protein, here it is,(the beans) with very few cals, sodium. it is so filling, even if i have 2 servings, i am stuffed! :tongue:

    Thanks for the idea about the beans. I am looking for ways to increase the protein in my diet without adding fat and sodium.
  • Happy Wednesday!
    When the school year started I decided I needed a bigger lunch bag. There is no fridge at the office… we’re lucky to have a microwave.

    Well, in the morning the lunch bag won’t zip shut -- too many containers & ice block. I’m bringing a breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, & sometimes a protein shake. However all this food gets me close to my daily suggested calorie consumption.

    By the end of the work day, I’ve consumed the food and the empty containers fit just dandy in the lunch bag.

    Of course if I eat breakfast at home… there would be one less container but I’m soo not with it first thing in the morning.

    I’ve taken to bringing a co-worker along when I walk at lunch. The company is good. This gives us a chance to have “girl talk” time outside the office walls.

    I'm rather proud of myself. At the back to school night I did not have any of the refreshments in the lunch room.

    Although, my body did not want to run today. Only was able to do 1 mile - then I went on the stationary bike for 20 minutes.


    Great job!:flowerforyou:
  • hi all, my name is karen ,i joined MFP tuesday nite, i thought i joined your group yesterday . what a suprise when i signed on today & my post wasn't there!!! don't know what happened.

    i've been reading these pages , what inspiration! i'd like to, no i'm going to loose 40 lbs!!!!!!
    we have a cruise planned 10/2010, i'm using that as motivation. i really want to start a life style change, i'm a computer potatoe lol, don't drink h2o, & stress eat. lol well the last 2 days i've had no problems with the water, but its raining so i didn't go for my walk, someone posted wasling stairs with a backpack so i tried that, 3 trips with laundry basket , & i set the timer on the stove & walked the steps for 10 min. feeling pretty good.

    looking forward to chatingo ver the next year,

    Welcome to the group.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member i am again! :wink: lovin all the ideas you SHPeppers are bringin here! :love:

    kitn ~ you are doing such a wonderful thing by giving to your might not seem like it now, but your community will survive this and you'll grow closer and stronger b/c of it. hang in there...prayers from Iowa..:flowerforyou: :heart:

    jacque ~ way to go on the meat pkg/plannin! you are doing it! i am so proud of you! and i agree w/you 110%...'no restrictions' when it comes to food. we can have our favorites, in moderation..and just savor each bite!

    crystal ~ awwww, so special of you to come ** here** while at work to check on us peppers! means a lot!! :smooched:

    miss v ~ that is an awesome idea! yes, i love that! will def get me movin'....and we can be accountable to and for each other!

    **UPDATE 9/25 challenge **

    1 ~ food, 3 fruits/diff color day
    2 ~ exercise...we are going to do a *group* challenge. Right now I am thinking if 15 ppl ( our team size) can do 2 hrs of exercise/workout a week = 30 hrs a week, x 4 weeks = 120 hrs a month for the whole team to work towards? what do you guys think? is this doable or should we increase/decrease it? i think it could be a little higher and this will force us, well, hopefully we will want to do this :bigsmile: to push ourselves and see all that we really are capable of doing?? share your thoughts plz!

    I will be starting a new thread b4 i go to bed you can still post here.....and i will have the new link or you can look for Smokin' Hot Green Peppers ~ Week 2 tomorrow under Motivation and Support.

    Skinny vibes to all the peppers for wi tomorrow! Let's do it team! :wink:
  • **UPDATE 9/25 challenge **

    1 ~ food, 3 fruits/diff color day
    2 ~ exercise...we are going to do a *group* challenge. Right now I am thinking if 15 ppl ( our team size) can do 2 hrs of exercise/workout a week = 30 hrs a week, x 4 weeks = 120 hrs a month for the whole team to work towards? what do you guys think? is this doable or should we increase/decrease it? i think it could be a little higher and this will force us, well, hopefully we will want to do this :bigsmile: to push ourselves and see all that we really are capable of doing?? share your thoughts plz!

    I love the idea for the challenge. For the exercise portion I vote we up it a little higher to 2.5 hours/per week. That breaks down to about 30 min/5 days. It is just a suggestion. I don't know how much other people exercise but I usually go to the gym 5 days a week for at least 1 hour everyday. Some days I am there for 3 hours (broke into 2 sessions). I mostly swim and do water aerobics especially now the baby on the way. I have to be careful not to get to hot. I find swimming makes me not feel sick so I am trying to spend as much time as I can in the water.
  • I am feeling sad tonight. :sad: I could not feed my special needs son, Ody tonight because I am getting morning sickness in the afternoon and evening. I can't wait to get past this stage of my pregnancy. Feeding Ody dinner is my time with him. I feel like a bad mom. I am grateful that my husband was home to feed him. I couldn't even be in the room. I attempted to give him food I love to eat. I guess this is one way to lose weight NOT that I recommend it. Thankfully water challenge was a good challenge for me. I have drank at least 10 cups of water everyday. It helps me feel better when the smell, sight or thought of food is not appealing in the afternoon and evening.
  • Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I had a relaxing day at home. My husband took me out for lunch. I had a hot fudge sundae.:happy: I have been wanting ice cream since I got pregnant. I try to limit my self to the less fatten kind and only occasionally. Goodnight. I will check in tomorrow with you.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Ok, there was this one meal you could not do for your son because the sight & smell of food disagreed with you.

    This does not make you a bad mom.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Next Challenge
    Just let me know what is decided for the challenges.
    The fruit may be challenging but as I reviewed what I ate this week, it's doable. Just require thought.
    The exercise challenge that could be very doable thinking about what I typically do.

    Hubby's not revealing if regular flu or this swine flu. Being stubborn. He's camping out on the couch. I just don't want to catch it so....I keep away from the couch. Not easy since I have a small house.

    I'll do my curves weight/measurements at 8am. So hopefully, there will be some changes. Then later in the afternoon, I have a body wrap scheduled.

  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Here is our new link for Fri 9/25! See you all there! will be ok girl....your son loves you no matter what. :heart: morning sickness, :sick: i had it with both my boys, horrible. 5 mos with the first and 4 with the 2nd, but ended up in hospital dehydrated with last one b/c i lost 11 lbs in one eve. are you doing anything to help ease it a little? i was always going to try cinnamon if i was ever preg again. well, that didnt happen. feelin for ya, one day at a time for sure. take care :heart:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: it all sounds good kelly:)
    see you all in the morning....:bigsmile:
    Feeling a little lonely tonight as hubby called for a quick min from washington d.c to tell me he was on his way to quatar. The house is quite without him (even though the girls are fighting every second :grumble: ) I swear these are not my kids and someone traded mine and gave me Rosemarie's babies:noway: :grumble: ARg...... Im putting those butts to bed right now!
    Night all!
    It is McDreamy time for me!

    McDreamy.jpg:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    At times I look at my oldest (13) and her antics and think "you came from me?"

    I often say I will gladly return to the diaper stage than deal with teen years. My others are 12 & 10.

    Today a girl about 4ish was roaming the office halls. I saw her and all her cuteness and thought "Oh, the Disney Princess stage" and desired to back to go back in time.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    barb :flowerforyou:

    miss V...awwwwwwwwwwww. feelin for ya :cry: :heart: we're here for you ** always ** :heart:
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    At times I look at my oldest (13) and her antics and think "you came from me?"

    I often say I will gladly return to the diaper stage than deal with teen years. My others are 12 & 10.

    Today a girl about 4ish was roaming the office halls. I saw her and all her cuteness and thought "Oh, the Disney Princess stage" and desired to back to go back in time.

    I too loved the Disney Princess State - I have two daughters, now 14 & 16, I'm afraid to say you may just be getting started with the "antics" I feel for ya!!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    I know -- friends of older teenager daughters or daughtes in early-mid 20s have told me the same thing.

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