HELP! - Wanting to run :)



  • ToniSG
    ToniSG Posts: 12
    Another great way to get started or motivated is to purchase a pedometer. Always make sure you're taking at least 10,000 steps per daily to stay healthy. If Im short a few steps, I would walk another short walk/run or work out on the elliptical until I have AT LEAST 10K steps per day! The weight will melt away. If you buy a pedometer make sure it's one that keeps us with your steps, heart rate, and calories burned, you can also get one that has a seven day memory. Keep a diary of everything!
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    I also printed of the "it doesn't matter how slow you go, your still lapping everyone on the couch" mantra and stuck it on my wall xx
