Best Methods of dealing/healing for "Runners knee"



  • journalistjen
    journalistjen Posts: 265 Member
    I have a lot of knee problems, but I don't know if it's runners knee, arthritis, or something else like weak muscles surrounding the knee.

    I've been doing body pump, step aerobics, and running. At first I didn't have any problems. Then my knees started hurting with squats. Then they started hurting when I ran and seem to be worse when the barometric pressure changes. Prescription anti-inflammatory steroids made the pain go away, but I won't take those long-term.

    I'm trying to continue my weight-loss, hoping that will help along with strength training.
  • I work at a physical therapy clinic and work with patients who have similiar problems. We always use heat before to help losen up the muscles and tendons around the area, and ice/elevation afterwards to reduce swelling and inflamation. Also, try doing knee strengthening exercises such as straight leg raises, short arc quads, side lying straigh leg raises, & simple stretches such as calf & hamstring stretches using either an incline or a strap. Good luck!
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    I suffer from this too which is ironic since i dont run but it can be caused by the way you walk to too much stress. i notice it flares up when my hamstrings are stressed or too tight, i went for rehab for this and the exercises on this website are huge helpers for me, also wearing insoles has helped me reduce the amount of times it flares up. long stretching during your cool down can help drastically. i'd wait until the symptoms subside before continuing with any vigorous exercise.
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    Ahhhh yes, sounds about how my IT Band problems started!! I pretty much run with no pain now but that was after...ready for this...

    *Ice a few times a day, especially after a run or workout.
    *Strength training - lots of lower body workouts that focus on the glutes and legs.
    *Decreasing my distance and slowly, I mean slowly, increasing it back to where I was at.
    *Form roller, massage with a softball, ect.
    *Lots of stretches....especially for the hip flexors, I've even added Yoga everyday!
    *Ibuprofen for the pain.
    *New sneakers!
    *IT Band brace while running.
    *Really focusing on how I landing, my stride, my speed!

    Its been about a month for me! There are days that I have to do walk/runs if I feel a pain coming on, I have even been know to have a stretch session mid run. I'm checking in with a physical therapist also!! So far good! :)

    Good luck to you and I hope this pain does not linger....R.I.C.E. is a good place to start! :)
    Sounds like exactly what my physiotherapist had me do for the same thing. I actually had to take 6 weeks off running (I'd just started too, bummer) and do specific exercises to balance strength in my legs. I also got topical ultrasound treatments to increase blood flow, not sure if needed but it was covered by my health insurance so why not?!

    Since I started running again I've had zero pain. Except when I foam roll. Oh baby you will know when you've found the spot. Everybody in a 3 block radius knows when I've found the spot. But it does feel fantastic after.
  • weightloss12345678
    weightloss12345678 Posts: 377 Member
  • weightloss12345678
    weightloss12345678 Posts: 377 Member
    So when I run in my air max for a long time the side of my knee hurts BUT when I do a similar run in my Nike free runs there is no knee pain..... interesting