


  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    This may sound counterintuitive, but your body may be hanging onto weight because you're making breast milk. I know "they say" you lose weight faster if breastfeeding, but it was always the opposite for me. With both kids I couldn't lose anything until I quit BF and had my body back to normal (hormones, calorie needs, etc.). Obviously I'm not advocating that you stop just to lose weight, just saying that might be a factor. You could try monitoring closely until you are done breastfeeding (to make sure you don't gain back any of those hard-fought-and-lost pounds). Just a thought...

    It could be the case...and don't worry I wouldn't stop BFing just to lose weight, not worth it to me or the baby. I will be stopping when he is around a year (in November). At that point I also plan on doing a full 8 week reset.

    Also another one who couldnt lose a single pound when BFing. The fact that you got almost all of your Pre-pregnancy weight off is way more than I ever done. Im still working on my frirst round of pre pregnancy weight, and shes 4 now!:)
    But yes it is possible to hang on to the weight while BFing.
    I also am part of your cheering squad.. Go for the diet break for a little bit. Take a breath and relax. Put the scale away for a month.. concentrate on you and eating. take measurements and move on:)

    We expect a full report on this!

    Come join us in the reset group for support:)
  • swingkid1975
    swingkid1975 Posts: 105 Member
    Just wanted to add that I'm in the same boat. I lost 11 lbs the first 3 months of EM2WL, and then stalled. I'm in the middle of a TDEE week right now to see if that gets things going the right direction again. I haven't decided whether I'll do a 2nd week or not.

    Do it with me. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    This may sound counterintuitive, but your body may be hanging onto weight because you're making breast milk. I know "they say" you lose weight faster if breastfeeding, but it was always the opposite for me. With both kids I couldn't lose anything until I quit BF and had my body back to normal (hormones, calorie needs, etc.). Obviously I'm not advocating that you stop just to lose weight, just saying that might be a factor. You could try monitoring closely until you are done breastfeeding (to make sure you don't gain back any of those hard-fought-and-lost pounds). Just a thought...

    It could be the case...and don't worry I wouldn't stop BFing just to lose weight, not worth it to me or the baby. I will be stopping when he is around a year (in November). At that point I also plan on doing a full 8 week reset.

    Also another one who couldnt lose a single pound when BFing. The fact that you got almost all of your Pre-pregnancy weight off is way more than I ever done. Im still working on my frirst round of pre pregnancy weight, and shes 4 now!:)
    But yes it is possible to hang on to the weight while BFing.
    I also am part of your cheering squad.. Go for the diet break for a little bit. Take a breath and relax. Put the scale away for a month.. concentrate on you and eating. take measurements and move on:)

    We expect a full report on this!

    Come join us in the reset group for support:)

    Awww thanks for the support!!

    Maybe I will just be building muscle under all this fat and then when I stop breastfeeding it will melt away and reveal all the sexy muscle. A girl can dream right?!
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Just wanted to add that I'm in the same boat. I lost 11 lbs the first 3 months of EM2WL, and then stalled. I'm in the middle of a TDEE week right now to see if that gets things going the right direction again. I haven't decided whether I'll do a 2nd week or not.

    Do it with me. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!

    I was only going to do one week but the more I'm reading about it, the more it seems like you actually get the most benefit by doing it for 2 weeks. So I am aiming for 2 if I can hack it.

    I can definitely do the food! No problems in that department eating up to 2450 or even more. It's just the mental game that is the hardest for me. But I think this is a good thing. I needed to be challenged I think, to see that I can do this.

    So DAY 2 here we go!
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    This may sound counterintuitive, but your body may be hanging onto weight because you're making breast milk. I know "they say" you lose weight faster if breastfeeding, but it was always the opposite for me. With both kids I couldn't lose anything until I quit BF and had my body back to normal (hormones, calorie needs, etc.). Obviously I'm not advocating that you stop just to lose weight, just saying that might be a factor. You could try monitoring closely until you are done breastfeeding (to make sure you don't gain back any of those hard-fought-and-lost pounds). Just a thought...

    It could be the case...and don't worry I wouldn't stop BFing just to lose weight, not worth it to me or the baby. I will be stopping when he is around a year (in November). At that point I also plan on doing a full 8 week reset.

    Also another one who couldnt lose a single pound when BFing. The fact that you got almost all of your Pre-pregnancy weight off is way more than I ever done. Im still working on my frirst round of pre pregnancy weight, and shes 4 now!:)
    But yes it is possible to hang on to the weight while BFing.
    I also am part of your cheering squad.. Go for the diet break for a little bit. Take a breath and relax. Put the scale away for a month.. concentrate on you and eating. take measurements and move on:)

    We expect a full report on this!

    Come join us in the reset group for support:)

    I'm also nursing and struggle to lose. I know that I have to eat a ton. I wonder if that's been my problem in the past. I was on weight watcher's while breastfeeding (I cringe now to think what that likely did to my milk supply - I struggled with supply issues when I was breastfeeding). So I'm eating almost 3000 calories a day at reset when I include my 300 breastfeeding calories. Yikes!
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Yah I did WW with my first while breastfeeding and I do think it messed with my supply. And I was on 1200 calories, plus exercise and nursing calories and this time around and still saw a big dip in my supply. Once I started eating more it came back.

    I am eating just over 2400 this week plus my 300 nursing cals, so 2700.

    Are you actually maintaining on the 3000?
  • slays1415
    slays1415 Posts: 22 Member

    Maybe I will just be building muscle under all this fat and then when I stop breastfeeding it will melt away and reveal all the sexy muscle. A girl can dream right?! [/quote]

    Hey, this may be less a dream than you think!:wink: