Any foods that you think have gotten a bad rap??



  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    See for me, the potato (white) has gotten a horrible and undeserved wrap....

    ... I like mine baked with 1/2 serving of butter, 1/2 serving of sour cream, onion salt, garlic powder, and chives. Yum! Comes out to about 225 calories, a nice side for dinner!


    Heh. Now I can't stop thinking about a nice baked potato, and I've not had one in months. :laugh:
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    I agree:

    Whole Eggs
    Bacon (or any other pork products for that matter)
    Real butter instead of fake spreads
    Beef ( I can not understand why people on a diet suddenly think the only meat is chicken or turkey)

    The BIG ONE is fat. There is this huge myth that fat makes you fat.

  • I wasn't trying to imply that fat is bad. It's the type of fat that is the killer. Egg yolks contain a lot of cholesterol for what little bit of actual nutritional value they provide. I'd rather skim this form of fat from my diet and replace it elsewhere when applicable.

    On average I consume 50-70 grams of fat per day from healthy sources such as nuts, fish oils, olives, and olive oil for cooking. I pick and chose my fats wisely. They're all low in cholesterol, low in trans fat, sat fat, and enriched with omega 3s and 6s.

    Cholesterol is not the badguy you think it is, but okay. :smile: You might want to read that article I mentioned, and read some of the new research on it. And quite actually the egg yoke provides a huge amount of nutrients. The article is good. Honest. :smile:

    I did read the article and it was an eye opener for sure. Whole eggs do have a bad rep for various reasons, some of which are different in nature. Heart attacks run in my family and I'm approaching my mid 30s, any form of cholesterol is a concern for me in particular. I'm consuming a lot of red meat and will never give it up and it's chock full of cholesterol. I've given up pork which is a good start, and now the egg yolk. I used to be one of those scrawny teens that could eat 5000 calories a day and still lose weight with a 28" waist. Then all of a sudden my mid '20s kicked my butt and I balloned up from 145 to 260 in the course of a few years. That extra weight with my age and family background has me skepticle about cholesterol.

    From the article I noticed that the egg white is full of the vitamins and minerals that the egg yolk doesn't have, and vice versa. The whole egg in itself is a complete nutritional package. What the egg yolk is enriched with is the easier to find vitamins and minerals that are abundant in other food sources. In that sense I wouldn't want the extra cholesterol added to my high red meat intake for the nutritional gains that the yolk provides that can easily be found elsewhere.

    After reading the entire article I won't swear off whole eggs anymore!

    On another note, pork has a bad rap....
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