SAHM 9/20-9/27



  • angiered
    angiered Posts: 169 Member

    In a freezer bag (make sure it's a good one...) toss 2 eggs, along with what ever veggies you like in your omlets. You can make them ahead of time and stack them in the freezer. Move one to the fridge the night before you need it.

    When you get up set some water to boil while you get dressed. Drop a ziplock omlet into the water (open the top a little to let the steam escape) and set the timer for 13 minutes and go about your morning routine.

    That's it! It comes out perfectly cooked and just the right size and shape for a breakfast burrito if you want to stick it in a tortilla. :) YUM.
  • angiered
    angiered Posts: 169 Member
    Silver- Hope things are going well for you today. You've been in my thoughts this morning.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    amy, excellent on the 2mi mark!! and have fun at the cabin. ahhhh

    suggestions for breakfast:
    i put out my bowl with high fiber oatmeal pkt + 1/4 raisins +1/8 cup sliced almonds in it the nt before.
    then i turn on the tea kettle while i'm helping kids (tho i pk city i just warm up water in micro), then I pour water in, let it sit 2 min and eat. you can easily bring it in the car and if you don't make your oatmeal too runny it won't be messy either.

    TB of pnut butter (straight from the jar) + banana (or other fruit) + carb if you want

    bake your own muffins, freeze them and defrost as needed--they can be blueberry or oat bran or zucchini--whatever works for you. add protein or fruit as needed

    make hard boiled eggs on weekend--if you don't peel the shell they will stay fresh days longer. grab 2 and fruit and carb and off you go!

    the other thing--and don't yell at me--don't do the dishes and/or the laundry! those things suck up time like crazy and THEY CAN WAIT. i know it's hard to do but once you get in the habit of NOT DOING it, it gets easier. you need your fuel--the dishes and dirty clothes don't.

    or use paper plates for breakfast and paper bowls and cups. i do that often. i know--not very green of me--but it makes my mornings that much easier. then i just toss silverware in the dishwasher w/o even rinsing them. (cascade complete really does the trick)

    i don't remember the exact ages of your kids--but can they do more for themselves in the am? my 9 y.o. has been doing her own breakfast for awhile now. she can even use the toaster oven.

    and the age-old--do more things at night to have mornings go faster. backpacks packed, dry goods in lunch bags, outfits laid out, water bottles filled (again, have them help--print checklist with pictures even--this is what i did for my 9 y.o. when she was younger. i can email you the powerpoint files if you want), make a week's worth ofsandwiches or snacks packed up on sunday, ready to go.
    i'm HORRIBLE at the night before thing, but it can help

    put on peppy music (not tv) to keep you and kids moving (again, do as i say not as i do :tongue: )

    check out for more ideas for good/fast breakfasts and other tips for getting mornings to run more smoothly (that is, less rushed for you) has LOADS of good recipes (by category) too.

    whew! long post! more than happy to share more ideas if you'd like.:flowerforyou:
    enjoy the cabin!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member

    In a freezer bag (make sure it's a good one...) toss 2 eggs, along with what ever veggies you like in your omlets. You can make them ahead of time and stack them in the freezer. Move one to the fridge the night before you need it.

    When you get up set some water to boil while you get dressed. Drop a ziplock omlet into the water (open the top a little to let the steam escape) and set the timer for 13 minutes and go about your morning routine.

    That's it! It comes out perfectly cooked and just the right size and shape for a breakfast burrito if you want to stick it in a tortilla. :) YUM.

    great idea! i should do that for dinners :happy:
  • angiered
    angiered Posts: 169 Member
    I don't know how I missed that article this morning, but THANK YOU for posting it. I needed to read it right about now.:flowerforyou:
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Angie & Stacey, thank you for the suggestions. :heart: I love the omelette & boiled egg ideas! Eggs are really filling for me. I really need to get in the habit of doing more of it at night. I do some (clothes laid out & on occasion I'll do backpacks too but not often). And I know it would be better to leave the laundry & dishes. One of my problems is not doing laundry at night & then I need to do a load in the morning so I have something to wear! Bad time management on my part. I know I need to fix that. Will just turned 7 & Samantha is 5 1/2, so they really can't fix their own breakfasts yet. Will won't be long before he can though. Since they have to wake up at 6:15, it's hard to get them going, even when they get a good nights sleep.

    Well, gotta get to bed so we can get to the mountains tomorrow! Have a great weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Therapy went well, except the Step Van ride home took 4 and a half hours, next time I will pack lunch AND dinner to take with me and a book AND my mp3 player. Other than that I liked therapy.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    :smile: glad therapy itself was a good session. and you turned a - right around into a +. GOOD THINKING!
    enjoy your weekend--drink water and try to do one thing you used to enjoy doing, even if just for 15min.
    take care of yourself :flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    i've been goofin around on the computer lately.

    came across this cute handout --Mom, I'm Bored Chart (1 and 2)

    here's the link

    next time #2 whines to me that she's bored...i'm sending her to the chart to pick one and do it. and then do another etc....
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Well I recently changed my calories to 1200 and that was a bad idea, I gained2 lbs.:noway: So I"m changing it back to 1450. Which at that I was losing 2 lbs a week. So, now that I've been set back a little I'll definitely be off on my goals now.. darn it. :grumble:
  • angiered
    angiered Posts: 169 Member
    Silver, don't let it get to you hon. Remember that it may be a normal weight flucuation. Water retention, a trip to the potty, etc. can change that. Just keep at it. :):flowerforyou:

    Hit the gym today, and had to RUN my intervals. I couldn't get my heart rate up enough when I was walking! :happy: (this site REALLY needs a happy dance smiley. :laugh: )

    Going to a friends for dinner, I'm bringing the salad. :wink:
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    It is a little depressing, but I'll get over it. I'm just hoping to get mentally better so that I want to work out again.
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Yay me! The scale dropped down to 181. I'm hoping it will drop another 2 lbs soon. So that I can finally be out of the 180's. Yay! :drinker:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    congratulations silver! just keep it moving down down down!

    btw, do you eat fish often? or take omega 3 pills (from fish oil not flax seed)? that is thought/strongly believed by western medicine and alternative alike to help with mood stability.
    talk to your dr and see if it would be good for you.

    hope you have a good day today--:flowerforyou:
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    I recently found out that my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches really pack on a lot of calories. So I went over my calories for the day, but not by much just 68 calories. *sad* So I've changed it to just eating butter bread, which allows me to still eat bread. Yay!
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    Hi everyone, you ladies seem to very helpful and motivating I couldn't help but sign on here and be a part of your thread. I havent' been at this weight loss journey for long, although I've been down the road before. We just moved and unfortunately I gained back everything I worked so hard for this last winter. It's amazing what a month long road trip will do to someone. I went from 164 to 180 in almost 2 months! WOW I know TERRIBLE.
    I just joined weight watchers 3 weeks ago but I don't like the meetings here like I did at my old town. I'm seriously thinking of stopping because so far I love this site! I lost 10 lbs on my own then I've lost 3lbs in 3 weeks from WW. From other threads on this this site they think i'm in starvation mode because of all the exercise i've been doing. I just upped my cal intake yesterday & today so we will see where that takes me :ohwell:

    A little overview, my kids are 3 & 5. My son just started kindergarden so my daughter and i are loving the one on one time. But I find there is ALOT of time I have to mozy into the kitchen and check out my fridge that hasnt' changed. Why do we do that??? Know nothing has changed but we still stand there with the door opened staring into the cold little box hoping a box of cookies suddenly apprears!:laugh:

    anyway, i've been doing weekly weigh in on friday a.m so lets do this!
  • angiered
    angiered Posts: 169 Member
    Hi Shera! :flowerforyou:
    Why do we do that??? Know nothing has changed but we still stand there with the door opened staring into the cold little box hoping a box of cookies suddenly apprears!
    We do that ALL the time at my house! haha My husband always says, "Are you grazing? Mooooooooo...." lol
    Politically incorrect, but pretty darn funny. :laugh:

    I made it through the marathon Nutcracker auditions today.....measured 115 dancersin 9 different places each!:noway: :smile:
    Stayed w/in my calories all day. Planned ahead for lunch AND snacks. I DEFINITELY didn't drink enough water today though. And I'm still trying to fight off a cold. Blah.

    Got home late and the kitchen was too trashed to cook, so we had BK....but I had enough calories left and we walked instead of driving. lol (We live at the BOTTOM of the big hill. BK is at the top. UGH! :laugh: )

    Tomorrow it's back to the gym and I need to drink MORE WATER!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    How was everyones weekend? :happy:
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
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