Five random facts about yourself



  • I'm a tomboy who wears 5" heels
    I still play video games
    I was born with gray eyes and blonde hair
    I love Mustangs and Bugatti's
    I'm a movie fanatic
  • Brooke_26
    Brooke_26 Posts: 204
    1) I LOVE heels, preferably 5" ones
    2) I love fast machines ('69 Mustang, '67 Shelby Mustang, '69 Camaro, Harley Davidsons, and any Corvettes!)
    3) I love rock 'n roll (AC/DC, Crue, Aerosmith, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Van Halen, etc)
    4) I do yoga, kickboxing, love to run, and teach pole dancing classes

    and last but not least,
    5) I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    1. i play guitar, piano, and sing. i used to be actually moderately good at each.
    2. i lived most of my life abroad.
    3. favorite move is "dirty dancing' :)
    4. the beatles. are. epic. favorite band ever.
    5. i drive a little grey civic.
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    1. I don't like when people want you to fawn over their children. I can't work up feined enthusiasm.

    2. I cried when I watched "The fox and the Hound"'s a Disney movie, lol.

    3. I can't whistle

    4. I like movies better than music

    5. I laugh at very innapropriate times, like if Im really nervous.
  • alisiaendris
    alisiaendris Posts: 213 Member
    1.) I do NOT like feet touching me.
    2.) I jump up and down and clap my hands when I am really excited
    3.) I own lots and lots of shoes, not for the love of shoes, but because I actually hate wearing them and I am looking for the perfect pair
    4.) My ideal place to live would be near the ocean.
    5.) My biological father has never met my children (ages 2 and 4)
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    If you really think about it, life is very strange. WTF!

    I enjoy writing music, but since there's no real point, I rarely finish a song.

    I don't really understand how things work. Like, how electricity is generated and moved around all over the city and then trracked so they know how much you use. And, I often wonder if charging for natural resources is even ethical.

    I think everyone involved in the current USA medical profession should be tortured and killed (all of them, insurance agents, sales people, doctors, technicians, Pharma Co's, all of them).

    I think the IRS is an illegal organization.
  • ccdog812
    ccdog812 Posts: 41 Member
    1. I would love to travel if I have the money but sooo scared of flying (well the falling part) but I still fly when I have too I just look like a fool during the minutes before takeoff when you can still leave... once in the air I am usually okay because then it is too late.

    2. On that note, I don't like to admit that I have severe anxiety and a some ocd mixed into it. I have to have "good tv" on to even think about sleeping because I will work my self up and stay up all night worring/thinking. (mostly about the dying/ horrible disasters, so this is not going to be a good year ;) ) I cannot watch armeggedon (sp?) shows because that just makes it go into overdrive because If it accidently goes to that channel I have to watch it just incase someone disproves something. It is a constant battle with my brain because I know it is stupid to worry about some of the stuff I worry about.

    3. I'm ambidextrous. Write with mainly my left, but throw with my right, play guitar right handed, and bowl with both.

    4. I hate my career choice.... I think it sucks the life out of me but I don't have the funds to do another and it would be hard to find a job in my location.

    5. I don't like being hugged etc. except by my husband and mom even then there is are sometimes I am like..don't touch. Which I get crap for because his family is very huggy and cheek kissy....
  • gshoemaker06
    gshoemaker06 Posts: 264 Member

    4. I like movies and stories that feature a character who is inherently evil, or a villain, ending up forced to fight on the side of good due to circumstances.

    Check out The Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks (if you haven't already)
  • DLS05
    DLS05 Posts: 42 Member
    1. I hate people touching my ankles.
    2. I love the smell of clean fresh laundry.
    3. My favourite move is titanic.
    4. I'm happily in love with the great guy ever.
    5. Im gay!
  • 1. I love to sing...hence the user name.
    2. I am a neat freak and somewhat of a clean freak.
    3. I am a good cook.
    4. I once lived in a haunted house and now I watch ghost shows as a point of reference.
    5. I love to write.
  • 1. My son and I love to have loud, belting versions of "Somebody that I used to know" although the radio version sounds a whole lot better.

    2. I can't wait for October....I miss The Walking Dead already!

    3. I really want a new car.

    4. I'm heartbroken over the fact that my very favorite shortbread cookies (panera) have 350 calories in just one.

    5. Every time I go to boxing, if I get bored for a milisecond, I break out into a random robot dancing routine which cracks my coach up..
  • 1. I'm madly in love with Dr. Pepper and I miss it on a daily basis. (Stupid diet: yay for Dr. Pepper 10!)
    2. I have eight tattoos, most of all added within the last five years.
    3. NE transplant that can't wait to stop being called a 'Flatlander'.
    4. I'm a gamer/nerd/etc who loves tabletop and always caries a set of dice on her.
    5. I lost my writing muse about the same time as I went through a divorce, and am struggling to find motivation.
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    1. I have a dual German citizenship, due to me being born there.
    2. I am a painter although I never refer to myself as an artist.
    3. I was featured on a talk show when I was a teenager.
    4. I LOVE shooting guns. So much so that it's one of the most exciting things I've experienced. I'm afraid once I sky-dive for the first time, it will quickly replace shooting.
    5. I really want to write some very personal here but am afraid I will be judged.
  • PuggleLover
    PuggleLover Posts: 261 Member
    1. I flew a 737 jet airplane when i was 6.
    2. I have lived in 12 US States.
    3. I have moved 37 times.
    4 I have broken 17 bones.
    5. I think kids are great as long as they are someone else's.
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    1. I often wrestle with my kitten
    2. I talk out loud to myself
    3. I learn pretty much everything quickly
    4. I have a giant poster of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
    5. I owe a pair of blue shoes
  • tmpayton
    tmpayton Posts: 148 Member
    I love Lil Wayne & Johnny Cash (?)
    I want to go back to New York to live
    My dream is to see my son in the NFL (preferably a Steeler!)
    I like that I do not live close to any relatives (closest is 3 hours away)
    I would rather work and solve issues than do just about anything else
  • DietCuki
    DietCuki Posts: 44 Member
    1. I hate the taste of plain milk to the point I don't even eat cereal without chocolate (which I changed to soymilk and stopped buying powdered chocolate).
    2. I once tried my cat's dry food because someone said it tasted good, they were wrong lol.
    3. I do my hair and make up at work because there's no one there as early as me to notice. (and it gives me extra sleeping time at home)
    4. I cheated at Words with Friends with one person and it made them think I was super smart.
    5. When I get mad, I become a cleaning monster.
  • tata2g3
    tata2g3 Posts: 90 Member
    1. I was born in Germany.
    2. I was supposed to be still born or have major birth defects at birth because there was a chemical spill in the water and. My mom wasn't aware of it.
    3. I LOVE to dance.
    4. I want to open my own restaurant in the future.
    5. I plan on enlisting in the Navy after I lose 100 lbs.
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    ~I've been writing poetry since I was 13 and am damn good at it
    ~I just starting reading books at the age of 42
    ~I've yet to find someone in my life who "gets me"
    ~ I'm obsessed with personal hygiene
    ~People love me and hate me at the same time
  • splashangel
    splashangel Posts: 494 Member
    1) I don't like for the phone to ring or people to knock on the door. I don't know why and I'm usually alright once I hear a voice.
    2) I show my love with food.
    3) I hate panties
    4) I pray for worms while I bait the hook and I pray for the fish when I un hook them. I jab the fish in the head before I clean them. I can not stand needless suffering.
    5) I'm an artist and I have to have uneven stuff. Like if I put flowers on the glass it has to be 1 or 5. NEVER 2 or 6.