Gaining 10 lbs a month



  • the exact same thing has happened to me every month im gaining almost 10 pounds im only 20 and 5'3 and I went from 136-160 in 3 months. I also went to the doctors and got tests done about my thyroids but the results came out negative and my doctor told me im heathly and when I asked why am I gaining so much weight in a short amount of time he said to try taking vitamins. I have now for the past month and I gained another 10 pounds I stay right within my 1200 calories and di cardio 3-4 -times a day for an hour
  • jogy
    jogy Posts: 77 Member
    I went to a nutritionist because I thought I was calculating and eating all the right things and just couldn't lose any weight. I am now on a 1200 calorie diet which I try to stick to religiously at least 5-6 days a week and I lose about 1 pound a week. I do not add calories to compensate for calories burned during exercise (advice from nutritionist and trainer). If i did that, I wouldn't lose. Exercise is just an added bonus. Maybe you are consuming too many calories if you are adding more calories to your diet to compensate for the exercise. BTW I have lost 16 pounds since February. I went off the diet for a few weeks during the summer at vacation but the important thing is that I didn't gain any weight when I went off the diet. 1200 is hard to stick to but once you get used to it, it isn't bad at all. You need to change your eating habits -- veggies and fruit.

    No Male should be on a 1200 calorie diet!!!! Unles he is 10 years old! I don't understand why you would suggest that. His body will go on starvation mode!?!?!
  • jogy
    jogy Posts: 77 Member
    In my case, it was depression. What most people don't know is that depression can be physical. My metabolism wasn't working, I had trouble with bowel movement, was sleeping a lot (came to 15 to 16 hours a day), even falling asleep while driving, loss of memory and concentration. Gained 10 pounds in 2 weeks.

    I'm not saying that you might have depression but I do think you should go see another doctor. You and only YOU know your body best. And if this is not normal for you, then there is a problem!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    the exact same thing has happened to me every month im gaining almost 10 pounds im only 20 and 5'3 and I went from 136-160 in 3 months. I also went to the doctors and got tests done about my thyroids but the results came out negative and my doctor told me im heathly and when I asked why am I gaining so much weight in a short amount of time he said to try taking vitamins. I have now for the past month and I gained another 10 pounds I stay right within my 1200 calories and di cardio 3-4 -times a day for an hour

    Frankly then - you are terrible at logging food and weighing it correctly.

    Or you are binging bad because 1200 is totally too low for you.

    Or you are correctly eating back exercise calories, and really badly overestimating how intense your effort is.

    If you gained 10 lbs in a month, after already having gained 10, it ain't water weight.

    10 x 3500 = 35000 / 30 days = 1167 calorie surplus daily.

    That doesn't mean you start eating 33 calories because your intake is too high.

    It means you need to start weighing your food, that's part of the likely error, but that is truly awful record keeping then.

    Or you need to be honest about snack or binging or meals you don't log, ect. Chipotle burrito and chips couple times a week will give you 3000 of that easily, other meals even easier.

    And if logging exercise calories which you should do, be honest with the speed of walks or running, other stuff could be very off if your effort is really weak at it. And undereating, it likely would be.