Insanity - started today (7/16/12)



  • puckers82
    puckers82 Posts: 200 Member
    Its so hard to know what to do!

    Just finished core cardio and balance, really liked that!!

    My 7 year old has been joining in the past week at a much slower pace and he loves it, he enjoys crossing the days off! It will def build his stamina up for his rugby when they start back soon!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Week 6 Day 3 Max Cardio Conditioning

    This is an even more whacked out version of Pure Cardio. 47 minutes of non stop cardio and even more ways to do a push up then I knew had been invented! This may be one of the most challenging workouts in Insanity and I know it left me with the most sweat dripping off my body. In fact, during the cool down when I rolled up from the stretch about 5 - 6 drops came pouring off my face all at once!

    Looking forward to my first Max Recovery day tomorrow. My body is so sore and I hope recovery makes it feel a bit better. This week finishes with a second attempt at Max Cardio Intervals and Max Interval Plyo. I hope I'm able to keep up with both a bit better the 2nd time around and my calories burns reflect a bit higher numbers.

    I've been reading your posts and I'm about a week ahead of you on Insanity. I noticed you've mentioned a lot of soreness throughout. If you don't have a Recovery drink in your regimen. I use a product called Acclerade that has done wonders for me when doing P90X and now Insanity. The company also makes another product called Endurox4 which is a bit more calories. You can get them at GNC and other health food stores. Serving of that in about 8-12oz of water right after Insanity seems to do wonders for me. I was a little sore Day 2 & 3 of Month 1 and even less on Day 2 of Month 2. It seems to do wonders for me and I'm always ready to roll the next day with very little soreness. GNC often has this 2 for 1 sale and it's like $25 for a tub of it.

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been toying with the idea of buying Results and Recovery formula but the calories (260 per serving) have me shying away for using it. I think I'm going to go read the label on both products you mentioned and give one of them a try because I really want to KILL my results this month and the soreness means I need to start a bit slower than I"d like during the workouts.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Ladies - my $0.02 on the calorie question...during TOM you should never base any decisions on what the scale shows because most women retain extra water weight. I would wait until about a week after it ends and then gauge your progress and adjust accordingly.

    If you're not hungry then don't feel you have to add calories; however, unless 1400 is your net amount (calories required less exercise calories), you're probably not eating enough for the physical demands of Insanity. Give it another week to be sure (since Month 2 is absolutely more demanding on your body than Month 1) but I think you're going to have to eat more to see any movement on the scale. Regardless, I'm sure your body is changing and when you take your next round of pictures (regardless what the scale says) you're going to see progress.

    Calorie requirements are based on an individual's needs so what works for one may not work for another.
  • Im starting tonight for the third time. I need a little motivation.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Week 6 Day 5 Max Interval Circuit

    Ok this is more like it. 2nd time doing this workout and my burn was 60 calories higher than last time. I actually did about 11 side suicide drills which is probably 11 more than I did the first time. :laugh: I think the more I do it the more I'm going to like this one. I was literally lying in a puddle of sweat by the end but the feeling of accomplishment I had from completing 60 minutes of an Insanity workout was amazing!

    One more workout to go until I complete my first week of Month 2. I'm so pumped but I'd be lying if I didn't also mention how much I'm looking forward to Sunday Rest Day!!!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Im starting tonight for the third time. I need a little motivation.

    Katie - this is my 3rd time attempting Insanity. Here's some motivation...YOU CAN FRIKKIN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just don't give up. Take it one day at a time, one workout at a time. The thing that helped me most was that I stopped watching the screen during the workout which allowed me to go at my own pace. You do not have to complete each workout perfectly. The people in the videos have been doing Insanity for multiple rounds so they're going to be in in better condition than us newbies. Take as many breaks as you need but never quit. Do you need an incentive to focus on? I want that "I Earned it Tee shirt" so that's what I picture in my head every time I don't want to push play. My goal is to take a picture wearing that shirt and post it proudly as my new profile picture on my coach website, Facebook, and here on MFP.

    Feel free to friend me if you want a buddy to cheer you on! There are a lot of us on MFP going through the Insanity journey so you will never be alone if you want or need help.

    Good luck!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Week 6 Day 6 Max Interval Plyo

    Yay I finished the first week of Month 2!!! So proud of myself for getting through it. I've decided, for this month, that I'm going to drink a protein shake and add L-Glutamine to it as a post workout recovery shake. My muscles have been extremely sore and so this is an all natural way to address the fatigue and recovery my body obviously needs with these advanced workouts. I'll be interested to see what, if any, impact I notice from this addition to my nutrition plan.

    Looking forward to tomorrow's rest day.
  • puckers82
    puckers82 Posts: 200 Member
    I look forward to seeing what happens too telcochik, keep us updated! Not liking the sound of hurting again like at the start of month 1!!

    Yesterday turned into my rest day, we went to a rugby match which meant travelling to, i was hoping to get my workout in before we left but my down stairs neighbours didnt go out before us so i was stuck. ( we live in a flat so i have to wait for them to go out before i work out)

    On a plus we had sweets yesterday and i was very good and stuck within my goals! Not a normal thing for me when chocolate is about lol

    Back on it today!
  • andre_Benjamin
    andre_Benjamin Posts: 19 Member
    I am thinking of starting insanity but I had a quick question. I travel 2 weeks out of the month for my job and I was wondering if anyone has tried doing Insanity whilst pursuing a job that involves some form of travel. I'm worried that Insanity won't work unless you're pretty stationary.

    Thank You
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Week 6 Day 7 REST DAY!!!!!!!

    Ahh rest favorite day of the Insanity week! I have to say, now that I've completed the first week of Month 2 I am totally loving this program! Yes it's hard and yes I still curse Shaun T EVERY day but the benefits and feeling of accomplishment I get when I finish a workout are so worth it! Hope all my MFP Insaniac friends are starting to feel the same way! It's unbelievable!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I am thinking of starting insanity but I had a quick question. I travel 2 weeks out of the month for my job and I was wondering if anyone has tried doing Insanity whilst pursuing a job that involves some form of travel. I'm worried that Insanity won't work unless you're pretty stationary.

    Thank You

    Andre - The beauty of Insanity is that it requires no equipment so you just need to pack your dvds and a player (unless the hotel provides one)...most laptops now have a dvd player built in...and presto you've taken your "gym" with you wherever you need to go! I wouldn't let travel stop you from giving the program a try. You don't need a lot of room to do the workouts so your hotel room should have adequate space.

    If you want a Coach to support and cheer you on please message me. I'd be happy to have you join my team!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I look forward to seeing what happens too telcochik, keep us updated! Not liking the sound of hurting again like at the start of month 1!!

    Yesterday turned into my rest day, we went to a rugby match which meant travelling to, i was hoping to get my workout in before we left but my down stairs neighbours didnt go out before us so i was stuck. ( we live in a flat so i have to wait for them to go out before i work out)

    On a plus we had sweets yesterday and i was very good and stuck within my goals! Not a normal thing for me when chocolate is about lol

    Back on it today!

    Great job Puckers! You are doing so well and I'm proud that you were able to resist all that yummy chocolate!!!!
  • Puckers - Awesome job resisting the chocolate, that is NOT easy!

    I fell another day behind due to pelvic pain (still waiting on doctors to find out what is going on there), but because of it, doing a double dose of Insanity today. Just did the cardio recovery. I know it is slower paced and all, but boys I still sweat like a ban chi with all that control work :) So going to recover a couple hours and hit it again for the next day's workout. I can only double-workout on weekends due to my schedule, so have to do the make-up time today :) Totally got this!

    You all are doing so awesome! I peeked at month 2 and almost passed out. Not watching anymore and will just do them as they come. Since still finishing the last week of Month 1, I can rest easy a bit first, LOL! Still have recovery week coming too. Then it's full speed ahead. I refuse to totally lose a day because I want that t-shirt and one day can easily lead to 3 or 4 or ... you get the idea. I am not a person to do that... I need to move forward. You all are inspiring to keep me accountable and going ahead :)
  • Andre- my husband and I travel 47 weeks a year. We had both gotten do out of shape because of the lack of a routine and available workout areas. Insanity has been awesome for us! You don't need any equipment, just the videos. Really the only thing we have to worry about is bothering the people below us in the hotel. Try to be light on your feet! :-) I can't think of a better way to get an awesome workout while you travel! Good luck!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Week 7 Day 2 Cardio Interval Circuit

    60 minutes of pure hell but man do I feel fantastic when it's all over and I'm laying on my jump mat thoroughly exhausted in a big puddle of sweat!!!
  • I haven't read all of the pages of this thread, so forgive me if this has been stated -

    but there is no need to buy expensive recovery drinks! Just drink a glass of chocolate milk within an hour of exercise - it really will reduce aches and hobbling - the reduce the calories etc i use skim milk....the calories are definitely worth the benefits....
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I haven't read all of the pages of this thread, so forgive me if this has been stated -

    but there is no need to buy expensive recovery drinks! Just drink a glass of chocolate milk within an hour of exercise - it really will reduce aches and hobbling - the reduce the calories etc i use skim milk....the calories are definitely worth the benefits....

    Thanks Anne! For right now, my protein shake with a teaspoon of L-Glutamine added seems to be helping. I've yet to buy any recovery drink because they all seem to contain stuff I don't necessarily want to ingest.
  • puckers82
    puckers82 Posts: 200 Member
    Well im a happy bunny today, jumped on the scales this morning not expecting any loss again and hoping for no gain and it had dropped 4lbs!!!!!! This week ive also lost an inch off my waist and 1.5 inch off my hips. I also got a loss of just under an inch off each thigh, though not sure if i measured in the right place or im just not seeing it! Shame my calves cant trim down!

    Hope it stays like this as it makes me one happy person lol

    Getting nervous about month 2 now! Only a few days away! Will do fit test on last day of this week, though think the results may not be that true with not being able to go full out, we'll see.
  • puckers82
    puckers82 Posts: 200 Member
    telcochik... are you a coach?
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    telcochik... are you a coach?

    Yes I am. Are you?