30Day Shred- Too Hard



  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    That 30 day shred IS tough, I don't care what 'they' say! LOL

    I did it once and couldn't walk for 4 days...sitting down made me cry, and the stairs??!?!? OMG!!

    I do plan to start doing it again once I am a little fitter (for instance, when I can run for 2 minutes without stopping).

    If you want to keep doing it, I would do the jumping jacks but just slow them down. What killed me was all of those damn lunges.

    OMG I'm so glad someone else said that about their thighs! Not only was sitting down and standing up bad.... going to the bathroom hurt like hell! Seriously, she destroyed my legs in less than 30 minutes.

    I need to do it again but the memory has stopped me. I keep thinking but I need to be able to walk for the next two days, I can't do it now! hehehe Modify it and if you have to do level 1 until you feel like you have mastered it. Who says you have to move on to Level 2 after 10 times. Slow down the jumping jacks, if you have a heart rate monitor use that as your guide as to whether or not you are getting the right amount of cardio.

    I will listen to my own advice and get the DVD out this week!
  • Try alternating every other day between 30DS and something else. And don't feel bad if you can't keep up. When I started it, she mentioned something about taking a 5 second rest break if you needed it, so I did that A LOT. Just keep doing what you can, and if you find that you really aren't enjoying the program, it's okay to move on to something else.

    Thank you guys so much! I really hope I didn't sound whiny I knew it would be hard but that cardio kicks my butt. I do think I will alternate every other day with something I like. I found I love step areobics and I can add weights to that too.

    Your been there done that stories have really lifted my spirits!!
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Do what you can and you will become strnger in time.
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    BTW - Jillian Michaels has said that this was not intended for you to do it every day for 30 days. The marketing people came up with that. So you can do this every other day or three times a week.
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    I did 30 day shred for 5 days and ny siactica started acting up. I could not walk for a couple of days so, I will probably not be doing it anymore but it is a great workout if I did not have back problems.
  • rcthale
    rcthale Posts: 141
    I don't know why people badmouth that DVD so much. It's great, and you can use it for quite a while before moving on.

    If it's too tough, you might injure yourself if you force it. The best preparation could just be brisk walking. Maybe start with 20 minutes and try to walk longer each other day or so. Then try the DVD next month.
  • Sbehlmer
    Sbehlmer Posts: 464 Member
    This is for true beginners. It is going to be hard. Nothing is going to be easy. I couldn't even complete 5 minutes the first day I did it. By day five of pushing myself, not giving up, and making myself do it it became SIGNIFICANTLY easier.

    Don't give up because it's "too hard" for you. You are only putting limits on yourself and your progress.E

    I've gotta completely agree...it is hard at first, but every day you will notice it becoming a little bit better (you might not have to take breaks as often or feel as winded)....

    Everything new is hard at the beginning (if it wasn't everybody would be in tip top shape)....It was hard for me too when I started, but just recently I completed the series feeling better than ever...& moved on to her "Ripped in 30" series....you will definately notice a difference at each level if you just stay strong & keep at it.

  • abbylane35
    abbylane35 Posts: 16
    I did 30 Day Shred last spring and it did get easier as I went through each 10 day rotation (1st few days of a new rotation was harder again...but it's a change for your body!) I did, however, mute Jillian because I couldn't stand to hear her voice after the first few days! Keep at it! It will get better and you will start to notice differences! I was just thinking about starting it up again!
  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
    Can anyone tell me if you got big bruises on top of legs 1st time you done this? I'm now 2 days after I first tried it and stair walking still close to impossible and all my legs are bruised! I googled and normal with running etc but 30ds?
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    There are modifications for jumping jacks and all of the high impact moves. You can google "jumping jacks modifications" and many youtube videos will come up.

    What I do is jumping jacks for as long as I can and then switch to the modified jumping jacks. From a calorie burn perspective, low impact gets you about 80% of the benefit of high impact without the strain on your joints. There are low impact ways to do any high impact move.

    Also, other sorts of cardio exercise, such as cycling and swimming, will build up your stamina so that the jumping jacks are not so challenging. Still, they are challenging and you are not alone!!!!
  • "it may not get easier, but you WILL get better"
  • lorettaasmith
    lorettaasmith Posts: 418 Member
    Aaah! I just ordered it. Now you all have me scared to try it! I'll be fine with the cardio (I think) because I've been walking and running....but I haven't done any strength training since...well....never. Wish me luck!
  • karijoeide
    karijoeide Posts: 103
    Dont' give up!! You can do this and believe it or not it will get easier. Even if the next day you can only do 2 more jumping jacks than the day before....that shows you are making progress and building up your endurance. I too thought I was going to die, it does get easier and now I look back and laugh at Jillian Michaels!
  • HeatherHoskins
    HeatherHoskins Posts: 157 Member
    Keep it up it will get easier and you will feel great when you can finish without dying. If jumping jacks are the only thing stopping you, there are ways to modify them. Keep trying though, today do 1, next week do 2. I promise it will change sooner then you think it will.
  • wayne4825
    wayne4825 Posts: 166 Member
    Keep at it. It will get easier. My fiance and I completed the 30DS approx. a month ago and now are doing it again. You'll never get stronger if you don't push yourself. I HATE every second of it but I know it's making me stronger and I'm proud of myself for completing it. Find a buddy to do it with, someone who truly motivates you and keeps you going. I have that and can say that if it wasn't for my fiance I would have quit myself but in the end it's only making us stronger.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Keep at it! I was an absolute beginner when I started it too and I did think I was going to die but I kept at it and my endurance increased rapidly! Just make sure you're not doing it barefoot or on a hard floor! Best of luck!