COFFEE LOVERS - Anyone given it up?



  • tansygreen
    tansygreen Posts: 85 Member
    I LOVE coffee. Have an espresso machine and have had 1-2 lattes a day for years..... Just had to give it up because of food allergies. Ugh.... it's probably the thing I miss the most. I've replaced it with tea but when I see my husband have his morning cappuccino, I do feel some envy--ok a lot of envy. Hoping it will pass. Luckily, I get really sick from drinking it right now so I'm sticking with my program.

    Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. I gave up coffee during both of my pregnancies and I really missed it, all I could think about through those final few weeks was how much closer I was getting to a decent cup of espresso.

    Oh and how it eased my mornings after the sleepless nights with new baby screaming to be fed/changed/hugged/jiggled/sung to, the list goes on and on...
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    I'll never give up my coffee. It's caused me no issues health or weight wise so I see no reason to.
    Everyone needs a vice. I gave up smoking, fast food, soda and meat (except fish and an occasional sprinkling of bacon on my salad). I'd be homicidal w/o my coffee. :laugh:

    I drink it black with no sugar, though, so it's not really a caloric or fat content issue for me. I have a minimum of 4 cups a day during the week. Maybe 2 a day on the weekend.
  • lyndall5311
    lyndall5311 Posts: 146 Member
    I've pretty much given it up. I used to drink 3-4 per day, I now drink 1/2 cup a week. Since I've started eating alot healthier amd cleaner my tastebuds have changed amd I don't really like the taste (also gone off soft drink and juice - too sweet). I pretty much just drink water now, which is pretty strange considering I never used to drink it.
  • Cordy1228
    Cordy1228 Posts: 245 Member
    Coffee is a non-negotiable lifestyle staple. It's my happy place. I drink it when I want, how I want, and I do not compromise.
  • findusfaithful18
    findusfaithful18 Posts: 16 Member
    As a Starbucks supervisor, there is no way I'd ever give up coffee! :P

    However, I only allow myself to have 2-3 cups per day (this is generally considered by medical professionals to be a "good" amount of caffeine), and I drink it with just a tad of Splenda and a squirt of Coffee-Mate sugar-free hazelnut creamer. Or I'll drink an Americano with the same. So I'm really not adding very many calories. One thing I have done is cut down on my lattes - I used to only drink lattes, but it just became too heavy on my stomach to drink 3 lattes a day. So I switched to water-based drinks (brewed coffee, Americanos, espresso).

    If you're having a hard time cutting back the calories of your latte, I would recommend trying a misto or an Amerimisto. A misto is half brewed coffee, half steamed milk. So you're getting some of the creaminess of a latte (which can be so hard to give up!) but it only makes up half of your cup. An Americano is espresso shots diluted in a cup of hot water (tastes very similar to brewed coffee, a bit smoother), so an Amerimisto is half a cup of espresso shots and hot water, half a cup of steamed milk. This is my drink of choice when I want something a little richer. If you try one of these drinks, it might take some getting used to, but you'll have an easier time cutting back on your latte calories. Also, don't knock the sugar-free syrup options available! At Starbucks you can choose from vanilla, caramel, hazelnut, cinnamon dolce, and mocha :)
  • Percyjs
    Percyjs Posts: 31 Member
    I have not given it up, but I have cut it down. I've read that 1 or 2 cups a day is good for you, so I am going with that. =)

    I'm with Tami....I gave it up for a couple months....but now I have two cups in the morning, no sugar, just creamer or unsweet almond milk. When I'm craving a warm up later in the day, I have either black or green tea sweetened with honey :):)
  • mmwien
    mmwien Posts: 7
    I gave up bread. I gave up cereals. I gave up sugar. I gave up desserts. There's no way I'm giving up coffee -- it's my one non-negotiable. :wink: But good luck to you, whatever you decide to do.
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 454 Member
    No way!!!

    I still drink 1 or 2 cups a day - But I drink it black and only treat myself to a latte or a mocha every couple of months!
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    Give up my coffee? Have ya gone mad woman! NO...I would rather be fat the rest of my life than give up my coffee! ( and so would EVERYONE around me!)
  • BrettWithPKU
    BrettWithPKU Posts: 575 Member
    Coffee and tea get me through my day, I refuse to compromise when it comes to caffeine. And I've done just fine.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    When I was an infant my mom warmed my baby bottles by poring in coffee so I've literally been drinking coffee since I was an infant. There were times in my life, especially when I worked in a convienient store where I drank pots upon pots of coffee. I have slowly cut myself down to my travel mug on the way to work, which often doesn't get finished unless there's a traffic accident or some such, and two cups at work. I had been drinking coffee pillar-to-post at work but I'm trying to drink more water so that's what I cut down to. I love coffee, drink it black, and I'm not giving it up, but I'm making room in my bladder for water so only the 2-3 cups a day now.

    Oh and if we're out for a nice dinner maybe a cup with dessert. But not decaf. Decaf is expensive to make but nobody wants to pay more for it so the cost is equalled out by using inferior coffee. That's why decaf doesn't taste as good. Get a more expensive decaf and you'll see it's just as good. But since while we're out, we get the normal decaf, it's crap.
  • Marlietta
    Marlietta Posts: 13 Member
    Actually, I have found that the fat free half and halfs and the fat free flavored creamers (higher in sugar/calories than plain ff half & half) taste just a good, and I don't notice any difference. That saves me A LOT of calories each day because I make an iced coffee most mornings at work, and that's composed of more half & half than coffee.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I need it right now, the heat is playing havoc with my energy levels, but I look forward to cutting way down and/or switching to hot tea come Winter. I believe it's more hydrating. Nontheless, coffee is not bad for you.
  • cbelt82
    cbelt82 Posts: 62
    I'm a huge fan of Mcdonalds non fat Iced Latte with sugar free vanilla... but I only treat myself to that once a week (on saturday). The rest of the time I drink using the Keurig
  • The good thing with coffee is as long as you don't pour a ton of milk and sugar in there, it's not wicked bad for you. My coffee from dunkin donuts is about 15 calories for a medium, but then again I drink mine iced and black.

    The bad thing with coffee is it dehydrates you, which makes you want to drink more water..

    -shrugs- I try to go each day without coffee, but on the days I do need it (like today) I drink whatever is available to me! (I get it for free at work... so it's pretty sweet, except I put milk in it >< but my coffee today was only 30 calories!)
  • charanne52
    charanne52 Posts: 88 Member
    I don't see any reason to - I drink two cups each morning with 2 tablespoons of creamo and a packet of sugar twin divided between them for about 20 calories total. I go a bit nuts if I don't get those two cups (exactly portrayed as above with the creamo and sugar twin) but I rarely drink more than that.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I cut out coffee for a while. And then I picked it up. I like to drink a few a week now. I think it's a problem if you need to drink it every day so you don't get headaches lol.
  • amytag
    amytag Posts: 206 Member
    I drink about 3-4 cups per day and will continue to do so. I drink it with skim milk and log the calories. It's minimal. And for me the milk is a good source of calcium. Coffee has a ton of health benefits, including lowered cancer rates. I invested in a Keurig and a strong, hot cup of coffee is my version of a nightly dessert.
  • cfranklin6353
    cfranklin6353 Posts: 30 Member
    Heavens no! I use Coffeemate Natural Bliss and Splenda now instead of Half & Half and sugar, but I still have about 5 cups a day.

    Heck, I think I have MORE Starbucks Iced Coffee now than I did before I started. A Venti with nonfat milk and 4 Splendas is only around 30 calories.

  • The bad thing with coffee is it dehydrates you, which makes you want to drink more water..

    This is actually a myth. Coffee and sodas and whatnot don't dehydrate you, they just don't hydrate as well as plain water.
