OT - The Aspergers spectrum.



  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    RealWomenLovePitbulls Posts: 729 Member
    there's a book you should read, its called Finding Kansas, check out the website findingkansas.com

    i think a lot of people fall into the spectrum somewhere, but the part that really sticks out to me is you getting fixated on certain things and asking lots of questions.

    i worked in a Cardiology clinic and there was a little girl there (first time i had even heard of Aspergers) who was always asking a million questions about food "what'd u have for breakfast" "what will u have for lunch" "what are u having for a snack" etc. she was super sweet and cute, but she also would get very close when talking like she didn't understand personal space, and she didn't make eye contact a lot
  • Rory_123
    Rory_123 Posts: 68 Member
    I understand your concern with meds, they are overprescribed and often times not followed up very well. But they DO SAVE LIVES. If you are feeling at the end of your rope, you might want to at least discuss the different med options with your doctor. It sounds like you have several co-morbid issues, and nobody should handle all of that alone! You don't have to love therapy to benefit from it.
    I know some aspies, but it sounds like you more likely have a mix of generalized anxiety disorder, depression and OCD. I think you would greatly benefit from speaking to a doctor/therapist. You are not crazy, you just need someone professional to discuss this with. Good luck, and take care of yourself!

    Funny you say that, because I have depression and, although I haven't been diagnosed with GAD, I suffer from a thing called depersonalisation and derealisation, and they are said to be caused by GAD, though they can be a disorder in themselves. Not very talked about though, but there's lots of info online.

    As for OCD, it's funny thinking of myself as having that. I'd have never have thought so, because I guess I generalised OCD sufferers as being the 'washing hands' 'checking lights' type, but really, there's lots of different 'types' of OCD tendencies, right?

    Thank you. I honestly feel stuck though. I can't seem to emotionally handle therapists but I don't want to take meds. But I don't know how much longer I can cope alone. Every day is a struggle.
  • kristalfrissy
    kristalfrissy Posts: 158 Member
    Alot if what I was gonna say has been touched on but I will mention that allot of these disorders overlap some and have alot of the same symptoms. Even doctors can disagree when presented with the exact same child. My soon has been diagnosed with Aspbergers, OCD, ADHD, a psycotic disorder NOS, an anxiety disorder and a mood disorder. His doctors hope to narrow down this list as he gets older. I will also say that you don't have to have compulsions with OCD. My son has no compulsions only obsessions. The only way you are gonna get answers is a.doctor tho. Best of lu
    ck to you.
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    I grew up with a boy with aspergers, he was the smartest person I have ever met. He was really interested in other cultures and graduated college with honors (magna cum laude) for Islamic studies. It might be weird sometimes because of the social situation stuff, but generally people with aspergers are more intelligent.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    You guys are amazing, thank you. It's a relief to know my symptoms to indicate an issue, instead of my being an idiot as I was told all my life. Even though I've been dx, I still don't feel like I have a right to treatment or empathy for my depression. I still feel like 'maybe I'm just being weak/sensitive/an attention seeker". I mean, that's what I've always been told. Always been told that other people have it worse off than me, that all I want is sympathy, that I'm a hypochondriac. Even once, I had a panic attack at school and couldn't breathe. I told the nurse I thought I had asthma because my Mum has it and I couldn't breathe. I didn't know it was a panic attack. My Mum ridiculed me for that and made me out to be a liar.

    Oh well, thanks everyone. The comments mean a huge deal to me. I will come back to this thread when I get home from work xxx
  • dawnmarie57
    dawnmarie57 Posts: 53 Member
    I am no "expert", but like some have posted, you need to find a professional who deals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. I used to be a one/one teachers aide for a girl with Aspberger's. Many of your symptoms are exactly what this girl had. When she was given a project to do, she would research it and research it some more. She could recite every president of the US,and in order, and God forbid someone else in her class should give wrong answers. She could tell you anything about President Lincoln. She also could tell you anything about dinosaurs. She was amazingly intelligent. It would make me so angry to hear others comment that she was just spoiled or trying to get attention. Someone else posted here previously that Spectrum Disorders aren't "real diseases". Autism and the Spectrum Disorders are NOT diseases-they're DiSORDERS!!!
    I just saw the girl's mother a while back,and she's in college studying criminal justice and doing very well. I wish you well in whatever you may do. Just don't listen to the negative ones who have no clue what it's like to be in your shoes. BTW, if you haven't already, any books written by Temple Grandin (sp?) Are great reads. She's a woman with Aspergers and has written some very interesting books. She's also a very successful businesswoman.
    Again, good luck in whatever you do and NEVER give up!!!
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    HMD7703 wrote: »
    I have a child with Aspergers and she has many of the same ... quirks. A qualified therapist can easily spot the signs and diagnose you properly. Based on the brief insight to your world, I would put money on you being on the spectrum (most likely, high functioning). You are young enough to learn behavior modification techniques that will help you in social situations. Lastly, I would find a support group (either local or online). Support groups (especially age centric groups) will help you so much!

    Good luck!

    I know this is literally years later but I just wanted to say you were right :D I was diagnosed October 2019 with autism and diagnosed in 2016 with ADHD!