Biggest change in your kitchen since starting MFP?



  • sladamssr
    sladamssr Posts: 36 Member
    Quinoa, Food Scale, Steamer...
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    I basically have no need for a pantry.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,066 Member
    I basically have no need for a pantry.
    right! i go to the grocery store at least 5 times a week because nothing i buy lasts much longer than that anymore.
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    Now I live in the kitchen. I was there a lot before but I'm in there constantly now. We are going out to eat less (not that we were going a lot before but maybe once a week now as opposed to 3x a week). I now weigh or measure the ingredients that go into my food instead of just making it from scratch so that folks KNOW what's in a portion. The digital scale is used A LOT! Cereal is getting eaten by the family in much less quantity and less frequently. Veggies and fruits are bought more frequently. Convenience foods are getting bought less. Fritos and tortilla chips only get bought if they are being taken to the lampworking meeting where a dozen people and not just one is going to be eating them. Last time we just left the bag there so as not to be a temptation to anyone here. Someone else said they would take the half bag to another meeting the next day. LOL
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    The biggest one is definitely the time spent in the kitchen including the use my measuring cups and food scale are getting.

    Secondly, veggies are prepped immediately when I get home from purchasing them -- easy access veggies increases healthy snack choices for me.
    Thirdly, COLORS. With all the fruit and veggie in my diet, my meals are looking like a game of rainbow brite. Breads taste better because they contain whole grains and unbleached flour.
    I keep about 1/5 the quantity and variety of food in my house -- who needs 5 choices of noodles if I don't eat them anyway?