Eating even though I'm full, can't stop



  • ephemerata
    ephemerata Posts: 82 Member
    question: do you only binge on high glycemic or sugary things?

    low carb really helped my binging (which, granted, was really only occasional, but was still a struggle for me) because i no longer crave those kinds of foods.
  • cersela
    cersela Posts: 160 Member
    Next time try eating fresh fruit (like strawberries) instead of fruit snacks. You can have 30 grapes, 25 strawberries, 3 Clementines, 10 cherries, 1 apple or 1 cup of unsweetened applesauce, a whole mango, a large banana, 3 figs, 50 blueberries, 1 cup of pineapple, ect for under 100 calories.

    Or if you eat fresh spinach, you could eat until you literally can not fit any more into your stomach for >200 calories.

    It also helps if before you start snacking, you drink water most of the times you think you are hungry when you are really just thirsty.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Lots and lots of good advice in this thread.

    I had been struggling with this, but have recently tried to use many of the same tips listed here. Mind over matter.. It's not easy, but it can be done. ♥
  • polishmehappy
    polishmehappy Posts: 92 Member
    Next time try eating fresh fruit (like strawberries) instead of fruit snacks. You can have 30 grapes, 25 strawberries, 3 Clementines, 10 cherries, 1 apple or 1 cup of unsweetened applesauce, a whole mango, a large banana, 3 figs, 50 blueberries, 1 cup of pineapple, ect for under 100 calories.

    Or if you eat fresh spinach, you could eat until you literally can not fit any more into your stomach for >200 calories.

    It also helps if before you start snacking, you drink water most of the times you think you are hungry when you are really just thirsty.

    I love this advice :) Imagine the amount of good food you can eat for a lot less calories :) It helps me to not bring any junk food into my pantry. It also helps me to have fresh fruit to snack on when I get the munchies. Good luck in your journey!!
  • LinaBo
    LinaBo Posts: 342 Member
    If this is happening quite often, I feel that it falls under the purview of ED counselling. Even if you don't meet the classic diagnosis for a specific eating disorder, you can have "disordered eating". I think, given the obesity epidemic, that there are a lot of people within western society with disordered eating habits.

    Some people can overcome this on their own, but I think most would stand a better chance of success with regular visits to an effective ED counsellor. This was the thing that finally "re-trained" me to have better habits, when everything else had failed. I have learned how to change even the most automatic of thoughts and behaviours. When you have something like a food addiction, a lot of the typical "willpower" and "avoidance" advice just doesn't cut it. If you have any mental health resources where you live, and/or health coverage for counselling, a really recommend pursuing that.
  • ThePersnicketyOtter
    ThePersnicketyOtter Posts: 147 Member
    Tell yourself you can have it... later. If I'm craving something I make myself wait for the next meal and then I eat it with or for my meal, so it's not a huge deal, AND I have a treat to look forward to. Doing this has helped a lot for me.
  • Roos2104
    Roos2104 Posts: 22
    I ♥ this thread! There's a lot of great advice given here!

    I struggle with binging too. I've decided to give up 'dieting' forever. If I restrict myself too much, I feel deprived and that leads to binging. I aim for a healthy life style. One key factor for me has been the decision to never skip meals. I always have breakfast, lunch and dinner. Before I used to try and compensate overeating by skipping meals. That only caused a downward spiral!
  • PangelJ
    PangelJ Posts: 28
    I had this same problem most of my life and only recently found something that worked for me. I like to be active, but personally I have severe anxiety and depression issues, and food WAS my outlet.
    I did a fasting program with a coach. I recommend getting a friend/coach/etc
    Mine was free - (cause it was my mom) but having a support system is great.
    Biggest challenge for me is a lot of my stress came from my mother. We don't always see eye to eye but for getting healthy and trying to feel better - she and I have been working hard to make things work. And surprisingly they have. Back to my fasting...
    I did the beachbody 2 day fasting formula. The thing about fasting its not to shrink your stomach forever.
    You have to change how to think about food as well. If not you will turn around and go back to the old habits. Instead of eating - I drink a glass of water, and follow the this was very helpful even though I don't follow it to the letter, I do how ever implement my own life into what fits me.

    The thing about getting fit. Is you need to want to change your life. Depression and Anxiety will always be a factor in my but it shouldn't rule my health. Speak to a doctor as well. I found a great doctor who was helpful in making sure I had no other health problems before I started my workouts and fasting. Also there are community groups that do free 'workouts' some of them only as a 'love offering' etc. I know this may be little all over the place as a reply but its my two cents as to how I deal with this. It was probably my biggest struggle.

    wishes you well and hope you find the right thing that works for you.
  • katedances
    I'm an over-eater like you wouldn't believe. And I've learned that just because I want it doesn't mean I need it. My tip is, if you feel like you just want to keep eating I always find that getting away from the kitchen and/or wherever a food source is always helps. If I'm lounging in the kitchen, I always end up eating something.

    Also, if you think you're still "hungry" or it feels like you could just keep eating, drink a huge glass of ice water. All at once usually does the trick and it makes you feel reaaaally full.

    Hope that helps at all!
  • annebubbles
    annebubbles Posts: 83 Member
    The title says it all. I just ate chips and fruit snacks, even though I was feeling full before I started and I know that food did nothing good for my body. Other bingers/overeaters, how did you get to the point where you could stop?

    I read a book called "LOVE HUNGER". it still took years after that, to realize that Sugar & simple Carbs were KILLING me. I have realized that eating mindlessly out of boredom & sadness & loneliness is a death sentence. Our FDA only wants to make money. Food companies are JUST LIKE CRACK DEALERS. they are evil & don't care. Anything with sugar & refined carbs is BAD. Eat only "REAL" foods. I believe God created us to eat what grows in the ground (roots veggies & peatnuts), what grows in the fields (grains & garden veggies) & what grows in the trees (fruit & nuts & seeds). If we decide to leave that great plan, we WILL suffer for it. We were also made to WALK. I am 52 with arthritis in my knees & spine. some is inherited, some is injury, & some is because of overeating. I can still get on my feet & walk. My Doctor LEFT & Doctor RIGHT can save my life if I use them. yes, I blow it sometimes, yes, I eat crap occationally. but I am NOT going to EAT just because I don't have anything else to do. And I am NOT addicted to Fructose & carbs anymore!!!!
  • lilsis10
    lilsis10 Posts: 72 Member
    It is a good idea to not have binge-y foods around and not to buy them in the first place, but it can be hard when they look so good in the store. Try to never go to the store hungry. You'll be more likely to avoid temptation to buy them in the first place.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Atta girl:) Things take time to change and also, some things don't change for whatever reason:) I think you are smart not to worry and focus on a solution and you did it!! Yeehaw!!
    I am the biggest night time snacker ever. I gave up trying to avoid it and began exercising more and now I use my exercise calories at night. Works for me!
  • nm212
    nm212 Posts: 570 Member
    Try Seltzer with your meals! It's calorie free and makes you feel full! I still go crazy sometimes with over-eating, usually at night time after dinner. It's hard to control but exercise is also good. I find when I go to the gym after work, I always snack less and eat healthier/feel more satisfied. It's always a struggle though but does get easier. My problem is I do well for a few days and then I bounce back into the same bad habits. You are not alone.
  • ktaylormusic
    ktaylormusic Posts: 151 Member
    Practice just PAUSING before you eat. At first, give yourself permission to eat whatever anyway, not trying to stop the binge. Just practice pausing for one minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, even 10 seconds, becoming aware of your body and your feelings, and then go ahead, eat whatever. This is REALLY hard, because the bingeing is part of wanting to turn off awareness, wanting to escape the present stresses. It is easier to learn to do if at first you know that you're going to "get to eat" after the pause. And be really kind to yourself in this phase.
    After you get good at that... with weeks or months of practice, you can move on to step two, pausing and becoming aware of what you're really hungry for, and feeding that. visit and read the online free sections of the book. I found it life-changing even if you don't take on the whole approach (I'm not quite brave enough yet.) I don't binge anymore and it used to be a nightly problem.

    Another tactic I've tried in the past is in the distraction category -- I'd have this rule that if I wanted to binge, that was okay, but I had to always do x first, whether it was walk around the block, play a song, call someone. It worked okay, though the trouble with trying to impose rules to change things is that we already know all the rules, and the binge is about escaping them. The process was harder and required a lot more patience and forgiveness with myself, but the results are ongoing.
  • candacet36
    candacet36 Posts: 353 Member
    I used to have an issue with this but have since been able to over come it. They best advise I can give you is be aware at all times and ask yourself before you take a I hungry or is this just head hunger.
  • ginakiki
    ginakiki Posts: 226 Member
    hello are we talking about but for real...what you have to do is go thru food withdrawal get rid of the bad stuff and eat healthy. Cause your body craves the bad like sugar and salt. And thats one reason why. You need protein, protein keeps u full and it takes your body to break down slower and u burn more calories.
  • tristaj90
    tristaj90 Posts: 330 Member
    I have this problem on weekends. Fruit snacks and string cheese are very much my downfall. I have now vowed to myself just not to buy them, or buy brands I don't eat because I'm very picky.
  • Jlennhikes
    Jlennhikes Posts: 290 Member
    You can change your mindset over time. I used to like large portions, and now I find the feeling of being over full very uncomfortable. Any chance you can walk away and do something physical before you reach for another handful? That would help to break the cycle.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    well giddy up and stop,
    just do it!