A bit of a rant.



  • tjoyjohn
    tjoyjohn Posts: 31 Member
    jealousy... it does a lot to a person.

    She is taking it out on you because you have done what she wants to do but isn't brave enough.

    ETA: You look fabulous by the way.

  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    Damn, that was super *****y :noway: If I were in your shoes, I would try to just let it roll off my back, but I don't know that I would be successful, lol :) You look AWESOME, she has balls to say you must have photoshopped your picture - WOW:noway:
  • MonicaLee92
    MonicaLee92 Posts: 222
    Just try to be the bigger person and let it go. Shes probably jealous of your success and not dealing with it in a good way.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Don't worry about her, you win at life because you're changing what you weren't happy with and she hasn't got there yet. I have a very low tolerance for hypocrisy so if it were me I wouldn't be able to sit around while someone lied to my face and pretended to be nice to me. I'm quite content to call people out on it but if you can stomach it then do whatever you feel is right. In other news: You look FANTASTIC!
  • Hey OP

    I used to know someone like that. He used to try to discourage me when I originally began to talk about enrolling at the university, and would be very passive agressive in his remarks. He wouldn't outright insult me, but he would carry on about how people with an education "think they're better than everyone else" and so on.

    You can imagine how bad he became once I enrolled and actuall stuck with it. Obviously I no longer associate with him, and this was between two guys!

    My point is that there are people in this world who are so insecure and so fragile inside that they can't stand - absolutely can not stand - to see anyone improve and get better than them. They don't have the internal strength that's needed to improve theirself because that requires being honest with theirself. They lash out at people instead and try to keep them down at their level.

    I looked at your avatar photo and your improvement is absolutely obvious! Seriously.

    Unfortunately it looks like you can't entirely break off contact with her since she's in your circule of related people and such. The best that you can do is simply not invite her to events or activities, and / or do your best to minimize drama. The good news is that with her going around talking to people like that, they are going to know what kind of person she is.

    I'm sure that others here have stories about people making remarks that bring them down about their improvements. Improving your life, be it in fitness or otherwise, will show you who your real friends are and who the parasites are.
  • simplyme99
    simplyme99 Posts: 68 Member
    She is just jealous ... let it be. Don't take the bait and keep on keeping on!
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Do something nice for her.
    Like, give her all of your "fat" clothing and explain to her that they are simply too big for you now but, they might fit her.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    First, you look like you have lost way more 45 lbs, so she obviously has no clue what she's talking about. You look great, dont let a few words from some jealous little girl get you down. Haters are motivators!
  • mgoulette
    mgoulette Posts: 3
    Tell her to kiss your grits...seriously! What the heck is wrong with people. She is obviously jealous that you have lost the weight and that people are commenting on it. She's upset that she isn't in the spotlight. Just ignore her. Let her fester in her own jealousy.
  • mgoulette
    mgoulette Posts: 3
    what goes around comes around.
  • jilliew
    jilliew Posts: 255 Member
    I recently put my profile picture of my weight loss on Facebook. I am very proud of how far I have come along and got nothing but encouraging words from all of my friends. My best friend's sister in law saw me a couple of days ago (she is pretty big herself). She told me how skinny I was and that she hated me (kidding of course, or so I thought she was) and that she thought that the picture I put up on Facebook was photoshopped. I told her "My God if I could photoshop" and left. I went back to my friend's house, she was still there. Before I knocked I heard her sister in law say that I hadn't even lost that much weight, that I wasn't even that pretty, that my before picture was so embarassing and that it was awfully tacky that I put a before and after picture up when I wasn't even done loosing weight. My friend told her "well she has lost 45 pounds and I think she looks good":smokin: I left. Of course it made me mad but I am a lady and will not stoop down for anyone. I am not one to care what people think (much) but what is her problem? Why do SOME women have to be so catty with each other? This is my life right? Let me be. It's my friend's birthday monday and I know she will be there. She is a hypocrite and will act like we are the bestest friends in the world. :noway: Do I tell her something? Just leave it alone? What would you do?

    I HATE backstabbers. If you have something to say, say it to my face or keep it to yourself.

    I would have walked in, made it clear that I heard every word she said but I don't care what she thinks. Go to the birthday, have a great time, and don't go out of your way to talk to her. Ever again. You don't need that negativity in your life, especially with friends around that obviously support you. They deserve your attention, not her.
  • Miribg
    Miribg Posts: 149 Member
    Do something nice for her.
    Like, give her all of your "fat" clothing and explain to her that they are simply too big for you now but, they might fit her.

    My God I hadn't thought of that. I will offer her my fat clothes!!! SCORE! :devil:
  • Miribg
    Miribg Posts: 149 Member
    Thank you all. I was just bothered a bit because I am not like that. I like to be a good friend and associate with positive people. Never really had to deal with a backstabber in my group of friends. It was bound to happen. :laugh:
  • Miribg
    Miribg Posts: 149 Member
    I would hand her my piece of cake and say something like "I love my body too much to eat this, but obviously don't care, so here, have mine." :drinker: :laugh:

    I will cut the cake (my friend always asks me to do it at any party she has) and hand her the biggest slice ever and tell her she can eat mine AND hers because I quit cake....lol
  • Do something nice for her.
    Like, give her all of your "fat" clothing and explain to her that they are simply too big for you now but, they might fit her.

    My God I hadn't thought of that. I will offer her my fat clothes!!! SCORE! :devil:

    Oh, that's beautiful. XD
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    Dont own her negativity. Keep the positive and lose the negative along with the weight you are losing.
    IMO I think you look great and have done an awesome job so far..
    You look great!
  • FitCurves444
    FitCurves444 Posts: 169 Member
    Congratulations! Your weight loss has made someone else jealous.... that means that you are doing AWESOME! Get used to it. Not everyone will be happy for you or supportive.... take it from someone who knows.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    Don't let the haters get you down. Jealousy is an ugly thing. Your progress is amazing and a total inspiration. I myself am still over 200 pounds so to see someone make progress like you is beyond motivating. I love seeing that it CAN be done.
  • BenChase
    BenChase Posts: 169
    i didn't read all the pages of this (stopped after page one) but i would say the best thing you could do is act like you never heard any of that conversation and tell her (when no one else is around, and of course make sure to look around like you are making sure no one else is around and going to hear you) "you know, if you ever want some help losing weight yourself i would love to share how i did it with you,just let me know." this goes best with no sly smile or any laugh or anything, just a serious and meaningful "i really care that you are unhealthily overweight" look. this will at least piss her off, and she won't think you are doing it for any reason other than one friend trying to help another :D
  • BenChase
    BenChase Posts: 169
    oooops. forgot to add you do look amazing and you can tell a change from one pic to the next, just like everyone else is saying ;)