Can you spare 60 seconds at NOON today?



  • nannabannana
    nannabannana Posts: 787
    Thank you to all who prayed and their thoughts of these people and this tragedy. In fact, this just motivates me even more to pray every day at at whatever time zone. Yes, I have prayed for the shooter and in my humble opinion COLORADO residents are the ones who have rallied around their people during their most difficult times. If all of the world would just take a look at the KINDNESS or lack thereof in our lives we would all be better examples for our children and children. GOD BLESS AMERICA.
    I try to live like I was dying each day of my life and the very act of kindness is fast becoming a thing of the past. Thank you RACHEL and all the people from Columbine , as well as ALL of the world for your prayers.
  • Prayers to all famileis involved in the tragedy.
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 885 Member
    Since I heard this on the news, I have been asking the powers that be to bring comfort to the families involved, to the parents of this young man, to the young man himself. We do not know what pushed him into doing this act. I truly believe as human beings WE all need to change our attitudes So many of us get caught up in our own lives we tend to forget about what any one else might be going through. Pay it Forward is a great idea and could work, only if we do it everyday in a conscious effort. As for me, I admit, some days I forget to be kind, But there have been plenty of days when I have seen someone in the bathroom, on the street, where ever, crying and I have asked them if they needed a hug. If they say yes, I am not afraid to hug them, I just do it. Hugs are free and can be so healing so let's all remember to give those hugs or at least words of encouragement and take time to really listen if someone is trying to talk to us. Who knows, this young man might of tried to talk to someone and tell them what he was planning, but they did not LISTEN! Ok that said, I am done here. I know I probably made some of you mad, but that is ok. We all are free to feel our feelings. Peace to us all and comfort in times of need.
  • danabromley
    danabromley Posts: 87 Member
    I''m a little late seeing this, but my prayers are sent now.
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
    I just saw this post now, I send my prayers, .... I realize this young man is mentally ill and I pray for him and his family too. So Sad!
  • flowerpower263
    flowerpower263 Posts: 28 Member
    i am so sorry i missed noon, have been at work all day. I will hold PETRA in my prayers and ask God to watch over her.