Swelling in Extremities



  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    Based on what you have there I would say it's Sodium as well.
    But there are certain vessel and heart related issues that cause extremity swelling...
    "pedal edema"(google it)... But it's usually so severe she would struggle to walk.
    If she has been to the Dr... and they found nothing... I would cut out the crappy foods..
    Anything not made from scratch at home is going to have obscene amounts of sodium.
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    If you don't trust her Doctor then get a second opinion from another Doctor.
  • Kathy53925
    Kathy53925 Posts: 241 Member
    I agree that her diet is horrible and salty! Water with lemon in it is supposed to be a natural diuretic. Maybe she can try that as well.
  • gwmedicgod
    gwmedicgod Posts: 180 Member
    I agree and this is speaking from not only professional but also Personal experience... Sodium is her main issue in her diet but also... there is a medical condition called "Lymphidemia" in which the Lymphatic fluid (the plasma part of the blood) is not pushed out of the tissue and pools in the lower legs... Diuretics will help but won't solve the problem... only treatment is what is called "3 stadge Compression Wraps" that helps push the fluid back into the blood stream and the dirueetics can work... then she can be fitted for custom compression stockings/soaks... to keep the fluid from pooling as she sits.... Also exercising to regain and improve her muscle tone will def. help also... The first 15 - 20 lbs of my weight loss before I joined MFP was during that treatment... (gives you an Idea of how much extra fluid I was carrying at the time...)
  • illosewieght
    illosewieght Posts: 1 Member
    I am assuming the doc did blood work on her to check her potassium-I bet it is a mess. Have her do this one thing -after learning what a healthy diet is- have her sleep with her legs propped up on about 4 pillows and see if her legs and ankles are "deflated" first thing in the morning. If so, she may have something called lymphedema, with out any known cause. It starts in the feet- and can go up to the waist on a really bad day and it goes down with the leg elevation and begins all over again every day. The diet- should be almost sodium limited with the addition of foods that have potassium in -fruits esp bananas. She needs to get up often on her job as the mere presence of the edge of the chair against her legs is a detriment.. And remember low carbs does not mean no carbs. She has chosen alot of habits that are working against her at this point and you may want to guide her to become her own best advocate to address all these issues she is dealing with.
  • choppie70
    choppie70 Posts: 544 Member
    I had a edema when I was having issues with my kidneys. There are some major issues that can cause edema like congestive heart problems, cirrhosis, or issues with the lymphatic system. It can also be caused by too much sodium, and sitting too long in one position.

    Like others have said, her sodium intake is extremely high - there is an awful lot of processed food that she is eating.