Life WITHOUT MyFitnessPal ... Can we do it?



  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    I'm too far into losing my desired weight to want to go to another weight-loss website. Plus, Facebook is really starting to get "stale", and this place is my new "go-to" site. I have a goal in mind, and this site/ app, has really gotten me the focus and determination i have been looking for.
  • mswn02
    mswn02 Posts: 38
    I have read EVERY response to my original post ... and while I don't understand some of the analogies (e.g., a speedometer in a car?), rationales, or why some folks got straight indignant by the mere question ... I appreciate your commentary! Definitely a timely topic! It is highly unlikely that I'll stop using MFP anytime soon, but it is equally unlikely I'll use it "forever". Still, it is helpful and practical. I LOVE MFP and I am grateful for the support!
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    MFP is teaching me to pay attention to portions and such. I've already noticed a personal improvement, and since it will be at least a year till I'm at goal weight I will have plenty more time to get used to eating better. If I feel like I'm losing sight of portion control or regaining at all, I would start back up. But I don't plan on logging every bite for the rest of my life.
  • Theforce31
    Theforce31 Posts: 14 Member
    I agree! Our caloric needs differ from day to day. For so long, my body would go into starvation mode because I workout a great deal; however, I never ate those calories back because I didn't know how much I really needed. I'd lose a bunch of weight and literally gain 10lbs in 2 weeks. I can't believe how much I eat while losing weight. :0)
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    all day long? takes me maybe 5-10 minutes. I'm definitely staying with this site until I get to my goal weight. I've lost 8 lbs in 20 days of being with the site. That's HUGE especially since I have a retarded thyroid.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    I will keep using it to make sure I sustain. Logging really only takes a few minutes a day with the app, and too many studies show people relapsing - I will do what it takes to stay healthy once I I get there.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    MFP for life!!
    Me too... Unfortunately discipline is one of my weak points and believe me, willpower itself doesn't work in the long run. Our bodies are just too smart for that. We just fail to realize it.
  • benita30
    benita30 Posts: 20
    I think while I'm trying to lose weight, Ill still use MFP to log my food, just to make sure that I'm staying within my limits. Its very easy for me to get off track without realising it.

    When I'm maintaining my weight, my life will be less about calorie counting, and I won't need to do it as much I guess.
  • I am only successful when I keep track of what I am eating and how much I am exercising. Coming back and logging every day keeps me focused on my wants and needs; logging a meal has almost become a ritual of awareness that I am making a decision to build a better life and sculpt a healthier me.

    I started out logging my food when I was in middle school, over one Christmas break, with the help of my dad who bought me a book with nutritional information for food. He also got me my first Denise Austin Pilates VHS and a set of 5 lb dumbbells. I did awesome for two weeks and he was so proud of me; looking back now I know that he did not want to see me be like him; in his late 40's, bound to a wheel chair and a dialysis bag, dying of kidney and liver failure because of diabetes. I didn't keep a food log all through high school and even though I thought I was fat and ate a terrible diet, I was very active with fencing and marching band. It was after high school that I started to suffer my weight. MFP is helping me change that. It is so much more convenient to log with the MFP app on my phone when I am not at home than it is to carry around a journal with a reference book and a calculator, or to try to remember what/when I ate when I get home.
  • I've been thinking a lot about this topic. While it is true that myfitnesspal has aided in my successful weight loss of 50 pounds since September 2011, I don't believe long term use of this app is realistic. If I truly want to learn these healthy behaviors and habits on my own, should I expect to always have myfitnesspal around to help me? Eventually, I want to just *know* how to eat, exercise, and live healthy ... and I can honestly say that I'm getting there! I'm NOT on a diet ... I've changed my habits and beliefs about food. By now, it should be a habit, right? And if I were really being honest, I'm bored as heck with logging. Logging, logging, logging is all I do all day long. :laugh:

    Are you planning to use myfitnesspal long term? Do you have plans to eventually wean yourself off? Do you have faith/confidence in yourself to live a healthy life without it?

    I am going to use this website (or perhaps something similar) for life. I've struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember, so no, I don't trust myself. I know how many calories I eat before I log them, I know what to eat, I make good choices, my habits are pretty much broken, but I just need this accountability to stay in control. Also, I'm an accountant so I will never get bored with logging and crunching the numbers LOL
  • I couldn't do life without tequila. Could do life without mf mfp.