Fasting for weight loss vs. anorexia



  • Please don't consider fasting as an option for weight loss because you will mainly lose muscle and not feed your body properly.

    This is not true ^^

    Please learn a little more about how fasting works.
    I spent 6 years in a dietetics program at Arizona State University. The health benefits of fasting are equal to what can be achieved through specialized diet. For example, research shows that IF can be beneficial for cardiac tissue. You can achieve the same effects through cayenne supplements. For all the benefits of fasting, there are safer ways to meet your goals (unless you're doing it medically supervised.)

    But there's nothing unsafe about controlled, educated fasting, so I guess it's just a preference. (and I still don't get why everyone keeps using the term 'intermittent' - of course it's intermittent!)
  • So if someone is fasting (even if just intermittently) just to 'look better,' is that still fasting or is that getting into ED territory?

    I'm not sure why you are still so confused on this topic after four pages of posts from obviously very smart people ...especially since you went to a university for some sort of nutrition or whatever...obviously you should have some knowledge on this topic and the human body...surely psychology should have been a prerequisite too, explaining how mental disorders play a factor in ED's?? I have to question if you are worried that your eating habits are leaning towards an ED which started this forum to begin with?? Just keep asking the same thing over and over. Google it if you still "don't get it" in my opinion.

    ^^Agree with this^^

    Saying things like "just to look better" is imprecise and unhelpful, and tries to diminish why people fast. Fasting, when done correctly, is a safe and healthy way to lose fat. Does this also lead to looking better? Probably. But that's the standard side benefit of any dieting and exercise plan.
  • sabusby
    sabusby Posts: 78 Member
    So if someone is fasting (even if just intermittently) just to 'look better,' is that still fasting or is that getting into ED territory?

    I'm not sure why you are still so confused on this topic after four pages of posts from obviously very smart people ...especially since you went to a university for some sort of nutrition or whatever...obviously you should have some knowledge on this topic and the human body...surely psychology should have been a prerequisite too, explaining how mental disorders play a factor in ED's?? I have to question if you are worried that your eating habits are leaning towards an ED which started this forum to begin with?? Just keep asking the same thing over and over. Google it if you still "don't get it" in my opinion.

    ^^Agree with this^^

    Saying things like "just to look better" is imprecise and unhelpful, and tries to diminish why people fast. Fasting, when done correctly, is a safe and healthy way to lose fat. Does this also lead to looking better? Probably. But that's the standard side benefit of any dieting and exercise plan.

    No need to get hostile. Nowhere did I mention ANY concern over my eating habits. Many people ATTACKED my knowledge of ED or expressed concern over my 'habits' when a proper reading of my postings would clearly show that I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE ARE FASTING.

    Very easily put, I understand ED. I'm gathering OPINIONS on how people feel some fasting is ED and some is not and where the line is drawn.

    Sheesh. Relax.
  • Rach_Gem_n_Disguise
    Rach_Gem_n_Disguise Posts: 140 Member
    So if someone is fasting (even if just intermittently) just to 'look better,' is that still fasting or is that getting into ED territory?

    I'm not sure why you are still so confused on this topic after four pages of posts from obviously very smart people ...especially since you went to a university for some sort of nutrition or whatever...obviously you should have some knowledge on this topic and the human body...surely psychology should have been a prerequisite too, explaining how mental disorders play a factor in ED's?? I have to question if you are worried that your eating habits are leaning towards an ED which started this forum to begin with?? Just keep asking the same thing over and over. Google it if you still "don't get it" in my opinion.

    ^^Agree with this^^

    Saying things like "just to look better" is imprecise and unhelpful, and tries to diminish why people fast. Fasting, when done correctly, is a safe and healthy way to lose fat. Does this also lead to looking better? Probably. But that's the standard side benefit of any dieting and exercise plan.

    No need to get hostile. Nowhere did I mention ANY concern over my eating habits. Many people ATTACKED my knowledge of ED or expressed concern over my 'habits' when a proper reading of my postings would clearly show that I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE ARE FASTING.

    Very easily put, I understand ED. I'm gathering OPINIONS on how people feel some fasting is ED and some is not and where the line is drawn.

    Sheesh. Relax.

    Not hostile by any means....just stating facts. I can't imagine someone who is 9 years recovering from an ED would not be able to understand this. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less. Sorry to offend. I just wasn't getting what you weren't getting.
  • sabusby
    sabusby Posts: 78 Member
    I don't understand why people would fast. To me, it seems dangerously close to ED.

    -I misunderstood your tone, my apologies.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    OP, it seems somewhat disordered to me too, even though I know it can be done in a healthy way. It just depends on the mindset of the individual. Some people are most susceptible to developing EDs than others. I know a guy who used to struggle with binge eating disorder, now he does fasting where he will regularly go 24 hours without eating. I don't think someone with that sort of history is someone who should be fasting for weight loss. My SO does intermittent fasting but he definitely doesn't have an ED, he's just trying it out to see if it "works" for him. He is taking in enough calories and never restricts what he eats otherwise, so I'm not concerned. I definitely think some people could use it as an excuse to mask a true disorder though.
  • Humans are built to think anything they personally don't get is strange and perhaps dangerous. Personally, I think long distance runners have a disorder.
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    I thought fasting was usually for religious purposes.
  • Rach_Gem_n_Disguise
    Rach_Gem_n_Disguise Posts: 140 Member
    I don't understand why people would fast. To me, it seems dangerously close to ED.

    -I misunderstood your tone, my apologies.

    No biggie. I understand that confusion. I have MFP friends who say they are in recovery and then mention doing a fast. To me these people aren't in recovery....they are still using ED behavior habits but hiding it with the word "fast."

    True peole who fast will sometimes fast one thing like chocolate or pop, full meals. Those that fast full meals are usually the ones that do it for religious reasons and use that meal time for prayer. It is a thin line. I don't think people who have ever had an ED should ever fast where food is concerned because it could lead them back in that direction.
  • ediths6
    ediths6 Posts: 72
    Forgive my ignorance, but I fail to see the difference.

    For someone with an ED (in year 9 of recovery) I'm not sure what the difference is. Aren't you both doing it to lose weight? Is anorexia just fasting taken too far?


    if you had an ED for nine years your converrsatons with your doctor should have been able to answer this question

    - An eating disorder (in this case anorexia) is a MENTAL ILLNESS (it is the mental illness with the HIGHEST rate of death.) It has a range of DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA because it is an illness. These are mental AS WELL AS physical criteria that would indicate an eating disorder and result in a diagnosis. people suffering from EDs are no longer making a choice in their eating patterns as they are in the midst of a mental illness that takes away theyre perspective- most often it is an expression of an anxiety disorder.

    - a fast is obstaining from food for a given amount of time.

    really quite different..
  • ediths6
    ediths6 Posts: 72
    dont mean to sound agressive but these kinds of discussions are very upsetting... spend some time in a youth mental facility or talk to someone who is very ill with one of these illnesses... they are NOT diets gone too far

    though diets going too far can obviously be damaging.
  • filomenae
    filomenae Posts: 110 Member
    As someone also in recovery from my ED, I see a huge difference. I didn't choose my eating disorder--it was how I learned to cope with my extreme emotions. It was partially to lose weight, but not for vanity. I was trying to lose weight to disappear, a slow suicide of sorts. I've been dealing with my ED for more than half my life; it's taken so much from me. Fasting for weight loss.. I guess people doing that and not feeling as though they have to (with anorexia, that's how I feet), but want to, are simply ill-educated and looking for the quick-fix, while I was doing it to kill myself. The psychological turmoil of an ED vs. quick weight loss and ignorance, goodness, I could go on forever.. I don't wish the torture in my mind on anyone else.

    Sorry for getting a little personal and deep, but I think there's a huge difference! I guess it depends on the type of eating disorder, severity, causes, etc,.

    **SIDE NOTE: IF is different from water fasting, and my argument/opinion is eating disorder vs. hazardous fasting (water fasting, etc).
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I would say anorexia was continuing to diet for weight loss when you are already underweight.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Humans are built to think anything they personally don't get is strange and perhaps dangerous. Personally, I think long distance runners have a disorder.

    I think people who lift heavy lumps of metal for fun are mentally unhinged.
  • in some ways yes.. but when it comes to the end of it no, because you must rember some anarexics (Most) want to get better and start eating normally.. but because it is a mental illness they cant eat their afraid of eatting! cause to the every single calorie is extra fat
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Most are doing intermittent fasting for the health benefits and weight loss. Read Brad Pilon. Intermittent fasting is a good way to control weekly calorie amount for maintenance. It's not an ED but it can be for those that are prone to ED and take it to extremes. I have never done a 16 or 24 hour fast and felt starved. If I planned a 24hr fast and someone invited me to lunch or something I will cut down the length of fast to accommodate.

    "Using Intermittent Fasting in Your Lifestyle
    In reality, IF can be applied in many different ways (as most of us are not going to want to fast that often). Using intermittent times of no food intake along with reduced calories on those days can give people many of the health/weight loss benefits without needing to give up food for a whole day. It also allows more flexibility into how it can be used depending on the person’s goals, activity levels, food choices and schedule. I mean who wouldn’t want to eat in a way that could potentially give you:

    Reduced blood glucose and insulin levels (markers of improved health)
    Increased fatty acid oxidation
    Maintenance of lean mass (muscle)
    Reduced inflammation
    Reduced oxidative damage
    Increased cellular stress resistance (esp of heart and brain)
    Decreased risks associated with degenerative diseases of aging (cancers, heart diseases, diabetes, Alzheimers)"
  • papate
    papate Posts: 67 Member
    So if someone were on low calories diet and called it fasting, the negative stigma of anorexia wouldn't be there?
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    So if someone were on low calories diet and called it fasting, the negative stigma of anorexia wouldn't be there?

    That would depend on their starting weight and mental state.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    So if someone were on low calories diet and called it fasting, the negative stigma of anorexia wouldn't be there?
    Intermittent fasting is not missing a meal here and there, constantly trying to stay as low calorie as possible. It's about extending a fast for about 16-24 hrs 1 or 2 times per week to reap the health benefits.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    So if someone were on low calories diet and called it fasting, the negative stigma of anorexia wouldn't be there?
    Intermittent fasting is not missing a meal here and there, constantly trying to stay as low calorie as possible. It's about extending a fast for about 16-24 hrs 1 or 2 times per week to reap the health benefits.

    actually intermittent fasting can be fasting 16-20 hours a day every day of the week